
The real question is how many of the big check writers are signing checks to Christie right now. This is the time that anyone thinking of running is trying to get seed money for next year and 2016.

Until they know how the donors will react no one is going to have a clue how to respond to this.
@1 - Christie's donors are just too manly for you to handle, and you sound kinda gay just for asking about them.
Brit Hume is quite a man's man. Either it takes one to admire the muscularity of Christie or Hume is engaging in conservative irony like No Child Left Behind or the Clean Air Act.
Brit Hume also thought that Tiger Woods would find forgiveness more easily if he converted to Christianity. We can safely ignore anything that moron says.
in other words, christie is the kind of asshole we don't want in charge other anything any more, ever again.
Wonder if Hume ever considered the possibility that the reason Christie's remarks make him look like "a sexist or thuggish or whatever" is because perhaps he IS a sexist and a thug?
Jesus, it sounds like he wants to fuck him.
Didn't he throw his female aide under the tractor to avoid responsibility? Christie isn't manly enough.
Only in the world according to Fox news is Chris Christie muscular.
A guy's guy? But half the world is female. He works with women. And women and children were among those hurt/inconvenienced by the bridge lane shutdown.

And since when do we care what Brit Hume thinks?
of, not other.
Brit Hume is a gross homosexual with a gross boner for the gross Chris Christie.
Is that why he wanted to stop everyone else from having a shot at entering lady Manhattan?
Apparently in FoxNewsLand, "Big Fat Tub 'o Lard" = "Muscular" I used to tip the scales at over 400 lbs, I know a Big Fat Tub 'o Lard when I see one.
Suet is not a muscle.
Maybe Hume's a big fan of Sumo wrestling.
With that many extra pounds that fat new jersey piece of shit's estrogen level must be through the roof.

Plus no least coaster is very manly and Christie talks like a whiney bitch.

I object to all of this. I am standing in solidarity with Chris Christie. I am as manly and muscular as he, and if you disagree, I'll smother you with my giant gut.
Christie is manly in the same way that Peter Griffin is manly.

Which is to say he represents entitlement and stupidity.
did you girls see Danny on CNN tonite?!

Slog should be proud.

a panel with three gay guys and Our Little Danny was clearly the gayest. even without the godawful jacket. seriously, burning is too good for it.

and Danny managed not to fantasize on air about raping Rick Santorum.
at least not out loud.
or killing all republicans.
and there was no hardware licking, at least not on camera.

although we must admit Danny's advice about fucking before valentines dinner seemed very shallow after Frank Bruni told a heart warming story about an old gay dead ex-marine's honorable discharge. but Danny was wearing really loud sneakers so his story was good for the image he was pushing.

all in all we give it a 7.

on a scale of 100.
I still don't get Dr. Who.

Oh sorry thread is about Christie.

No of course not, he never stood a chance of becoming the Republican nominee in 2016, though I was looking forward to the attempt. Alas that attempt seems increasingly unlikely.
If they were trying to avoid Chris Christie fat jokes, they are doing a bad, bad job.

Republicans seem to love the idea that fat=freedom. But now they're rebranding it as "muscular"? This nation is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED. Reminds me of It's Always Sunny: "I'm cultivating mass!" "stop cultivating and start harvesting!"

@7, HAHAHAHAHA! That's the problem with machismo. Men can be as homophobic as they want, but some of them are so anti-woman it ends up looking as more homoerotic ("I love my wife, but not too much, that'd be girly").

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