
Except the SCOTUS ruled that the right to bear firearms is an individual right, not necessarily a right which requires "militia" service. So he's just spouting autistic, treasonous feces from his mouth.
Well, people who want to shoot others so badly should not own guns.

That is for sure.
staunch second amendment supporter here.

Being staunchly in favor of a well regulated militia, we should reinstitute the militia. There's plenty of dangerous street corners in america where school kids can't play due to the gun violence. the NRA and gun owners generally should be impressed into a militia, drilled, and put on patrol. without pay of course. it's your duty.

of course all millitias that are well regulated are deeply screened, anyone with a dv conviction, dui, mental problems, will be rejected and guns confiscated to the militia armory. also, every militia member must register all guns, and those with excessive stocks have the excess "loaned" back to the central millitia armory. down the road, we can have more training, mandate gun safe inspections, and impose regulations like when you die, the militia inspector comes and safekeeps your guns.

if you want to change this into a real liberal program, of course militia members must work out, stop eating so much fat, deal with their obesity, etc., and they get free checkups, blood type registration and basic medical, oh also, socialized health care.....

we could learn a lot from israel and switzerland. if we're just not going to get rid of the 280 million guns. your choice, gun nuts.
I was beginning to lose faith that there was anybody left with a shred of sanity. It's so good to hear a public official calmly doing is job, as required by the law and by common sense. Instead of hopping on the crazy train to loony town.

Can you imagine if this had been Arizona instead of Tennessee?

I think part of the problem is that so many of these libertardians spend all their time in an Internet bubble, getting all their advice from forum lawyers. They forget that there are real consequences because these megalomaniacs think any yahoo can be his own constitutional scholar. And they always interpret the Constitution the same way: nobody is the boss of me and I get to do and say anything I want.

Good to see reality bite them in the ass and bring them back to Earth before they go all the way off the rails.
It's hard to take an apology seriously when the offending videos and later ones where he says "I don't regret anything I said!" aren't removed from his channel. Yes, he edited out the 2 seconds of him saying he would start killing people, but everything else is there. He's just covering his ass.
Beg for it, bitch.
@5 I suspect that in Arizona, he'd have immediately been made a state senator.

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