News Mar 30, 2014 at 8:30 am


"We can't end racism with humor" and "I don't expect you to understand anything I say!"

Figures Anzel Herz would like this "writer" who thinks satire is not satire. The bubble of self-contained, narcissistic liberalism right there: you can only tell jokes about things that don't matter, and I have no obligation to make any sense.

Incredibly weird that people worry more about whether one tweet is racist than fact residents of DC and puerto Rico, largely people of color, lack equal voting rights
By law. And Suey Park and Colbert et al. Can vote for officials who make laws ruling over DC and Puerto Rico folks.
"Leaked IPCC report" sounds odd. The report in an almost final version has been online for awhile now. The executive summary was finalized in a weeklong marathon diplomatic session in Helsinki last year, I believe. Please don't feed the fire of conspiracy theorists -- the IPCC process is a very open one.
Wow. What a prick.
In fact, worrying about one team name seems weird when all Americans deny representation to DC residents. The people wearing redskins hats can't tucking vote for senator, and we are worried more about changing the football team name on their hats e than the denial of their rights to vote?
Major stone throwing in glass house error, America.
Suey Park came across as an ignorant blow hard. Repeating "expend the labor necessary" like it was some amazingly clever way of saying her thoughts are so erudite and absolute on this matter was the final nail in the coffin for me.

Also, stating you understand satire by declaring yourself a "writer" is a joke, right? I googled "what has suey park written" hoping for an author biography or directory of freelance pieces she's come up with... nothing. Just her smarmy knee-jerk reaction tweets with click-bait hashtags. If literacy and the ability to deliver 140 character one liners is the new bar for "writer" now I'm changing my resume.
Oh. So now "activist" Suey Park was kidding when she wanted to put dozens of people out of work? She keeps changing her story.

It's sad enough that people consider her 120 character fly-by fame-whoring "activism," but it's really sad that a few loud people who don't have any understanding of satire can rally angry morons into circular firing squads around REAL activists like Colbert.

Suey and Ansel -- if your humor, art, music, ect always have be the perfect reflections of your world view? Then what you want isn't comedy or art or music. What you want is propaganda.

Thankfully Suey Park's 15 seconds of fame is just about over. The white male in me is programmed to find her annoying.
as a white man who can't possibly appreciate the plight of an asian american woman, I decline to give Suey any more of my thoughts.
still incredible that people, people who don't spend one second worrying about our denial of voting rights to DD and Puerto rico residents, a fundamental legal inequality, denial of voting rights, de jure discrmination, imposition of colonial like second class status on millions of people we subject to our laws, people with no rights to representation in our national legislative bodies, are STILL more worred about finding fault, crying racism in, or otherwise chatting about (a) the name of a pro sports team, (b) whether the Colbert satirical reaction to it crossed various lines, (c) whether the interviewer was a prick or (d) whether this activist Suey Park was crossing the line.

Gee, it's as if Americans just don't want to acknowledge that we are suppressing millions of people and denying their rights -- we care far, far more about showing ourselves to be the top dog in catching racism by others, prickishness by others, whose comments are worse, etc. As if we just don't give a crap that about six million people of color are by our laws denied fundamental voting rights and legal equality me, you chifjoe, Charlie mas, chilcthulu whoever, Stephen Colbert and Suey Park. to me it looks like all Americans need to stop worrying about comments that are racism and get back to worrying about taxation without representation, laws making without representation, budget making without representation, and war declaring without representation. Good God America you go off on internet tirades for and against people based on stupid fucking hashtags and don't give a crap about the fact that right now, today, yesterday and for the foreseeable future you're ruling over millions of people of color to whom you deny equal voting rights! all of y'all are a bit entitled and I mean that literally: you are entitled to vote for the folks making laws for DC and Puerto rico residents, your colonial subjects, and they, are not! and you don't give a crap! you'd rather spend your time talking about whether satire against racism crossed the line! Suey Park is one of the people who gets to rule over DC and Puerto Rico btw, I'd say in a sense she's just as overly entitled and ignorant of it as most other Americans when it comes to denying equal rights to our subjects living in Dc and Puerto Rico. They're treated like felons -- "no voting rights for you, jack!" -- based on where they live. And funny thing, NOT ONE entity in which we make laws but deny voting rights is WHITE -- this just happens COINCIDENTALLY to places we acquire that are largely nonwhite.. There, have I expended the labor necessary to splain it to White Black Asian Latino Native American and Mixed Race-Entitled America That Denies Voting Rights To DC and Puerto Rico residents And Makes Them Second Class Citizens?
Ansel writes like someone who has actually spent time with people of color, and even talked with some of them.
Unregistered comments in brief: you're a hypocrite for caring about anything that isn't statehood for DC and Puerto Rico. It is impossible to care about two things, and DC and Puerto Rico are currently the biggest problem in the world. Fuck Guam and the US Virgin Islands, though.
I was wondering who Park is and came across that profile last night. I don't know that Park is necessarily a rising activist star--like one of the activists interviewed says, maybe she should pick her battles. And if she is being supported by Michelle Malkin, then it's probably a good idea to reconsider her approach, unless she's a Malkin wannabe.

