
Hmm. "Prison based" — that would mean "convicted felons," right? Show me one instance where the NRA has supported arming felons.

Oh, right. You can't. Just more hot air.
Don't be sorry for the hiatus. There was almost sanity in the Slog while you were gone, you see.
Ah, but you forgot the true "NRA part" of the story, which is that McLelland and his wife were both gunned a time when McLelland was said to have been packing his own gun....on his all times, since the other prosecutor had been killed. Just like LaPierre says, being armed himself allowed him to defend his home and his wife and his life....oh, wait.....
Isn't the NRA against taking away convicted domestic abusers right to bear arms in Colorado?
It's time for another episode of EVERYONE'S favorite game show

Today's winning picks are:

Gun nuts!
Thee Olde Seconde Amendmente!
Assault weapons!
Apples and oranges!
You just do not care about X dead Y's!
Tautological tautologies!
Picking cherries!
I don't want to ban all guns but ... !
The NRA!

Beat a straw man for big bonus points!
@4: No. But it's certainly against taking guns away from everyone who's accused of domestic violence.
The guy across from you at the gun show to whom you are selling your firearm is not a convicted felon because he told you so! Just to be sure maybe you should run a background check. Oh wait, you don't have to because the NRA fought any type of background check. Hurray NRA!

Yes, the NRA doesn't support arming felons.
it's not proved that these murders of government officials have been carried out by felons. they could be legal owners who are merely exercising their constitutional rights to oppose tyranny.

Murder is already a crime, whether it happens with a knife, bat, or gun.

This is a criminal issue, not a gun issue people. Get it right.
Guns don't kill people; people with guns kill people.
The tyranny of the paranoid minority.
Good to see you're staying true to form and allying yourself with the white supremacists. The NRA is a white supremacist organization, and always has been.
@1 - How about legislation? FOPA in 86 expanded a program allowing felons to apply to the ATF for relief from the disability of not being able to own guns.

Guess who heavily supported that legislation?
@1 & 6,
No the NRA hasn't publicly supported giving guns to felons, they've just actively prevented all efforts of checking to see if someone's a felon before they buy a gun.
By fighting against universal background check laws, the NRA is, ipso facto, for arming felons. It really is that simple.

Your move, gun nuts.
@15/16: Bullshit. Background checks wouldn't stop felons from getting guns, and you know it.
"... they've just actively prevented all efforts of checking to see if someone's a felon before they buy a gun."

No, they have not.
All FFL's still have to run a background check.
Therefore, not "all efforts".

In Washington state, many of the gun shows require that you be a member which includes a background check.
Again, not "all efforts".

And, finally, no one is required to sell a gun to anyone.

So there are over 100 million guns that owned by law-abiding citizens in America.
And less than 1% of the guns owned will ever be used in any crime.
So the system seems to be working on the whole.
Which begs the question of why put more requirements on the 99%+ who do follow the laws instead of focusing on the less than 1% who break the laws?
Gun nuts want to deflect everything. Unless the NRA is handing guns to people as they leave prison, they're totally blameless! And background checks might not work 110% of the time, so forget it! It's all or nothing, with no personal responsibility or accountability unless it fits in with their preferred (nutty) narrative.
And @18 makes my point beautifully. If they're not trying to stamp out EVERY change to the law or ALL efforts to protect people who don't want to end up another random senseless gun death, they're blameless you see!

And then deflect, deflect, deflect. Is it still all about helping the mentally ill (like it was violent video games or putting armed guards in every school before) or do you have a new tactic now?
Oh, one small correction. The NRA hasn't publicly supported giving guns to felons except in Louisiana where they pushed that constitutional amendment essentially making it illegal for anybody's right to bear arms to be infringed for any reason. Thus, making it illegal to stop a felon from owning a gun. Thanks NRA!
So is this to insinuate that Wayne LaPierre and the NRA are celebrating the deaths of these prosecutors and the devastation to their families and loved ones?

