
I will still be checking my etymologies at the Online Etymology Dictionary, but I appreciate what Google is doing here.
osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullary gets no love
Robust (n.) [roh-BUHST]: Mechanical tits.
I thought shit was 2 syllables.
"define xxxx" (i.e. define robust) will have the same results.
robust would have been my first word too. then skyscraper, followed by hate, lavender. is that it? Then do 10 lines of cocaine, if you're up to it.
I'm glad he asked if you could be interrupted. I'll be using the hell out of this.
The etymologies are nice, but how about the fact that Google puts puts the definition right out there, along with the fact that modern browsers allow you to right click on any word? That is one of the great breakthroughs in modern internet communication. Allow me to give an example. Let's say I'm typing a sentence, and I want to use the word "etymology", but I misspell it as "entomology". Now, I'm smart enough to know that I'm not perfect, and could very well make a mistake when I write. Firefox (like many pieces of software) is kind enough to point out spelling errors, but it has no idea if I used the right word. So, I double click on the word, right click, and choose 'search Google for "entomology"'. I get information about bugs. That ain't right. So, I correct my mistake and on I go. This has saved me oodles of time, and improved my writing. Now I'm not afraid to use $20 words, as I double check before I write. Thanks Google and thanks Firefox!
@8 - I did not know about that. Thank you!
This? It's cool.
Wow! You can use the internet to look up words? Thanks, Anna!

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