Blogs Dec 31, 2013 at 11:12 am


I hit a pregnant spider once and all the little spiders just burst out like that. It was cool and terrifying at the same time.
proof that pubic hair or anything that looks like it is evil
I call it "set to autoplay on the front page, featuring something that would terrify a lot of people."
Gas your termites,

freeze your termites,

zap your termites,

/SAVE/ the termites.
I hate you so much right now.

They are daddylonglegs. They are not frightening singly or en masse.
At least it was daddy long legs, or rather, what WE call daddy long legs. They're nice.
@6, I know they aren't dangerous, but ration goes out the window: A giant clump of spiders is still enough to make me hide under my desk. Where there are probably spiders.
Oh no, there is definitely worse:…
Poor spiders. Trying to have an orgy or a group cuddle or whatever in peace, and some fleshy giant has to come stick an appendage in the middle of it!
No one else thinks they're kind of cute? Y'know like they would tickle?


We always knew this day would come
Fuck, I was eating while I watched that.
I'm with Ophian. Daddy longlegs are cute. And spiders are often quite pretty--sometimes just insanely pretty. You phobics are all weird.
Oogie Boogie.
Nightmare Fodder
Poking those cuddled-up little creatures = needlessly terrifying the needlessly terrifying.
I hate to be a hair splitter here, but harvestmen/daddy long legs aren't spiders. Arachnids, yes. Spiders, no. Still creepy though.
Those aren't spiders, fyi. Daddy Long-legs are arachnids, yes, in the same way that scorpions are also arachnids but not spiders (ie. they're all in different Orders, which is two steps below Class Arachnida). Biological categorization!

Anyway, more relevantly: A friend of mind once went into a porta-potty out in the woods somewhere late one night with just a headlamp (and underpants). As he sat there, he looked up... and saw the entire ceiling covered in Daddy Longlegs, ...all of them gently bobbing up and down and a semi-coordinated group 'pulsing' activity... the entire ceiling was pulsing with hundreds of the long-legged critters... pulsing... . pulsing... ..pulsing... . . He was a little bit psychedelically altered at the time, which didn't help matters.

Needless to say, he screamed and ran.
There are a lot of things that freak me out a lot more. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, for instance.
@11 I think it's cute. And weird. I've never seen daddy-long-legs do anything like that.

And those are big. Definitely not juveniles. Unless I'm slightly more confused than usual, the babies are so small they'd be barely visible that camera.
I was grossed out when I thought it was a caterpillar but then someone had to go and touch it!
@6 etc. - if you take the legs off of a daddy longlegs do you call it daddy? just wondering.
Please. No more Vines on Slog (before the jump). Opening the page and then having to hunt to find the random sound is really annoying.
@27 Thank you. Agreed!
Freaking incredible! I have never seen Daddy Long Legs in a pile like that. Only ever solitary. Also, they eat mosquitoes and are consequently a favorite of mine. (And if you're cruel/a child: if you throw a Daddy Long Legs into a fire they "scream". It's fascinating.)
Eeeeeeeeee! *gasp*

Eeeeeeeeee! *gasp*

Eeeeeeeeee! *gasp*

...okay, that was my fault for clicking the link.
I saw one of these spider cuddle puddles in Mexico once alongside a trail. I thought it was some animal fur that scraped off somehow. I walked up and touched it. Yes, I ran away screaming. The Mexicans we were with couldn't stop laughing...
Holy crap! Gaaaahhhh
Poor little things. People, get a grip, there is nothing creepy about daddy-long-legs. You have been watching too many scary movies and not getting outdoors enough.
Rationally, I know they're harmless.

But rationality takes a vacation when my reptilian brain freaks right the fuck out seeing something like this.
@31 - spider cuddle puddle! Squee!
I won't watch this because I can imagine what happens. Yikes! No thank you.
As Bill Murray says, "If spiders could fly, I'd never go outside."
fascinating. also kinda cool. cute too.
@34, I'm right there with you. I don't mind Daddy Long-Legs or ANY spider, really (when a spider gets into my house, I trap it if possible and relocate it to the outdoors before vacuuming its web up...I've been known to take pics of large spiders and/or impressive webs in my yard and leave them be if they're out of the way), but I got all itchy and twitchy watching that. It's kind of like my feeling about ants. If I see one or several marching down the sidewalk, I consider how cool it is that they operate the way they do. When a thousand of them are gloming onto a drop of spilled slushie on the sidewalk, it gives me a case of the heebie-jeebies.
@29: That just horrified me. What kind of horrible person would throw a daddy long legs into the fire and listen to them scream?

I've always liked daddy long legs, but I admit that this video squicked me. Swarms of bugs are, I think, one of those things that are supposed to creep people out. After all, there might not be many kinds of swarming bugs that'll eat you alive/bite or sting you to death, but there are some, and if you don't run away quickly you're probably screwed. So it makes sense that humans have an instinct to run away from swarms of bugs, and it doesn't surprise me that people who aren't normally afraid of most creepy-crawlies instinctually shudder when they see a swarm.
Poor cute opilions, they were cuddling... and some idiot had to disturb them.

Of course their running away is squick-inducing : 1. they're frightened themselves, 2. they're trying to frighten their predator away, 3. this rapid spreading ensures some will survive. Evolution made them frightening to us, so that we wouldn't keep on torturing or killing them all for fun. Remember the dodos ?

Anybody know why they huddle together like that ? I've never seen that happen here in France. Is is because they're too hot ? Too cold ? It's strange.
@36 Google "ballooning spider"
Kind of feel bad for the little things ...
@1 That spider wasn't pregnant. Female spiders carry their hundreds of babies on their backs (scorpions do too) so when you killed her the babies abandoned ship and went scurrying everywhere.

It's kind of yucky to see up close, google it if you dare!
I had no idea these guys clumped together like that. Very cool. At least this prompted me to read and learn something.

Oh: spiders don't carry their young inside to explode out when you squish them - the spin cocoons of eggs which generally hatch after the adult spider is dead and gone. For you arachnophobics: spiders do us a large regularly by eating a lot of insects that would generally attack us directly - something the vast majority of spiders don't do.
Oh come on, that was totally cool!

I guess arachnophobia runs rampant.


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