But that profile does give some important context to what she's doing, even though much of it will be ignored as she gets bashed.
Re Republican alteration of voting systems in swing states, they don't want to make the potential theft of the 2016 Presidency for Jeb as obvious as it was in 2004 for W.

Well, you've shown in the past that you don't necessarily think. But to be fair, I'm also putting this together with his accounts of his time in Haiti. I don't know what this means in terms of who he is, that is, whether he's white or not, but I don't think I remember seeing him try to "whitesplain" anything here.
In the fields of UFW's birth, farmworkers see Cesar Chavez film
...This week, to get hundreds of people to a film screening in the middle of grape fields on short notice, organizers used the same tactics that Chavez once employed to transform this isolated spot into the center of a social movement...
@12: Washington D.C. has not had voting rights (beyond Presidential races) since its creation and subsequent split from Maryland in 1790 ( It has only been home to a majority non-white population since 1960 (

Kindly STFU.
@14 and @20:

wow, angry much? look, you can't deny it -- you and other American are entitled to vote for the senators and representatives who makes laws over Dc and Puerto rico, and as @14 notes, other places, which include American samoa, VI, guam, etc. in total it's like about 6.5 million people who lack fundamental voting rights. and who's doing the oppressing here? why, you are! and I don't see you doing much a bout it. nope, every week on slog I see many comments about racist this and that, comments mainly, like Colbert's or park's. I don't see any real concern bout unequal voting rights for DC and Puerto rico and other residents. 14 and 20, I doubt you've ever done anything or raised any voice about this issue, caught up in your own entitlement and eagerness to catch others making racist comments and whatnot. how pure you are. then I show up and your reaction? typical angry defensiveness. wow. and distractions like "you left out guam dude"! thank you kind sir, yes, guam folks also deserve representation. or, quibbling that it's ONLY BEEN 53 YEARS that DC is majority non white. thank you kind sir, so my charge this is also racist is only good for the last 53 years! wow, I stand corrected. this means my charge that it's an unequal denial of voting rights and imposition of second class citizenship is valid for what, two centuries? about that long? how does that make it better, than you americans have denied these citizens the right of representation and have not fixed it for like two centuries? fucking glass housed stone throwers. besides, the presidential thing for DC did NOT happen in 1790. it was like 1964 or thereabouts. bottom line, my bottom line, stands unrebutted:
you all, the Americans with full voting rights, inclusing Ansel and 14 and 20 and Park and Colbert are rather hypocritical or selective in your outrage, worrying about tweets that cross the line, might be racist, or team names and what not because you are continuing to maintain a system in which about 6.5 million people largely people of color LACK THE RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION AND ARE YOUR COLONIAL FUCKING SUBJECTS.

after I read about 10,000 slog comments on how bad that is, I will be satisfied that the majority of folks making comments about racist comments or team names or whatnot aren't doing so mainly to gratify their own ego and prove they're super liberal and holier than the rest of us. till then, don't get angry at me. DO SOMETHING about our ongoing racist denial of voting rights to some 6.5 million people. and please just STFU with the quibbling about majority nonwhite in 1960, or you left out guam, or the other distractions. you're ruling over people who lack voting rights. go write a letter to your senator or make the Democrats actually talk about this some time in the next few centuries. you worry about is there racism in Yakima city council, that's GREAT, certainly there is, we need to end that, but what about the fact that allresidents of Yakima get to vote for people making laws over 6.5 million people in Puerto rico dc et al. isn't that a tad more IMPORTANT violation of rights? a bit more important RACIST institution than say, at large in Yakima, or a football team name? jesus, it's so hard to get people to just fess up and admit it when they're caught being overly entitled, isn't it?
OMFG what are YOU doing about it, Unregistered Commenter?

Gotta run though, busy day of oppressing minorities ahead of me.
You missed the massive election fraud in the Turkey election "results"

And #ECCC of course
That woman is among the highest caliber of truly fucking idiotic social justice warriors. She went nuclear on Colbert's anti-racist skit and demanded his head. It is not a surprise she is being defended by Michelle "I support Japanese internment camps" Malkin. Both are opportunists and will pounce on anything that puts them in the spotlight.
"That woman is among the highest caliber of truly fucking idiotic social justice warriors."

