
I am shocked that someone that puts themselves in the public spotlight so often might be narcissistic.

Next thing you'll tell me is that comedians in general have insecurities.
Rickie Gervais is grandpa's Seth MacFarlane is poppa's The Onion.
Outside Scoop by Jackie Harvey!
I think David Brent is a cunt.
See also the whole "mong" kerfuffle, in which Gervais was, at best, an utter tool.
It has to be disorienting to be an average dude your whole life, then suddenly be thrust into fame and wealth at the age of 37. I think Ricky's handling it about as well as you could expect him to.
I think a much better insight is offered by that Larry David/Ricky Gervais hour long bbc special. Geniuses, both.
@5 That's the first I've ever heard of that word being used in that way. Those of us in the Pacific Rim hear "mong" and think "Hmong". "Mongoloid" has more to do with racial composition anyhow, so WTF?

Fuckin' Brits and their inbred slang. Ricky can almost be unintelligible at times.
Gawker said Gervais is an asshole, now this.

Sorry, I just don't see what's wrong.
This sounds like vintage Ricky Gervais. What's the story here? Oh yeah--vintage Paul Constant hyperbole.
He's like Roseanne - another famous person who refuses to watch what they say, and doesn't particularly care if they piss anyone off.
That answer was blowing off the question? That seemed pretty direct to me. He says he thinks he's pretty socially well-adjusted, and that his opinions of being a "prat" are in line with most others'. He's also introspective about it, but admits that you can't know because it's by definition a subjective thing about you that only others can decide. Ultimately he decides to not worry about it because the world at large is very receptive to him. So... what else is there to say?
Some famous people don't give a damn. Good for him. Next.
Gervais is a sociopathic ass. His humor comes from harming others, which is not uncommon but he tends to love hurting the less powerful or the already damaged.

Nobody can watch "Idiot Abroad" and not recognize that he is tormenting a guy who has no power in the situation and is obviously not competent to fight back. Its like Tyson beating up a 12 year old.

This is not just his persona on stage apparently.
I think he's a great comedian. And frankly I think it's refreshing in a media culture that gives us nothing but fake interviews and staged reality shows that he goes out and simply doesn't give a fuck about people's feelings.
I like Louis CK.
I'm just happy anytime as an American the word "prat" gets introduced/reinforced to more of my peers. It's my favorite piece of British slang and rolls off the tongue so well.
QI reminds me pretty often that Brits can be tone-deaf dickheads. I love Steven Fry, but yeesh, some of the guests sometimes.

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