
I believe that Tom Monaghan is gravely immoral. I'll be filing a lawsuit any day now.

What an ignorant selfish arrogant prig.
I'm waiting for Tom Monaghan to sue the federal government for its role in illegal and gravely immoral wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria.... (and that's just the last 10 years).
Yeah this worked so brilliantly for Papa's John.
Don't buy his fucking pizza. Donate to Planned Parenthood instead.
It's not FREE. It's insurance coverage with no copay, insurance which employees pay into and/or receive as part of their salary. Or do you also think that your paycheck is "free money" you receive every month? Language is important, please stop repeating the bullshit line that this issue is about "free contraception". It's not. It's about gender equity in insurance coverage.
I write health insurance contracts for a living, and it disgusts me every time I have to make new or special rules because the member had the gall to be born with a vagina, or works for a group that believes in magic sky people.

Seperation of church and state has been perverted and warped in this country to mean the exact opposite of what it is supposed to.
Just ask Neil Hamburger why God created Dominoes pizza!…
Also, Domino's pizza tastes like a hot ring of garbage.
I believe that assholery is gravely immoral. Can I get a religious exception from having to take it seriously?
There are plenty of good local pizza joints. Dominos is for agoraphobic fat fucks who don't want to leave the house for a pizza.
The dude doesn't have a stake in Domino's anymore and is trying to oppress workers at a different company that he heads now. If you're going to boycott Domino's, do it because their pizza tastes like crap.
How better to preserve the status quo then to insure your subjects continue to spawn and become even more dependent on your minimum wage salaries.
@5, when you make minimum wages, a co-pay means a lot. When you have to decide whether to buy enough groceries or pay the electric bill, where do you think co-pays end up as priority?
Of course these same corporations have been depending on the government subsidy of medicaid for paying poverty level wages for years...
Domino's pizza (like all corporate pizza chains) sucks ass. Seriously - why would anyone buy that shit?
I cannot wait to see the impending judicial smackdown. Federal judges do not like to have their time wasted by morons who file frivolous cases to make some kind of a public "statement." Which is exactly what's happening here.
He's not suing to prevent his employees from getting emergency contraception, he's suing to prevent them from getting contraception, PERIOD.
hopefully this will mean he has no female employees left soon as they have all quit having enough asshole in their lives
There's something wrong when an employer thinks that paying people's paychecks also entails getting to make family planning decisions for them.
@10 Pagliacci's will deliver a delicious pizza to any agoraphobic fuck with $25. The problem is that Domino's is, what, half that?
Employee health insurance is part of compensation, like wages.

An employer cannot control what his/her employees spend their wages on.
@5 - Yes. Yes, yes.

People like this need to be reminded that practicing your religion doesn't include practicing it on other people. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech does not include forcing other people to live by the tenets of your religion that you conveniently pick and choose for yourself.

If it were me, I would put Plan B on the delivery menu at Domino's, so you could get it at 2am in the morning.
I wish I could eat this crappy pizza even less than zero as to detract even more from their market share.
Oh yeah, I forgot that when you work for a company, that company owns you like property and you no longer have your own religious freedom; you inherit the religion and (corrupt) morals of the CEO you will never ever meet, ever.
If you pay people's salaries, eventually you're "paying" for an abortion, whether you like it or not. If you find this immoral, the only solution is to stop being an employer (because banning abortion doesn't prevent abortion; it just makes it more dangerous for the patient).
"The government is infringing on my religious freedom by not allowing me to force my employees to live their lives according to my religious beliefs!"

@10: Hey, don't hate on agoraphobic fat fucks. Some of my best friends are agoraphobic fat fucks, and they know shitty pizza when they taste it.
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I wonder what Domino thinks about all this.
Domino's makes decent pizza now since they changed it. And domino's isn't at fault here. The guy who no longer works there is at fault. Read the damn article. It's Domino farms not Domino's. It's the fucking office park, not the office.
Tom Monaghan's an excellent argument FOR birth control!
I can't believe you said "Would Have Did". My brain hurts.
This asshole isn't trying to exercise his religious freedom, he's trying to deny his employees theirs by forcing them to pay a price for failing to observe his beliefs. Freedom of religion gives people the right to do what they think is right with themselves, not to impose their views on others.

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