It's a busy field.
So to recap: it is offensive for him to disrespect her based on the class she belongs to. (She offers no evidence that he did this, and a white guy saying the same thing on a talk show would get "talked over" too.) But it is also offensive for him to disrespect her based on the content of her speech ("stupid").

Meanwhile, it is not offensive for her to disrespect him based solely and openly on the class he belongs to.

Somebody better tell Mark Twain that we're not going to stop racism using humor so he can knock that shit off.
here's what I am doing about it. I have raised this issue on the internet -- it's like the old fashioned broadside publications of 1776 -- a place to protest -- have done so repeatedly -- often dealing with angry people like you who refuse to recognize the injustice, and who do nothing, zero, nada zip nothing.
When I lived in DC I voted for the nonvoting rep who's fucking talking about it all the time.
And like others, I deal with others issues, too, of course.
there. I have "done something." You have not -- except to get mad at me for making a few very legit points:
1. why do folks across America including liberals spend more time throwing stones at a redskins name than actually giving a crap about the fact DC residents lack voting rights?
2. why do folks across slog readership spend more time worrying, fretting about, catching and playing gotcha! with racist COMMENTS here and there -- Colbert, or maybe park is the prick, or didn't bill Clinton say this or that about Obama OMG! -- instead of worrying about the ongoing denial of voting rights and legal equality to folks in dc Puerto rico guam samoa VI etc. -- it's like 6.5 million people who are second class citizens by law! by your laws! that you do NOTHING about -- not even talk on the internet!
3. QED one must conclude all this racist gotcha card playing is a fucking game for the egoistic pleasure of the people pointing out OTHER PEOPLE'S WRONGDOING when they're fucking blind to the fact that THEY ARE DOING WRONG, TODAY, IN OPPRESSING PEOPLE, INCLUDING MANY PEOPLE OF COLOR, BY LAW.

it's a simple issue, no? do people have the right to vote for those making law over them, or do you, sir, get the right to make laws over them and they don't. until you at 23 and 14 etc. actually do something about the 6.5 million people who you are just fine about denying equal rights to -- an oppression that I do claim is based largely on race -- I doubt that if we had found 50,000 britishers on fucking American samoa, we'd be denying them voting rights -- STFU about fucking trivial tweets from trivial people who if racist cause only the merest harm imaginable. you all are maintaining a system that denies rights and do nothing about it. you have no moral ground to stand on. just admit you're wrong, say you're for full equal voting rights for all these people for starters -- then you can get back to calling out park for her racism or Colbert for his and go back to the fun game of playing gotacha and laying down those racism cards. it's a simple thing. go ahead -- do the right thing.

you get to vote for folks setting the fucking minimum wage in American samoa -- they don't get a vote!~! stop being colonizers who preach about racism, okay?
As an Asian American male I find Susy Park to be kind of annoying and missing the point.

@ 13 Please don't lump people of color into one group.
Hashtag activism - the world shakes. Seriously, tā€™s beyond fucking ridiculous.

BTW didnā€™t Macklemore already hashtag guilty, liberal white Americaā€™s apology?
@30, her nom de net is Suey Park, as in "chop suey," which may or may not be a racist/dismissive American knock-off of Chinese cuisine.

Also, she's Korean. And a twit.

So, so complicated.
Nothing says 'privilege' more than a dolled up, spoiled little college kid who thinks tweeting for her dorm room will change the world. Try getting off your ass and actually organize Miss Park.
'Suey' ?? !!

..must be another of the satirical characters written for the Colbert universe. Look closely - I think I can see it's really Amy Sedaris in heavy makeup. Brilliant.

Ansel - didn't you criticize Park's opportunistic, derailing campaign in yesterday's morning news? The interviewer in that clip is pretty condescending (most HuffPost TV personalities are bad at their jobs), but the most offensive thing in that clip is her claiming that humor is not an effective tool for social change. If white men must silence their opinions on all racial/gender issues, maybe people who don't believe in the social importance of humor should silence their opinions on all comedy.
@35: Exactly. The issue with #CancelColbert isn't the actual cancelling of his show, but making people fear using humor to criticize racism and to prevent 'white men' from discussing racism. It is a type of policing against methods instead of content. It is about as intelligent as zero-tolerance policies are in schools. But instead of suspending the kid who made a pastry shaped gun, they are screaming at Colbert.

#CancelColbert is dangerous due to chilled speech, and people like Suey Park need to be countered for that fact. She is not an intelligent person (and she is a racist as well) and all that she is going to accomplish is to scare people away from talking about racism.
So by "shutting down" the host, you mean she went into a schizophrenic rant and refused to answer questions on the grounds that it's "oppressive" to her?

