
Surprisingly democratic for a Bible verse. Stay single, gays and heteros!
This verse and the story of the Virgin birth together represent the origin of the Catholic church's view that virginity (or at least celibacy) give people higher moral standing than people who are sexually active. In fact, later in the same chapter (verses 26-30), Paul tells married people that the flesh will lead them into trouble; therefore single people should remain single, and men with wives should behave "as though they had none", that is they should remain celibate within marriage.

Because celibacy works so well for Catholic priests.
Self control is hard. Just ask all the sloggers who have to get in 40-comment circle jerks with anonymous trolls.
We didn't have this version of the Bible when I was Mormon. Not saying we should go back to "Momon Study", shudder, but if they'd talked about meeting each other's sexual needs and such I might still be Mormon.
So, being GGG is a biblical thang.
If there were a god, it wouldn't have a book when it could have a talk show. End of story.
@6: I really don't blame Him for not wanting to deal with a studio audience composed mostly of Chelmites.
@7 That's why god invented sound effects and laugh tracks, silly.
Saying you don't have authority over your own body is not exactly GGG.
I like Dan's version of GGG better. This version is really very sex-negative, treating it as better not to have sex at all and treating sex within marriage as a dreary obligation for the less-libidinous partner.

of course you do.

and by all means feel free to continue to worship your gay jesus.

just keep your homoliberohumanist religion out of our laws.
This bible verse states quite clearly, "I wish all people were like me" meaning they are clearly not. and it is a reference to men who should have a wife and women who should have a husband. This is Goldy's cleverest verse in a while, because it celebrates the obviously homosexual writer of Corinthians, who had a "particular gift from God" and today, in Washington State, those people who are like the writer of Corinthians, and who would have had to stay single like him back then, can now get married. And then while married, keep burning with passion, which sounds quite pleasant to me. Cheers!!!

If that were truly the case, then I personally would possess greater moral authority than probably half the Catholic Priesthood...
This translation may be more accurate and more clear, but I still think it's awful.
The last line makes it clear that marriage kills passion.
Such obsession with whether and how other people have sex. My goodness.
Dude, we already know Paul was a self-flagellating queer who couldn't cope with his own homosexuality. All those hot Greek soldier boys must have really given him fits.

we know.
and doing podcasts to boot....
what is Danny's problem, anyway?
Truly one of the great untold stories in history... how many cocks did Paul take in each hole, at what age, and over how many years before he went psychopathic?

He must have sucked at least a few, as opposed to just taking them in the ass, because he was obsessed with foreskin the rest of his life. If the dicks were exclusively in his ass, he wouldn't have cared if they were cut or not.
Paul had outsized influence on the early church because he was literate and able to write (not the same in those days). There isn't a good theological (e.g. supernatural) reason he is in the biblical canon at all. He wasn't an apostle, and claimed to have never even met them.

Of course, the Catholic Church would interpret this as the reason you need them to interpret scripture for you. Me, I interpret it as a reason to discount the whole thing as bull crap. That, and the supernatural aspects.
@9: Saying you don't have authority over your own body is not exactly GGG.

Giving your body completely over to your partner is the ultimate expression of GGG.
Paul had outsized influence, because his letters were written Before the Gospels, around 45-50 AD with gospels written about 65-110 AD. The early writers thought the rapture would arrive in their lifetime. They weren't worried about a 2,000 year moral rule.
@21 I think it's more like a 24/7 M/s relationship.

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