
Are you going to release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark, they shoot bees at you?
When did the dog/bee story take place? I haven't seen any bees in a while, since it's winter and all.
"...a slideshow of the last year's worth of great scientific and technological discoveries"

That frog has some awesome brakes. Did you see how it stopped on a dime?
I was reading something interesting. It seems that Dick Army, the Teabaggers leader, was paid off. Several million dollars supposedly from the owner of Cancer Centers of America, to leave so Teabaggers could save their organization.
"No More Perfect White Orphan Babies For You". Such a fucking hipster.
@2, according to the comments with the article linked, the dog/bee story is at least six months old.
The Islamist Egyptian constitution is going to leave Egyptian women without legal protection, and I don't think those women are a minority group.
New on netflix

NYC 22

My review:

Hill Street Blues meets the Rookies. Intelligently written. It is shot like no other series, giving the close feel of being a cop on the street, up close. Harlem is portrayed as multifaceted, upper middle class black up agaist the clockers. Ex Panthers. immigrants, yuppies all tossed into a salad bowl. Good enough that we should petition to produce more seasons!!…
Anyone know what is going on with NYC apartment rents...they seem to have come down to human scale. Like a 2 bedroom UES place for $2000 a month?…

Is anyone experiencing this trend?
ScROTUm @9&10

You off-topic fuck. Go post that shit on Facebook. And, merry Christmas!
Good one, @3. That little guy was so cute, and so so little. It's hard to believe it has all the same bones and organs that a person has.

The article about Ithkuil was fascinating - thanks for sharing!

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