
Thanks for writing that, Paul. It's an amazing privilege to encounter young people unable to grasp how awful it once was.
I've been a sloppy bag of mush all day from the complete overload of adorable pictures. After all the years of pain, discrimination and hard work this is more than a welcome day of happy.
Thanks to Paul and his partner for their pioneering work, and Eli for helping document it.

As you float down the river of happiness in this joyful time, people, keep history in mind. Save pictures and videos, and write about not only your current experiences, but harder and scarier times while your recollections are still strong, before they get drowned in contentment.
World's First Video on Legal Marriage for Same-Sex Couples:

In 1996, Partners produced The Right to Marry , a video documentary based on the dire need for equality that was revealed by our national survey. This was the world's first documentary about the struggle for legal marriage.

The video featured interviews with Rev. Mel White, Evan Wolfson, Phyllis Burke Richard Mohr, Kevin Cathcart, Faygele benMiriam, Benjamin Cable-McCarthy, and Susan Reardon.

The original original 72-min. video is now out-of-print. It is now available as a 7 min. excerpt on Demian’s Film & Video Projects - Archive DVD. [Embedded links in the source are out-of-date.]
The backstory was one of the best Lgbt histories ever!
It might also astonish many of the younger set to discover that as recently as the late 1980's women were not eligible for membership in 10,000's of service clubs worldwide.

See… for a slice of that history, including the role played by a familiar local character.
Great piece on Faygele, Eli!
Oh my god. I know all the people in this article and was at all the places - Malden Street, SCS, etc.

I moved to Seattle from Chicago (via several other places) in 1972. In 1969 and 1979 I was an active member in Chicago Gay Liberation. We managed to enrage the Mafia, learned how to avoid a "contract". Nearly got a few thousand people thrown in jail by the Vice Squad at a big dance we held. And had an action at the APA Convention that resulted in the task force that, a couple years later, removed homosexuality from the DSM.

Faygele, Paul, Patty and I all had strong personalities (Paul the calmest) and managed to accomplish things that few people have the opportunity to do. There were lots of memorable Faygele characters in the early days of Gay Liberation. They were the necessary catalysts.
Here's a question: what about other counties? I've seen pics from Thurston, but what about those small eastern Washington counties? Did anybody show up in Grant or Ferry or Garfield? What do the clerks in those counties have to say? Someone from The Stranger should get on the horn and find out for us.
@7, OMG, how are you Dan? We should have a reunion, those of us who are left from the Malden House, Gay Community Center, Elwah Land Project, SCCSM, SGN, "The Gay Hour" on KRAB radio, etc. Maybe this coming June?
@Fnarf: Spokesman has this:…
If only Ellen Craswell were still alive to share it our joy today. It has been a long time coming. Thank you to all that have fought the fight against hatred.
@Fnarf: As of 4 pm, 2 same-sex couples received licenses in Grant County today. None reported in Ferry or Garfield.
What a beautiful article, Eli. You really are a writer. Paul Constant, also. We're so lucky to have the Stranger in Seattle.
I've always been amazed how the end of legal cruelties always start with illegal action against them.
Even though it was nice to grow up in that first generations of gays and lesbians that, when we came of age, where granted equal rights - and a few years later, equal marriage rights, it's scary how many forget that just because there is a law, doesn't make that law right and how the fights against injust laws where actually fought. And are fought for that matter.

There is always a benefit to talk about history.
Sometimes people who are against marriage equality argue that gay and lesbian relationships are inherently unstable, so there is no point in granting marriage equality because the couples are just going to break up anyway. Thanks to all the couples out there in decades-long relationships who not only fought for marriage equality, but who are now allowed to partake.
It's been a privilege to be part of this movement over the past year, but I do feel a little like a relay runner who steps in at the end of a marathon through a minefield. We get to carry the baton over the finish line on this issue, but only because of so many people who have fought for these rights for decades. It is important to remember that the rights we enjoy today have been won through much bravery and sacrifice.

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