
Don Draper would throw this pitch across the room and bellow "Sad sack doesn't sell! Get me something that pops!"
It's also a little bit "desperate".
It gets better, Young Republicans!
Republicans aren't alone? So they're part of a socialist collective then?
I didn't think you were allowed to be a Republican if you had a college degree.
You're not alone--You're just very unpopular.
They're basically a hate group, with their affirmative action bake sales; I think they've done some sort of "hunt the illegal immigrants" events on campus, too. So it's a shame they're able to use the UW logo or get approval to post their stuff on state property.
Looks like it's time for an intervention. Who's free to crash Smith 31 tomorrow night?
Someone needs Kerning 101.
When I went there in the early 90s, the young Republicans (and ROTC) were pretty strong on campus. I'm kind of surprised that they seem to be struggling (at least according to this sign) today. I always thought that the more and more and more and more college costs went up, the more the Republican agenda would be reflected in the increasingly rich student body.
@2) True that. Fixed.
Stop oppressing the straight white male conservatives, Dominic.
Why would there be Republicans at a state-funded university?
Obviously they need punch and pie. Everyone knows that.
You're not alone. All three of you.
@14 probably the same reason Sandra Fluke chose a Jesuit law school.
Straight white male? You clearly Dont know much about the members of this club. While I lean towards being super-liberal in my views, I have had many political conversations with Uw Republicans and all have been respectful, thought provoking and more open minded than one would think. Additionally, who in their right mind would pursue political news from an outlet not making much effort to be unbiased? I recommend forming your opinions away from such hivemind-influenced media.
The amount of novelty & change in our world has accelerated to the point where any adherence to ideology will quickly become useless, if it hasn't already. Since conservatives cling to ideology far more virulently than other approaches, they are the least able to not only come up w/ solutions for problems, but are also the most frightened by the rapid change. And therefore are the most dangerous.
@5 yes.
I still fondly recall the editorial about homosexuality in the UW newspaper some years ago, the one written by the leader of the UW college Republicans if memory serves: "Let's look at this logically. Homosexuality is really an emotional state." Hilarious. Like you can come home from a great day at work "God, I just feel... so gay right now!"
Ha ha! @18 Hilarious straw-man statement.
I'm surprised at how hateful you all sound. Hope none of you ever accuse a Republican of being hateful cos that'd make you all hypocrites. Cheers.

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