
Boner sings the howling wail of a dying breed. And I say that as a middle-aged white male.


Poe said, "The administration cannot unilaterally issue an edict like a monarchy. Congress, Congress, Congress is in charge of the purse. The government has gone wild."…

Hendrik Hertzberg in the current issue:
In 2004, the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, conservatism’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, congratulated President Bush for “what by any measure is a decisive mandate for a second term” and exulted, “Mr. Bush has been given the kind of mandate that few politicians are ever fortunate enough to receive.” This year, examining similar numbers with different labels, the Journal came up with a sterner interpretation. “President Obama won one of the narrower re-elections in modern times,” its editorial announced.
What were those numbers again? Obama's "popular-vote margin now exceeds four million, a million more than George W. Bush amassed when he ran for reëlection. Obama’s electoral-college majority is also larger: 332 to Mitt Romney’s 206, as against Bush’s 286 to John Kerry’s 251."

And inconceivably, so many people feel these petulant crybabies should be running the show.

Thank you for sharing that article, rob! That was a good read.
You're welcome, @4. Looking forward to the solstitial raiment of the Knat buddy-icon.
rob!, agreed, well put. great read.
Ummmm, er, uh, Andy Borowitz, ya know, of course, don't you? Or are you being coy?
What part of "the funniest thing is how it's not unbelievable" do you think fails to convey an understanding by Mudede that the post he quotes is satire?
Article is incorrectly attributed to the New Yorker.
People do remember that the Borowitz Report is humor, don't they? From these comments (and the article) I am not sure.
@9 How is it incorrect? If you click the link it clearly takes you to the article on the New Yorker website.
#11: That is the New Yorker, but it's also a satirical column. So Mudede is quoting satire, not reality. Not sure if he realizes that or not.
#12: Never mind. Mudede obviously gets that it's satire, though I'm not sure if that's an edit or not.
@2: The article Mudede linked to was satire, while yours (from everything I can tell) is reporting that completely straight-faced, without a hint of irony. If it's supposed to be satire, none of the commenters there know it either.

@5: Heh. I'm glad you're enjoying them. The goal is to have a variant for each holiday that I can recycle each year (Groundhog Day should be a fun challenge), and Christmas is the first one I've already created. I'll adjust the colors a bit, but that will probably be it. Sorry if that's a disappointment.

@7: The quotes are clearly satire, but the behavior they're based on is quite real.

It is certainly "as it lays".

Typical comments include:

"This President in the last several days after his re-election has sounded more and more like a dictator than a President"

"He wasn't really re-elected, he stole the election. Romney really won it!"

"And who is going to stop him... The eunuchs in Washington?"

For me, the most fascinating thing is not so much Team Rape's ability to create their own reality-sphere. Everyone does that, even/especially the writers on Slog. What makes Rmoney & the rest of his deluded comrades different is their complete inability to shift between different models & realities.

Despite this, enough voters voted for more GOP congressmen than they did Democratic congressmen. Some folks even in our enlightened corner of the country did the same. Despite having voted for a Constitutional Amendment banning Equal Marriage, Dave Reichert still represents part of King County in the federal legislature.

In 2000, I remember how a friend who voted for Nader told me that Bush's election was a mixed blessing, since things would get so bad that the public would stop falling for Republican nonsense. He got half of that right; things did get pretty bad.

People get the government they deserve. No matter how bad it gets for them, they keep voting GOP.
@16, that inability is the hallmark of conservatives.

More Americans voted to send Democrats to the House than voted for Republicans. Republican control of the House is entirely due to gerrymandering.
Given the positions the GOP has taken and its repeated failures to govern when given the chance, their margin of loss should have been so great as to not only lose the House (even if gerrymandered), but to bring the GOP close to political extinction.

Lets examine the GOP positions of late: Anti-marriage. Pro-rape. Anti-abortion and yet pro-death penalty (life is only sacred prior to birth, apparently). Favors defaulting on our national debt. Drags us into wars with no vision of what victory would look like. Pro-Global Warming. Theocratic (so long as you are christian).

This ought to be an ex-party. A dead parrot. But its not. it controls the House of Representatives.

There are enough voters willing to cast a ballot for a Republican to keep this party intact. Its not on life-support the way the federalists and the Whigs wound up after pursuing disastrous policies and bad leadership for too long.

They live. That alone is terrifying. They exist at all.

Romney won among anyone making more than $50,000.
And the college educated.
And in the suburbs (and any place with less population density)

@21 - And as we all know, people making more than $50,000 a year are just plain better than people making less than that. Also, rich people voting in their own economic self-interest are intelligent and strategic. Poor people voting in their own economic self-interest are greedy and self-absorbed.

College educated people are also better than uneducated bumpkins. That is to say, people with Bachelor's degrees are smarter than bumpkins. People with Postgraduate work are not very smart (Because they voted for Obama, you see)

Bailo, are you ever going to successfully prove a valid point, are you just going to continue bitching about how it's everybody else's fault that you can't get ahead in life or find a woman who can tolerate you for more than a few moments? Where is your personal responsibility?

His point is that educated people should know better. They didn't.

People love to make excuses for the American electorate. Its not their fault-let's blame gerrymandering. Or the influence of money in our politics. After all, perfectly reasonable people will immediately be fooled by well-funded campaigns in gerrymandered districts, right?

What if they aren't reasonable? What if we justs top making excuses for them? What's the matter with Issaquah? Why do they keep re-electing a guy who trried to write homophobic bigotry into the federal Constitution? Maybe its not because the residents of South King County are repeatedly being gerrymandered and hypnotized by glossy print ads. Maybe its because they wanted it that way. And that speaks to something far worse about the character of the electorate.
Actually, the stats I saw show that those with a BS degree or higher tended to vote Democratic.

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