
It's a press release. Hence it's short. There's no expectation of enumerating all the tangential facts in a press release.
Is this something we care about? Gregoire is on her way out the door. I'm not sure I'd respect her if she didn't exploit her final days for personal gain. This seems less unscrupulous than pardoning friends.
I'm less concerned about the blatant nepotism than I am about the fact that the governor appointed a real estate broker and an attorney to the board of trustees of a college. Just what we need in higher education: managers who have zero experience in education.
Feel like Serfs yet?

Seattle is a circular conga line of people sniffing each others dingle berries and praising same as lilacs.
"Courtney Gregoire surely has the qualifications to serve on the board." What makes you say so? She's only been an attorney for about 6 years. I don't know of many other 6-year attorneys who have a last name other than Gregoire who would get such an appointment.
Right, Phoebe. The fact that a gubernatorial appointee is the governor's daughter is a "tangential fact". Do you ever pause, before typing such strands of nonsense words, to ask yourself: what does what I am about to type actually _mean_?

You do realize that Gregoire is governor of the entire state, right? And that she works in Olympia, not Seattle? Getting the facts straight will make your awesome burns awesomer.
@3, for what it's worth, have no fears about Carmen Gayton. She's quite awesome, and her husband's a real powerhouse. The Gaytons have been lending a hand around town for almost 125 years now. Appointing Carmen keeps our community college system connected to the broad range of resources it needs.
Two questions: Who made the nominations? What, if anything, does the appointment pay?

Also, agree with @3
More proof that Chris "Don't call me Christine" Gregoire has a tin ear and two left feet. The proper way to setup your kids is to have someone else appoint them to such a post. (Inslee in 3 months?) Did she not make any friends during her 16 years in Olympia? She must have appointed someone else's kid to a cushy post somewhere along the way. No favors to call in?

If she truly is angling for a high profile DC gig, be assured that the GOP will throw this hamfisted move in her face.
@7: You're being obtuse. I was adding a dash of sarcastic spice. Also, it's not nepotism like she's a hiring her daughter into her own business.
I applaud the college for the not mentioning it out out of respect for Courtney as she builds her career. Anyone with half a brain can do a search and find out immediately that she's the governor's daughter.

Wow, the Board of Trustees of the Community College? Don't they, like, regulate all of our lives? I mean, they wield enormous power, and earn fabulous salaries, enjoy Secret Service protection and junket afar on lavish foreign trips, right? Oh, wait, you mean, this is more like a mediocre nonprofit board where you're expected to raise money and do grunt work like figure out how to get support from institutions like Microsoft and the Legislature. Well, then, you're right. Someone who is connected to those institutions would be a stupid pick.

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