
Well, I don't know about that....but I think it IS pretty well accepted history that James Buchanan's crush on Rufus King went a long way toward causing the U.S. Civil War.
Can we make "discussing the Treaty of Versailles" a euphamism for some kinky gay sex act? Please?
Someone apparently hasn't seen "The Rose of Versailles"
My favorite tweet on the whole issue:…
@4, that's so good!
Of course there's a gay position on a massive French palace.
Hey, if the U.S. and Europe had taken the Gay position on the Treaty of Versailles, there may not have been a reason for WWII.

And if Republicans and Neo-Liberals hadn't rejected Keynes economic policies we might not have suffered through all the recessions since Republicans got a strangle hold on national politics.

Keynes gay ass was awesome!
I love how Niall Ferguson talks about Keynes like he was some kind of traitor to Britain, even though his prediction that adopting a policy of crushing Germany's economy would empower anti-peace politicians in Germany and lead to another war turned out to be, um, correct. The fact that Keynes got it right and the crush-the-Hun caucus got it wrong ought to lead Ferguson to consider the possibility that Keynes was brilliant, but of course it doesn't, because Ferguson himself is wrong about everything that Keynes ever got right, so in order to prop up his fragile ego he has to gay bash him. Pathetic.
Speak for yourself, Dan. My sexual encounters almost always feature lively discussions of dialectical materialism, literary theory, and frequent references to the works of Schopenhauer and Derrida.

In other news, I don't get laid a whole lot.
I always thought there always bitching during mad passionate lovemaking about how limiting the German Army to 100 thousand soldiers was a common theme.
"Sex IS economics!" - Bullets Over Broadway
Not even sex can make economics less boring.
I agree. Sousa marches, yes. Treaty of Versailles, no.
Is Keynes regarded as gay or bi? His affairs [and marriage] with women were hardly bearding.
What @7 and @8 said.

The neoliberal economists' denial of the historical record truly knows no bounds.
During straight sex, on the other hand....
Mr Ophian - Bloomsbury should be a sexual orientation all on its own.

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