Blogs Feb 5, 2013 at 10:19 am


It's a good time to mention this. I can't decide if it's more scary that our government has this ability, or that any individual or corporation with a bit of money can because it's so cheap and easy (assuming you can figure out the data transfer - I'm guessing you use lasers).
@ 1 Just because your a socialist does not make those people evil.

Americans who join al-qaeda are traitors and do not get to hide behind the American flag. When you get your passport it clearly states one can't engage in terrorist activities or fight for the enemy of the state. It is impractical to send in troops after them; how many lives will we lose that way? And yes there is collateral damage but doesn't mean we not doing everything we can to make it as precise as possible. You want this declared unconstitutional have the Supreme Court rule that way. It really is though for liberals isn't it? They got Democratic candidates who agree with them socially and economically but not on foreign policy. Yet the GOP is even worst on foreign policy.
So glad I didn't vote for either Obama or Romney. Enough lessor of two evils. Build the 3rd and 4th and 5th party....
It's incredible that Obama is the best president ever on gay rights, and simultaneously the worst president ever on Constitutional and human rights.

Even Caligutard and his minions refused to state that he had the power to kill anyone at anytime for secret reasons.
Oh, and cue the flood of "I'm fine with this/bomb the terrahists/AmeriKKKa right or wrong (funny how it's always wrong)" comments.

I'm sure you'll just be thrilled when Prezlinit Bachmann or Santorum starts carrying out extra-judicial assassinations "To Protect Freedom."
@ 5,

It would be refreshing to have a President who isn't a mass-murderer.
@8: as far as i can tell, mass-murderer is part of the job description, along with lying constantly.
This is a post about why I didn't support Obama.
So, they, or rather our government, can kill who they want, when they want, where they want. Seems like a problem.
@10 I agree. Can you imagine if this had been a McCain or Romney Administration and that memo was released?
The venom that would be hurled at them would be enormous.

No, Pres. Obama's Administration is held accountable. I believe is not a stretch to equate it with W. Bush's Justice Dept. memos justifying "enhanced interrogation".…

Did anyone here read the memo? The discussion of imminence is very interesting. I'd like to read the legal arguments opposing the conclusions in the white paper.
Hmm Well, I didn't vote for Obama this last time (sure as hell wasn't going to vote for Romney) and the Slog Obamatrons sure had fun tearing me apart...

Where's Catalina and Matt in Denver at? Odd that they're quiet on this thread... hmmmmmmm

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