Or are you just taking punditry creative license to have a "tee-hee" moment, Chicago Fan?
@13 I'm with FNARF. The NRA and their gun nut minions are clearly a white rights hunkered down paranoia thing at this point, if they haven't always been.
5280, do you actually read anything on SLOG or do you just come on here to rant? There was a recent article they linked to that showed somewhere around 5,000 background checks were denied last year in Washington alone. Of course, after they were told they couldn't buy at a gun dealer I'm sure many of those people just went to the private marketplace that the NRA is making sure can't be regulated in any way.

So, in some way I suppose you're right. Background checks aren't helping because they only apply to registered dealers. It's sort of like if you went to a liquor store and they wouldn't sell to you because you were under 21. No problem though because there's someone standing out in front of the store selling booze and they don't card. Thanks to the NRA those people will never have to card and we can't do anything about it. Thanks NRA.
@22 - they may not be "celebrating" but it's clear by their actions that they don't care if it happens. Because guns.
@22 Yes, I think they have determined very clearly that all killings help advance their agenda in the current social climate. Citizens, of all viewpoints, more fearful? check. More guns sold? check. More bullets sold? check. A white supremacist killing like this will lead to MORE paranoid whites buying guns, whether legally or illegally.
"There was a recent article they linked to that showed somewhere around 5,000 background checks were denied last year in Washington alone."

No there was not.
There was a recent article where some assumptions were made and then extrapolated to ESTIMATE that 5,000 or more background checks were failed in Washington.

"Of course, after they were told they couldn't buy at a gun dealer I'm sure many of those people just went to the private marketplace that the NRA is making sure can't be regulated in any way."

And there is another assumption.
Meanwhile, the real questions are:
a. Are there really that many legitimate failures?
b. What is the "false positive" rate on those failures? Someone "failed" who should have "passed".
c. Where are the prosecutions of those that really were criminals trying to buy guns?

"Thanks to the NRA those people will never have to card and we can't do anything about it."

And, again, you're making an awful lot of assumptions there without any facts.
Where are the prosecutions?
Must. Live. In. Fear.

After all, if we don't live in Fear, how can we cower beneath our white bedsheets?
@28 FTW!

"if we don't live in Fear, how can we cower beneath our white bedsheets? "

A Slog gun debate
When no one plays the race card
Lacks liberalism

@root, no, the dolt known as 5280 can be counted on to be the most reliable pull-string toy here on Slog. He doesn't read or comprehend squat, but he can be relied on to pop up like a jack-in-the-box toy and spout his 'yay-guns!' crap whenever anyone twists his easily-turned crank.

Let's watch him now try to figure out why there are background checks at all, if they don't work. Pop! Here he comes!
"Lacks liberalism"

I think it is more just mental laziness.
If someone has a different opinion than you, that person is a bigot.
So what if that person voted for Obama. A different opinion means they're a bigot.
Voted twice for Obama? A different opinion means they're a bigot!
Voted twice for Obama and voted for gay marriage? Bigot, bigot, bigot, bigot go get your white sheet you bigot.

Beat a straw man for big bonus points!

It's easier to make claims about someone else's character than it is to address the points they've actually made.
"Also, 'I voted for Obama. Twice.' is the new 'I have black friends.'"

Thanks for providing the support my point.
"Bigot" now means "someone with a different opinion".

"The case in question involves the Aryan Brotherhood."

Maybe it does.
Yet that has nothing to do with the beliefs of other people who support the 2nd Amendment.
@34 "Yet that has nothing to do with the beliefs of other people who support a contorted reading of the 2nd Amendment."

Fixed that for you.
"What? No one has accused anyone of being a bigot based on their opinion of the 2nd amendment."

