Blogs Nov 30, 2012 at 10:31 am


I suggest folks also read the 4 recent posts by Lyle Denniston on SCOTUSblog.
You missed all the fuss and appeals in NV too.
Bush v. Gore and Obamacare were relative pipsqueaks.

The Supreme Court's decision to stop counting votes and choose the president themselves was a "relative pipsqueak"?

Um, no.
Sweet FSM, please don't let those senile, sadistic psychopaths on the Sue-preem KKKort anywhere near those lower court rulings. They'll order us all into Death Camps for Cuties.
That was on last week's episode, so while Dan may have lived in a world without a jockstrap on Chord Overstreet's face, the rest of us didn't.
The Supreme Court portico make's my only point. "Equal Justice Under Law"
I had never considered that this court is simultaneously the first that ever would even have the potential to "approve" gay marriage and also the last to ever even consider "opposing" gay marriage. Such is the time in which we live.
its sooooo exciting!

Today's Big Gay News Stories: There are no big news stories. SCOTUS didn't bother with it... back to the ether with the issue, for whenever they decide to play bait & switch again. This isn't even the first time it's been de facto bumped. Basically, I'll believe it when I see it... until then, I'm not sure continuing to jump at these set dates only to have them yanked without comment over and over again is the wise way to proceed.

But hey, knock yourself out.
I'm with you @9! This is at least the 3rd time this fall they've yanked the football. I'm waiting for the news when they've actually done something; til then it's all wishful thinking.
Why they can't put the Prop 8 case to bed by refusing to hear it is a head-scratcher, tho. I'm betting the conservative justices are foot dragging with all of it just because it's Teh Ghay.

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