Social justice warriors are such fucking children. The sooner you guys distance yourselves from these neurotic attention whores the better. They're the left's version of the Tea Party.
I'm pretty sure "white privilege" is the new N-word.
WTF is all this boo-boo baby "I'm a man and she offends me / she is trying to chill free speech" crap? It's verging on some weird racist intersection of Men's Rights garbage.

Why are we even focusing on her clearly hyperbolic hashtag rather than Comedy Central's ineffective PR management? Some response so simple as "Hey, that tweet looks really bad taken out of context, we're not always on top of our job, sorry," would be nice. Instead it's turned into an indictment of 'dour, humorless Asians' who somehow have a fraught relationship to mass culture after being the butt of the joke over and over again.
@39: Nice strawman. I give it a 5.5/10.
Are we living in some revisionist fantasyland where talking about race is anything but messy? Or where social justice activists are pleasant, perfectly stable people? Suey Park is the Twitter queen of hyperbolic pushback and gives crazy interviews, this is clearly known. But if you think it's happening in a vacuum or is part of some"speech-chilling" conspiracy among minorities who should be happy with what they get, then I guess you live in the aforementioned fantasyland.
@42: Hey, you did better that time! 6.5/10. Keep trying!

I'm pretty sure no one gives much of a shit about your insightful comment.
She is like a parody of the stupid white privilege movement.
@39 and @42 You make good comments, but I have to respectfully disagree on a few points.

1) I agree with you that it's not some nefarious conspiracy. But when you repeatedly attack prominent allies (Colbert, Dan Savage, etc.) using hyperbolic language, a chilling effect is a real if unintended risk.

2) Both Colbert himself and the show's account DID put the quote in context. Park and her friends believe that it is reprehensible even in context. They are entitled to not like the joke...but demanding a public apology from a satirical TV program is not productive discourse.

3) Colbert and Comedy Central shouldn't apologize unless something like 80% of America is virulently offended. Why? Because then they open the door to apologizing to every complaint from everybody on the Left, Right, and in between.

4) Basically I think it's fine for SJWs to critique stuff, but when they want to turn everything into an "Us vs. Them" crusade on well-meaning folks who mostly agree with their politics's not about progress anymore. It's just about their media profile.

Final point before I shut up about this forever: "White Privilege" is a super-useful concept when it means "Hey, remember how much harder some people have it than you do in a lot of ways." or "Hey, remember there are valid perspectives on things other than your own." It is NOT useful at all when it means "White men must not share their opinion ever" or "White men must always agree with whichever POC happens to be in the room with them at the time."
"Hey, remember how much harder some people have it than you do in a lot of ways."

Tell that to the people in Oso.
"Republicans Will Stop At Nothing: To stave off their decline, including fundamentally altering voting systems in swing states."

I guess reining in The Crazy would take too much effort...
I made a comment the other day about Slog's MOST COMMENTED ON SLOG. Paul Constant's article about young people going to movies had more comments than the Mudede article about Oso. Now I look, and the Constant article has been removed, but it still has more comments than Mudede. This feels dishonest. What do you think Christopher Frizelle?
@50 Those things have life cycles. Otherwise the Lindy West/Dan Savage fat argument would still be at the top of the list.
we can leave it at that, though adding some meat to your vegan-style reproach might make it convincing.
When I see two idiots arguing (as in the video), I hope they both get really angry, and have heart attacks.
and life goes on. people comment on park, on who's the biggest idiot in the video, etc., and no on gives one crap, really, bout the fact that every commenter here (assuming they are voters) has power over people in DC and Puerto rico guam samoa et al. who lack equal rights; and the Americans including ardent liberals insisting upon "no racism in any comments by anyone ever!" simply are content to maintain their own system of second class citizenship for folks in those places -- well, call it subjecthood, it's not really citizenship is it. Because people mainly care about themselves and use these racist gotcha moments to feel good about themselves. then if you raise points like this -- that the real, legal, and significant ongoing deprivation of rights to 6.5 million plus largely people of color is a bit more impt. than a few comments here or there -- you get a few angry defensive responses.

so no one wants to recognize their own privilege, nor do jack a bout other people who "aren't like us." even people of color in America barely want to do anything about the people of color with second class rights -- certainly park doesn't give a crap, she HAS a right to vote to elect the folks setting the laws over DC and Puerto rico.

wow. sure if fun throwing stones isn't it, because in reality your glass house doesn't get hit, does it. no one really cares about equality, or human rights, or discrimination, unless it's a bout THEM and those they strongly identify with. this is why park doesn't care if she slurs all whites in saying what white liberals think. conclusion: most folks are using racism to feel good about themselves or simply push for their own group's advantage and status even victim status's kind of sad, really.
@54 so to summarize your position:

"People aren't interested in what I'm interested in ...... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!"

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