
Kirby Wilbur isn't in a real strong position to criticize the physical appearance of others...…
Christ, what an asshole.
@1- He's a man, he's in a great position to criticize any woman he wants.
Kirby, dude, look in the friggin' mirror.
@1 Well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle a cooking implement?

Old and 100 pounds overweight: a body made for talk radio.
What does the current state GOP chair say?
Er, I refer to the picture in your link, Gern. My snark could have been structured better.
Witches and hags could find a lot of use for a giant toadstool like Kirby ... in a cauldron.

You seemed pretty clear before.
This is the guy that Goldy says is a nice guy:

"You might not like Kirby's politics but I guarantee you've never met a nicer guy"…
What a loss to our state's political scene. All journalists agree that no one gives such entertaining quotes as Kirby, and that's the most important criterion in a politician, after all.
Oh lord, in my day we would only discuss how unattractive feminists and leftist womyn are in private. I blame Rush Limbaugh.
Wait for the claim that his account was hacked.

Presumably Wilbur hasn't previously shot himself in his big, fat foot before now...although being a Republican it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Also, Anna I think there's a formatting error in your post, as I'm not seeing an image or link of Wilbur's original Tweet (the one Dom posted to FB earlier today.)
Well he's just a big fuck damn shitter isn't he.
@14. Yeah. People who say things like that on Twitter have no previous history of being an asshole. Clearly.
@7 No worries. I got your point.
Wow, he's wiccan. Who'd have thunk it. /sarcasm
Few weeks ago I heard a few of my conservative coworkers discussing the fact that McGinn's wife has a different last name.

The misogyny was just _overwhelming_, over such a minor thing.

Clearly he's either not looked in the mirror lately, or his mirror vision is foggy. He's truly the ugliest hag I've seen in a long time.
Witches and Hags needs to be appropriated by lefty female activists. Imagine a bunch of costumed witches barging into GOP events in-character, a "Golden Broomstick" award for successful female activists, maybe a some viral videos, with every news clip displaying that awful quote from Kirby. The comment could hang around the WA GOP's neck for a whole election cycle if it were properly managed.
Despite the insulting comments of this nut job, we must keep our focus on the prize: passing immigration reform this year that provides citizenship to millions of hardworking immigrants. If anything, Wilbur's inane sexism just shows that our fight is winning in the inner circles of the GOP and it's driving the old schoolers crazy. More actions to come. Stay vigilant. Come and support us.
Rob Ford / Kirby Wilbur / Seattleblues / Alan West...
Conservatism is a symptom of a diseased mind.
@22 Kirby just did immigration reform a huge tabor. Just like Westboro Baptist Church helps gay rights every time they show up. When bigots step this far over the line, progress wins.
Another nail in the republican coffin. One day, hopefully in my lifetime, there will be no republicans left. How can one stupid, fat politician think he can say these things and not be run out of town , tarred and feathered. In my opinion he needs a baseball bat shoved up his poop chute until his eyeballs pop out.
They really don't seem to have a clue. They're going to run out of old, angry, white guys at some point.
Has Mr. Wilbur "apologized" as yet?

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