
"Fireworks," yeah, right. It would take either a shitload of very well placed black powder to blow up an elevated highway, or an extraordinarily shitty elevated highway. While either or both are conceivable, it seems more likely that the Chinese state media services are papering over something more sinister.
Good riddance, Blue Angels. Let the door hit you on your way out!
hopefully somewhere better than Applebee's will give her a job.
If you name anything Elton, it's going to be gay.
I don't get all this "gay dog" stuff. Males dogs hump everything they think they can safely hump. When one humps my leg, I do not think the dog is into zoophilia (or whatever).

I guess I get that it takes the story from "who cares" to "newsworthy," but it is kind of dumb.

But have to agree with #1: when fireworks blow up unexpectedly, they cause fires and burns, not demolition-grade rending and tearing explosions. Even a gas tank explosion basically just makes fire. That truck would have had to have serious explosives in it.
"Losing' the Blue Angels is something the military always drags out whenever they're threatened with budget cuts.

2011 - "Blue Angels fly into age of budget woes"…

2011 - "Could the Blue Angels be Grounded -- Forever"…

2010 - "Don't Let Obama Cut The Blue Angels"…
Will the gay pitbull story change Dan's attitude towards the breed?
@1 ... not true. fireworks can be real explosive ... especially in a closed space (just look for firework explosion videos on youtube) ...
For those that actually watch Fox instead of just trashing it, they know that Rivera often tears O'Reilly and Hannity's distorted thinking into shreds. They get VERY heated at times. If you read the linked article, Geraldo voted for Obama in November. Good for Geraldo for wanting to make a difference in the political party that that is in such a mess.
Busy day killing for the Moslems.
Fuck Ed Koch.
Why give a waitress twice as much as you give "god"? Because the waitress has actually done something for you.
@11: Fair enough, I had not thought of the possibility of a continously burning fire weakening the structure.

I do not buy the explosive force argument though, because if it was outside, the shockwave would not be focused and amplified by the enclosed space of a building, nor was there an enormous warehouse full of fireworks on that truck.

Although, without knowing the standards of Chinese overpasses, it is difficult to weigh in on their ability to withstand certain forces.
How can a pastor say they give 10%?

They collect other people's 10%!
let's fly ed koch's corpse over lake washinton and blow it up with fireworks for seafair.
No Blue Angels!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! Please go the fuck away forever!!!
Thanks, @17. That's an awesome idea.
Christ, @6. Don't know what possessed me to click on your last link because it eventually led me to this gem:…
@10 are we discussing Imaginary Unicorns again? The only time I watch Fox is when they have soccer or Zoe Deschenel is on.
@17 wins.
@17 I'd pay to see that. How much for the party boat?
I thought 10% was what you tipped if you thought someone had done a bad job.
@19: Well, it is not magical, but yes, there is a difference.

Just like there is a difference between a cup of black powder, and a barrel full of it.

See what I am saying? Explosions are about force, and more material in an enclosed space makes more force.

This is physics 101, baby.
Why does God need money?

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