
Obviously we need to ban malls.
2 dead. More shot. So far.

Merry fucking Christmas.

When all you think about is guns, bullets look like the solution to every problem.
Looking forward to FiftyTwoEighty's same old same old...
@1, we should have banned malls in the early 90s when the dangers were clear. Fools, we were such fools.
From the Oregonian: "Carlos Preciado, a manager of the Clackamas Claim Jumper Restaurant near the mall, said the restaurant is still open, with a few customers eating at the restaurant."

Shovel it in, people. Don't stop. Don't think about it. Just keep shoveling. More blue cheese butter!
This is not the time to talk about gun control or gun violence.
Fucking hell.
Christmas in America: the twinkling of the lights of the emergency response vehicles outside another mass shooting. Someone should write a carol.
@5 - As in the film "Brazil" where they simply installed a partition between the dining customers and the carnage occurring in the other half of the restaurant. Nothing to see here - as you were. Ah yes, for dessert another order of Second Amendment crème bombé.
From that liveblog:
“It’s pretty crazy stuff. You never expect anything to happen like this,’’ Garcia said. “I’m just shocked that we’re trending on Twitter because of this. It’s horrible.’’

That is weird.
Shooter said to be wearing body armor. These crackpots have totally beaten the "if everyone else had guns, this would never happen" argument. Maybe the NRA would be on board with banning armor if we can't ban guns.
They need to round up all the NRA members in the area and force them to clean up the blood and the piss and the shit.
From the live blog "People were screaming and pointing and running,” she said, “it was just like your typical American nightmare."

I can't tell if this is jaded, spot on, or deeply disturbing
@12: I am one thousand percent behind that. What can we do to make that happen. Now and for every future mass shooting.
Mass? 2 people shot is what they call a Monday in Detroit or Chicago.
Mass? 2 people shot, 60 rounds fired, people running for cover? You know what they call that
in Detroit or Chicago? A slow day.

Your odds of being shot by a gun in this country are tiny. Much higher if you're a young black male, but we're not allowed to mention that.

So carry on shopping or watching Portlandia.
@12 & 14
I've worked 10 years in emergency services and dealt with more bodies, blood, shit and piss than you can possibly imagine.

I carry guns because the reality of the world is people do bad things to other people. You are responsible for your own safety.

I should be noted that this shooting, like almost all mass shootings, happened in a "gun free zone."
Mass? 2 people shot, 60 rounds fired, people running for cover? You know what they call that
in Detroit or Chicago? A slow day.

Your odds of being shot by a gun in this country are tiny. Much higher if you're a young black male, but we're not allowed to mention that.

So carry on shopping or watching Portlandia.
@17 Great, then grab a bucket and head on over to the mall. While you're at it, consider the fact that gun control is not anti gun. It simply means being responsible for your safety in a way that's, well...responsible. The NRA's thinking is anything but responsible. And you cannot possibly believe that had this not been in a gun free zone then the two people now dead could have protected themselves. What were they supposed to do, shoot down the bullets from the initial volley?
For the hand ringers, what exactly does "Responsible" gun ownership look like?

What do I need to do to prove to you I am responsible?

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