
I don't believe that for a second - Republicans forfeited the benefit of the doubt for "mistakes" like these decades ago.
Cienna, thanks for the good work on this. I'm pretty sure they knew what they were doing in the first place.

Yes, to keep in mind, the ballot title or bill title has to express the subject. It has to be something a voter or legislature can clearly discern. (Eyman had on ballot measure turned back on this issue over his use of the word "tax" in the title.)
They want to enforce their oppression against women here like they are in Mississippi. Fuck them! Defeat this bill!
It still doesn't change the fact that this will cause big problems for femals who are least able to handle them. If a girl is not telling her parents that she is pregnant, there is probably a very good reason why. Forcing girls to tell their parents, will only create more teen moms. And for many of these girls, it will make it near impossible for them to make their lives better in the future.

This is just another example of a non problem that doesn't need fixing in the first place. Like all those voter fraud laws that popped up in red states.
This is the 'Philosophical Majorities' MO for running bills - burying the details and hoping no one will notice.

They're doing the same thing with an "Installment Loans" bill designed - SB 5312 - designed to circumvent reforms to payday loans that have been passed by Democrats in recent years. This bill was good enough to trick several Democratic legislators to sign onto it until the details were brought to their attention. They have since withdrawn their support.

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