
If anything is worthy of this, it's this.
Oh, who cares? It's over.
Of course, the Petraeus/Broadwell Affair isn't really about marital infidelity. If it were, about half of all government officials would have to resign in disgrace.

So we're agreed then that John Edwards was railroaded out on a pseudoscandal.
Oh, please, please, please let this go down badly for my congresscritter that I didn't vote for. Please.
@4 My guess is that Reichert may come out looking well intentioned, if inept. He's not particularly strategic, and he attempts to adhere to a strict moral code. He wouldn't approve the Petraeus affair, and I don't see how he'd be attempting to exploit it.
@ 2, you haven't really thought about the implications.

The head of the CIA may have leaked classified info for political purposes.

Are you not seeing why that's serious, and most certainly not affected by the Republicans' loss?

@ 3, in John Edwards' case, he revealed himself to be a complete shitstain. It wasn't simply that he was sleeping around, which is why Bill Clinton didn't suffer the same fate.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Petraeus was set to testify under oath before House and Senate committees this week regarding the Benghazi consulate.
Let's all secure our tin foil hats.
Nah. Paula Broadwell has a weirdly high forehead; it's clear she's just been trading grooming tips with ol' Turdblossom.
Nah, there's a much simpler explanation: everybody who's ever held a clearance knows that you're expected to disclose anything and everything that somebody might ever try to hold against you. You get caught hiding a liability like this, the institution decides you can't be trusted, and you're done.
@6, please read @8 and act accordingly.
WAAAAAIT just a fucking minute! Broadwell was an active duty officer and is currently Lt. Col. in the reserves!

I smell UCMJ violations and a possible court martial, here. She had security clearances while also serving in the reserves and may have leaked emails from a superior officer/ civilian authority (retired or not)?

Any connection - even one removed - whatsoever between a sitting CIA director and the political campaign of a rival to the commander in chief is some serious shit.

This smells. This smells bad.
All the intrigue aside, I can kinda see why Petraeus would want to hit that.

I'm waiting for all the others. Do you really wait till you're sixty to start cheating?
@ 11, coming as that does from someone burying his or her head in the sand, that's funny.

@ 14, I was on another site earlier today and saw a sidebar that I didn't click saying at least another woman has come forward.
#7: Would you stop with the stupid conspiracy theories? What was he going to reveal at his testimony? That Obama planned the attack in Libya? That someone in the chain of command may have failed to gauge warning signs? Do you really believe that the revelations he was going to make were so explosive that they had to cook up an affair in order to prevent his testimony? Conspiracy theories are retarded, especially when the only motive you have is some vague insinuation. In fact, your entire statement is just insinuation. Unless you can name a real motive, or real reason for a coverup, you're just blowing smoke out your ass. Everyone is already aware that they dropped the ball securing the embassy. No one is denying anything.
And furthermore, why the fuck would Patreaus eat shit for the rest of his life in the smoking rubble of his career to defend Obama or spooks further down his own chain of command? Yes, the Libya thing is so fucking big that officers of the highest level are willing to fall on their swords to cover it up! So fucking dumb.
@13 indeed, now that I have seen her in uniform.
I am guessing that Reichert knows a couple FBI agents, given his law enforcement background, besides probably a major interest for him on Capitol Hill. One of them leaked it to him. It is funny that Cantor dealt with this rather than Boehnor..
Broadwell!? Is that really her fucking name? It's kind of like Shagwell. And while men may find her hot, this queer thinks she's creepy.
Could ancient aliens be responsible..?
So Karl Rove had gazillions of dollars and the CIA director in his hip pocket, and he still couldn't win an election.

Remember when everybody talked about this guy as if he was the most brilliant political strategist of all time? he seems more like an incompetent bungler now

It's beginning to look like MITT paid big $ for the Benghazi 'attack'!!
@14 Wouldn't know. I'm not in a category of appearance/fame/wealth/success that makes it an option regardless.
@16 Petraeus was a long time Republican ally invested in a return of Republican rules. Do you really need to ask?
One has to ask why the FBI and the GOP are such Dens of Traitors who would do anything they can to destroy America, out of extremism.

It's time to get real.
@12: And she's out of uniform regs with that second button undone, IIRC.
I don't know about leaking stuff to Rove (someone whose proven he can keep all sensitive CIA information secret), but I do know that skanky bitch's leaking her crazy to some woman in Florida got her skanky boyfriend disgraced and booted from the CIA.
Anyway, the FBI had access to his and her emails, so if there was such information passing on, I doubt he's be resigning, he'd be confined for interrogation, and charged with a felony.
and how does this pic indicate Rove was getting infor from Broadwell? Perhaps Biden was getting info from the Salaskis-DC housewife-about the next episode of housewives of DC--really--this white house will blame anyone before they accept responsability--Carney, just now saying it is up to the DOJ and the President is focused on getting the economy in order-what is that expression from a crazy old woman in a horrow movie about 2-3 years ago--"We are all in deep shit"

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