Read #28 and #29.
That's two.
GUN fanatics kill. They worship their guns. NRA members are all dupes & every dime they give to the fanatical NRA leads to another death. But they don't care. They have no respect for others and couldn't care less about the life, liberty & pursuit of happiness for others. Right-wingers love to kill whether they are slaughtering animals or assassinating human beings. They are the most ignorant & dumbest species of creatures to ever exist in the history of the world.
I think it's really hilarious that the same people who scream the loudest when they think their constitutional right to marriage equality is being infringed have no problem with infringing the constitutional rights of others under the second amendment.

The NRA is about one thing and one thing only: To lobby to make sure gun manufacturers maximize profit. Period.

They are wholly owned subsidiary of gun manufacturing corporations. Corporations that realized in 1970 that there was no enough profit in making small arms for government military sales. So they started a three decade long PR campaign to convince gun owners they had a right - no - a NEEED - to own dozens of guns including military "style" guns. And they convinced elected officials to facilitate laws to that end. Mostly through racist fear mongering.

Before that time nobody wanted to own an AR-15. In fact it was widely thought in hunting communities (that WAS gun owners pre-1975) that you were a nut or huge pussy if you wanted a machine gun or carted around a pistol.

Any propaganda the NRA utilizes to successfully convince gun owners (or gun control advocates) that the aim of the NRA is supporting gun ownership "rights" is merely icing on the cake to serve that singular end - PROFIT FOR GUN MAKERS AND SELLERS.
@41, that's a complete myth promulgated by the liberal media, and has absolutely no basis in reality. In fact, if anything, the NRA has the gun manufacturers in their pocket, and not the other way around.
@5280 is it a myth or the only real fantasy in all these threads? The gun grabbers wax all the time about the horrible effects of currently legal purchases of guns, yet the majority of shootings are still inner city black on black crime, or more shocking mental cases traveling to gun free zones ( a liberal invention! ) to inflict the most damage.

Cause and effect doesn't exist to these people who attempt to label anyone who disagrees a "nut" and a "fanatic"

Said the people that believe gay marriage will lead to HIV outbreaks.

Said the pro life demonstrator blocking the clinic.
@42: "liberal media"
Laws against rape don't stop any rapist from raping.
@45- But if it was really difficult to obtain a penis there'd be a lot less rape.
Priorities, people. Central bankers kill. Social engineering kills.

Of course, guns kill, too. But if you are sincere in your fanatical fantasies about saving humanity, you can always work on getting rid of abortion -- but you won't, and you don't.

You probably don't even care about the 300,000+ people who die, painfully and financially destuctively, of cancer every year in the US. You do know about that, don't you?

You watch too much socially engineered media, you get caught up in it all, and you buy off on what is spoonfed to you. And you forget prioroties because when it comes to fabricated consensus opinion -- by golly, you certainly don't want to feel left out, do you? By golly, that's a fate worse than death, isn't it?

Got to save the gays, the environment. Got to destroy the gun rights. What other central banker agenda item did you intend to support?

You worry about white supremacists and the NRA, yet you are a hypocrit because you have no clue how central banker money is creating all the platforms that you are socially engineered to support.
@47: poor attempt at relativism threadjacking. next you'll tell me that we need to cure mental illness first.

i know plenty about the cancer deaths. billions are raised each year to research cures. the same cannot be said for research into preventing the firearm carnage unequalled in the DEVELOPED world. the money's all spent on maintaining the status quo.

newtown IS the status quo.

@42: we agree on this point. the NRA's fanatical ideological agenda intimidates manufacturers and is in contrast to (relatively) more moderate positions of its membership, i.e. support for universal background checks. i can't tell if it's genuine slippery-slope paranoia or just the joy of power and money that drives them.

you and your fellow members need a reverse Cincinnati revolt.
Sorry, Max. With 1.5 million new members since Newtown, I'd say the NRA is doing exactly what its members want.
@50: well, then i got lied to by NPR. imagine that.
@40 Fifty-Two-Eighty and @47 Siddha - what a startling coincidence that you use the same misspelling to make the same argument. Sharing a brain, huh?

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