
does Danny believe NO ONE has ever given up the gay?

people can live as heterosexuals for 40-50 years and have heterosexual marriages and heterosex making babies and then decide they are "gay" and that is totally cool but NO ONE in the history of mankind has ever been "gay" and then decided they were hetero??

Bachmann- who is that- who are ones who care about she does.

No, go to it Danny, roll out the barrel.
Michele who? Seriously, Nancy had it right. Who cares? All the sane people know that she's crazy and all the crazy people, well, they're fucking crazy.

She'll fall into the same place in history that the guy who founded the klan did - no one will quite remember her name but they'll all pretty much agree that she was a psychotic, bigoted, twat.
@1 Going back into the closet doesn't make you ex-gay. Just delusional. But you seem happy there, so enjoy!
1, No matter how hard you pray, your homosexual feelings aren't going to go away.
"Some have even married me!"
@6 - Nice.
@1, never say never. Anything is possible somewhere in the stew of human experience. There have been black Klansmen and Jewish Nazis before. But these rare examples hardly define a movement; they're the equivalent of being born with two heads or something.
@1: Really.
does Danny believe NO ONE has ever given up the gay?
I think we're all well aware that some people have given up homosexual acts; it's even likely that some of those individuals were bisexual and began "rounding up"; it's even possible that some of them were "bisexually responsive" heterosexuals who realized that they could not share long-term intimacy with members of their own sex. That doesn't mean they "gave up" their sexual orientation; it means that their understanding of what that orientation is or was evolved over time.
people can live as heterosexuals for 40-50 years and have heterosexual marriages and heterosex making babies and then decide they are "gay" and that is totally cool...
I don't know that it's "totally cool"; there is still the problem of having entered into a marital contract and then leaving that agreement, and most likely leaving a spouse somewhat emotionally hurt. It may or may not be justified; it depends on a case by case basis.
... but NO ONE in the history of mankind has ever been "gay" and then decided they were hetero??
See above. Also, one does not "decide" whom one loves, regardless of orientation, anymore than one "decides" what one holds to be true, or "decides" to prefer one taste to another. One may certainly discern in such instances.
Chutt-spa. That says it all.
#3 - the founder of the Klan was Nathan Bedford Forrest, a well-known Confederate general. I think he has a state park named after him. He's gone but not forgotten.
Someone please throw a bucket of water on this heinous betch and be done with it.
1- very tedious. was that the effect you were after?

2- people actually decide all those things.
There are people you really need to not ever mention: Michel Bachmann, Fred Phelps, Terry Jones, Sarah Palin and probably many others that I've omitted. They are already media whores. Do not contribute to minute number 16.
Tapping out in Morse code a request for a blow job in an airport toilet stall is an achievement now?
Marcus Bachmann, everybody! No better "ex-gay" than Marcus Bachmann! Have we already forgotten that tragic queen?
Is it just me or does Jerry Seinfeld look kinda like Dan in that segment?
@20: My thoughts exactly.
@16 - Assuming you're responding to #11 (you didn't specify, but there seems to be some nominal connection between what I wrote and what you wrote): No, they don't. I don't decide to prefer romaine lettuce to iceberg lettuce; I simply decide what to do with that preference (ignore it and purchase iceberg lettuce rather than romaine, or succumb to it and purchase romaine). Likewise, I made no decision to dislike the so-called music made by the Eagles, but I'm still left with the decision as to whether or not I may wish, for other reasons, to purchase their music, or leave the radio dial where it is if one of their songs happens to come on.

I surely didn't "decide" that I was in love with my wife, though I certainly made the decision to marry her in light of such.

As for belief (what one holds to be true), the notion that one can choose that is even more counterintuitive. If one could simply decide what one believes, I could decide now to hold that I am a purple bear, or that I am made of cheese. The fact is, even the most abstract forms of belief, that have little or no recourse to empirical data, are still responsive to data in the form of intuition, the degree to which speculative answers to a query conform or cohere with existing data.

As for tedium, it wasn't the intended effect, but it was an expected one; it occurs often when I try to speak to beings of lesser capacity as though they were equals (in hopes that, one day, treated with enough patience and offered enough knowledge, they might be).

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