
"The most ferocious and energetic life-lip-synch in the herstory of the thing"? Seriously?? I thought Vivacious looked slow, awkward, and out of shape. I really expected more from her--she's 40-ish, not 70--but she just looked old and tired. There wasn't a doubt in my mind after that number, who was going home. Not that it broke my heart.
I thought we agreed on #TemeDeLaCreme for rhyming purposes.
Bianca just seems mean to me. She's funny, but damn she comes off as angry as hell underneath it all. Like if Roxy Andrews had a sense of humor and was funny, she'd be Bianca.
I don't get people who don't get Bianca. I find her absolutely delightful and hilarious and believe her to be the real deal and a good person all the way through. But then I've been stalking her videos and articles all over the web and nothing has proved me wrong yet. When she told Magnolia that she couldn't be a "cold bitch" in real life, she wasn't kidding. It's an act, kids, a schtick. LOVE HER.
@4 is right! Bianca may be an acquired taste, but so are all the best things in life! She's NYC to the core! Biting, unafraid, willing to tell it like it is and always with a joke and a smile. All y'all Kumbya queens better recognize its a queen eat queen world out there and you better lead, follow or get outta the way, mmm'kay?
Say what ya'll will, it's still too early this year to call conclusively.
I'm seeing Ben and Courtney for top 2.
@4, 5 - Agreed. Bianca is one of my favorites, after Ben de la Creme, of course.
Dude, anyone ever tell you that you are un-necessarily cunty? You know SQUAT about Bianca & seem to not be remotely interested in knowing anything about the person you are trashing. You mentioned your boyfriend met her and said she was just wonderful....leads me to think you must be white lightening hot shit in bed because your attitude stinks like Magnolia Crawford's makeup job.
Dude, anyone ever tell you that you are un-necessarily cunty? You know SQUAT about Bianca & seem to not be remotely interested in knowing anything about the person you are trashing (i.e. It's a character she's doing, dumbass). You mentioned your boyfriend met her and said she was just wonderful....leads me to think you must be white lightening hot shit in bed because your attitude stinks like Magnolia Crawford's makeup job.
Calm down, babe. If we can't pass judgement on reality stars based on their five minutes of screen time per week, I don't want to be part of your revolution. Me, I love Bianca. But picking favorites to root for AND against, totally unfairly on the basis of heavily edited footage, is what reality TV is all about!

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