
Hey, i like paying $600 for $4.00 salene solution... And really only like 2 in 3 bankrupcies are caused by medical bills... We have a great system.
"I predict that by 2013 my influence will be profound, and a new generation of leaders will hallow my name, and devotion to self-interest and capitalism and the free market will not be the exception but the rule, and these leaders will naturally share my disapproval of religion, my support of abortion rights, and my love of Godiva chocolates. I have to stop writing now, because I have chewed through my typewriter."
And yet he has very little interest in keeping women out of actual reproductive servitude. I'm not sure he understands what the word means.
We have good reason to believe New Zealand has been using healthcare against its own people. The bombings begin at dawn.
I'm sure he'd like to be first and free himself from his government paid healthcare.

Rand is saying that if a right entitles me to tax you, then I have enslaved you.

What is it with reactionaries and electing morons?
@2 I'm beginning to think that the US fought against the wrong "-ism" in the 1950's. Objectivism has proven to be just as harmful, if not more, than Communism. Perhaps Sen. McCarthy and HUAC should have been asking, "Are you now reading, or have you ever read, Atlas Shrugged?"
So owing thousands upon thousands of dollars in medical bills to a giant HMO that has no interest in seeing you rise out of it is NOT servitude, but rather an acceptable alternative TO servitude? Rad. I wonder what he'd call it. I'm sure it'd be a portmanteau that involves liberty, freedom and some Randian (the earlier one) jibberjabber.
Maybe we should go liberate [the Kiwis from their "free," high-quality public hospitals].

I think the plan is to have American for-profit healthcare companies do it for us, using the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement....
So do we also have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Or by demanding a right to liberty, we're actually removing liberty?

I wish that libertarian intern The Stranger had here a while back would comment... I forgot his name...
Working at a low paid job in corporate America is fucking servitude. At least, it was until I was "freed" so someone in Bangalore could do it for me.
@3: Duh, women aren't people.
@11: Speaking of The Stranger's unpaid interns:

Hey Stranger, why don't you gleefully use "unpaid intern" as a byline anymore? Why is it that all mentions of interns abruptly halted this year?

Is it the legal realization that unpaid internships may be against the law, or were you just sick of the hypocrisy of demanding better wages while offering no wages to a bunch of workers?

Are they still working there, and it is just a secret now?

Or have you let them all go?

I am honestly curious.
@11 - You're thinking of Matt Luby, probably
Rand Paul's brand of hypocritical idiocy is finely tuned to the bottom 40% or so of the nation's intellects.

These are people who, through birth, or neglect, or the bad luck to be educated in the worst school systems in the nation, have no critical thinking skills. They love being able to hate "the other" and having their prejudices confirmed, have no idea how anything works, and are unable to plan two checker-moves ahead.

To them, Rand Paul is one smart cookie who'll show "them libruls" a thang or three.
America is currently a political war between the Loud and the Dumb. If either wins we all lose.

That's the one!
@15, 18 - Careful, saying his name willy-nilly without his permission is tantamount to theft.
@19- That whole "taking his name in vain" thing makes a lot more sense once you think of Jehovah is a Libertarian.
It's bullshit and he's an idiot, but I think another possible interpretation of what he is saying is that if people have a "right" to health care then he, the doctor, is enslaved - that the doctor would then have to provide for anyone who came along and demanded it. Remember, first and foremost people like Rand Paul are concerned with their own idea of "freedom" and don't give a fuck about anyone else.
"This means that Rand Paul thinks the citizenry of every nation with universal health care is enslaved by its government."

You have written this as if it is supposed to be a shocking surprise. This kind of language is par for the course with folks who are beholden to that kind of philosophy.

Yeah, but if he does manage to get out here into the real world, all you have to do is say his name three times and he's instantly transferred back to Galt's Gulch.

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