
I hate it when know-nothing jerks babble over the Oscars.

Let's leave the judges out of this!
Just because folks may not know what they're talking about doesn't always mean that what they are saying isn't true. Good Lord, such stupid and silly griping.
This guy is judging and discouraging a fellow Seahawks fan because he isn't "good enough" for him?

I think the author is an infinitely shittier fan who needs to take sports much less seriously. It sounds like way too much of your identity is wrapped up in a bunch of grown men who you will never meet.
Yup. I watched the game yesterday with a guy who totally knew what he was talking about, didn't laugh at me when I cheered for the wrong team and quietly explained what was going on in a way that didn't make me feel stupid. Which means I'll watch again. Which is the goal, right?
what's all this football talk on Slog? let's talk more about the pro sports no one in Seattle cares about or can even go watch without crossing an international border, because that will be ironic & hilarious & demonstrate our disdain for the proles.
...preventing me from hearing the fucking game.

Maybe I'm revealing my own ignorance, but what's there to hear? Joe Buck (who I'm pretty sure is a prostitute from the '70s) and Troy Whateverman (who I'm pretty sure is just stupid) talking shit about the winning team? Yeah, must be rough not hearing all that.
At least Troy Whateverman has the excuse that he was probably hit in the head a few times while actually footballing. Joe Buck was simply born a half-empty toolbox.
Every time anyone anywhere says anything about sports, they are faking it to a certain degree. I enjoy watching and talking about sports so I learn as much as I need to to get by with those I hang out with. Bullshitting is part of the fun. Anon is an ass for believing that his fake knowledge is superior to another's fake knowledge.
So, Dave, do you think Lincoln and crew have it pretty much sown up this year? I thought Zero Dark Thirty was a helluva cinematic experience. It gave me a very uneasy feeling on several different levels on several different issues - and really, what else can a great film do except get you involved and make you react?

Still, if you'll allow me to pretend to be a sixty-year-old Oscar voter who made Gandhi the best film of 1982....Zero Dark Thirty is too close to (which it isn't at all). I'm voting for Lincoln.

I think that would be OK with me, too, because Lincoln and cast and crew were marvelous.
I am a better consumer of a particular entertainment product than you are.
The only thing boringer than yammering about football strategy is yammering about someone else's yammering not being good enough.
Joe Bucks forehead is the second largest white monolith dedicated to god and country behind the Washington Monument. By inches.
Way to show your true colors Stranger, by posting a hateful anonymous letter, which I suspect either Goldy or Chicago Fan wrote. If you dont have anything nice to say, if you cant even fake the enthusiasm, then just dont post anything at all.

When the Seattle Storm wins a playoff or even championship (which is the only time you post about them) its semi-sincere as its mostly a stab at other failing sports in Seattle. So why not just let people have some fun, why must you continue to rain on peoples short lived parades?
@10 - I haven't seen either of those, so I'm voting for Brave.

Hey, who wants to go see the Oscar-nominated short films with me at the Varsity? Football will be done by then, so we can babble about the Oscars. I plan to just regurgitate whatever Nate Silver said.
I tend to get aggravated by fans like that, as well. Of course, I also cringe at whiners and anyone who uses the phrase "rad chick" so let's just call offsetting penalties here and move on.

If a few comments on SLOG is all it takes to dampen your joy and enthusiasm, then maybe you didn't have all that much to begin with...
I think Phoenix uses that "prevent offense."

I personally enjoy it when the Hawks are good enough to draw the attention of non-fans and wannabes. The "prevent offense" comment alone would have kept me amused for a couple quarters.
Both Lincoln and Brave were more historically accurate than Zero Dark Thirty.

Here's a hint people, torture was NOT used to find Osama bin Laden.


Cause it doesn't work. Never has. Never will.

Torture "reasons" are all excuses by people who want to justify their own desire to do revenge cruelty on other people and pretend it works, when it never has.

(caveat - based on all the counter-terrorism I've ever been involved with and every real expert who has ever been involved with counter-terrorism)
What LW doesn't get is that this isn't a problem with football knowledge. It's the old Cry For Attention.
Turn on the Oscars, and they'll say stupid stuff about that. Have a book reading, and they'll keep talking despite the shushing.

Either pay attention to the child or stop putting them in a room with other people.

If that doesn't work, might I suggest some COCAINE and MALT LIQUOR? The wildcat prevent will start to make sense.
Devil's advocate: this is his internal monologue. For all we know, he was that nice guy @4 references, just getting irritated on the inside until he had to take it out (anonymously) online. If he'd chewed out his "ignorant" companion, he may have gotten his catharsis directly.
Dude should just stop hanging out with him if it's such a fucking chore. I don't understand the point of the Anonymous submissions from people who have the freedom to either confront or avoid the subject of their rants.
I was into football before it was cool to be into football.

And if he also gets so touchy about other people being obnoxious while watching a football game (which obviously is so incredibly rare) then perhaps he should consider only ever watching games at home alone.

I also can get really touchy when watching a movie I really love with someone who's obnoxious, which is why I don't watch movies I really love with obnoxious people, or with my boyfriend when he's shitfaced.

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