
Dude, too many shrooms!
The Parsis really had it right with sky burial, vultures and diclofenac notwithstanding.
Canibilism is kosher
Is there going to be an open bar? If so, can I get a plus-one?
@3 revelations=xtian bible so no, no it's not.

It's the Catholics who really love the canibalisim.
Is this where the phrase eat the rich originates?
He's talking to birds to eat people. Why are you all talking about canibilism?
I was walking home yesterday and also saw a guy screaming at some birds. Not the sun, he was standing on a street corner in downtown Portland, though the message was approximately the same. I think he might also have been an angel.
Uhhhh, cannibalism .... thank you.....
The angel Hitchcock
Like @7 said, it's birds. Where's the cannibalism?
Birds ARE related to dinosaurs so it kinda makes sense.
@3, depends on how we cook 'em, sir!
We're all going to die, that's the message, folks.

Not a particularly original message, pretty obvious.

But still, if you want the sky god to give you ice cream in heaven you'd better behave now: no mixed fibers in clothing, but you can sell your daughter into slavery. So there's that.
Hey, sounds just like King's Buffet out in Aberdeen. Get there early while the kings, rulers and leaders are still crunchy.
I dunno. Would I rather eat the flesh of kings, or the flesh of glow-in-the-dark sheep? Since I'm not a bird, I suppose it's moot anyway.
there are lots of versions of the bible.

why does goldy use one geared toward illiterate retards?
@17 - So you'll understand it.
Prophets (Old Testament): "You spuds have been very bad, and if you don't shape up you're going to get stomped like a bug. I shall now explain exactly HOW you will get stomped using several elaborate analogies and assorted dire predictions. Take note, citizens."
Revelation (New Testament): "OH FUCK, SPIDERS!"
@10 Damn! I was hoping no one had posted that yet.

@19 Have you ever considered writing "Theology For Dummies?" I think you'd be awesome.
@ 19: More, please!!!

Anyways, this passage clearly states that Sky Burial is the way to go. By encasing our loved ones in metal caskets, we are refusing their/our participation the cycle of life, in which dead things feed living things.
The modern xtian belief that nature is evil and man is separate from it/has dominion over it simply does not jive with the image of a god who created humans as part of nature, and is invested in the continued functioning of its processes. Acknowledging passages like this one would require letting go of some ideas used to justify environmental degradation and industrialized meat production.
So, yet again, "we can ignore our bible whenever its message conflicts with our current lifestyle or beliefs, but still use it to justify oppression and prejudice when that's convenient." Christianity is the Antichrist, I swear it.
" kings, rulers, leaders, horses, riders, free people, slaves, important people, and everyone else" ... mighty democratic of 'em.

Not sure about the horsemeat part, but maybe important people don't supply all the essential amino acids.
Yum. Now they all get to watch the Earth be destroyed in a great orgy of divine destruction conjured in the mind of a furiously masturbating late first-century zealot.
John of Patmos was the Quentin Tarantino of early Christianity.

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