
Katheryn is 61 years old. I couldn't believe it either.
In the time it took for you to post news of his tweet so you can encourage us to ignore him, you could have ignored him at least twenty six times.
Metacritic has given it a 98 so far. This movie is going to screen everywhere.
Citing screenings of "Valor" and "Transformers" does not really work as evidence.

It's not like the Stranger or other liberal media were roaring with disapproval over Obama's wars, his personally authorized assassinations, or the NDAA. The silence over those issues is worse than jingoistic because only a Liberal administration could get away with such actions in this country.
So they thought Battleship would get good reviews?
It's totally screening for critics here.
If you stopped posting about Bret Easton Ellis saying stupid shit, maybe Bret Easton Ellis will stop saying stupid shit to get attention.
Matt Lynch is usually a reliable source for rumors and hearsay - he should be writing for the Stranger, not just getting re-tweeted by them.
Apparently 361,908 people follow him on Twitter. And I don't really think Imperial Bedrooms necessarily tanked, did it?

I mean, yes, stupid things on Twitter. But the "obscurity" card is a bit of a stretch.

Now, will someone please sneak me into a ZDT screening?

I suddenly am reminded about how I tried reading Glamourama after loving Rules Of Attraction. It took me a month to get through half the book, and then it.just.stopped.

I pretty much quit reading fiction afterwards. That was six years ago.
You mean the man who wrote a book about his fantasies murdering and dismembering women and storing them in his freezer could be a misogynist? The hell you say.

Exactly. Why are we surprised?
Bret Easton Ellis demonstrated just how far the fight against sexism and ignorance still has to go.

Why do the actions of one minor celebrity demonstrate how far something has to go? Taking that statement literally, the comments only demonstrate that the fight against sexism and ignorance has at least one minor celebrity to go.

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