

No one lives in homes.

They all live in apodments.

Take the money and live in an apodment.

This is the only way.
It's wasn't his home, it was his ex-partner's home.

And I don't see Jeremy as having spare savings around to "buy back the house at market value", so he'll need to find a lender to offer him a mortgage. Is the real problem that nobody will lend to him?

It would be surprising if he was presenting a check to Wells Fargo for the $160k value of the property and they were refusing.
You are a serious asshole and don't know facts at all. Best you stay anonymous mofo.
You are a serious asshole and don't know facts at all. Best you stay anonymous mofo.
BTW, you are rather transparent as well. Have you seen the mortgage papers? I know who has their name on them. I know who made the last payments
I know who has family and friends who just might indeed up the dollars needed. That is from love and respect, something that you do not know of in your life. Poor sad loser. Get a real life, preferably in Utah
You're right, I don't know facts at all.…
"the primary mortgage was in my partner's name"

How is Jeremy's credit?

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