
My sisters are identical and recently stopped living together at 36. They have always had each other, I was always very jealous of that. I can see how conjoined twins would feel like they already have someone.
Excellent use of stock photo.
Wow, that's not the question I would have asked. My first thought was how awkward it would be to have family in the same room every time you have sex. What does the non-participant do when that's going on? Turn up the music very loud on their headphones and try very hard to focus on their reading?
Yeah, this is something I wonder about. And going beyond that, they would both have to have the same job, go to the same schools, every damn thing. It would be very different.
@4: as ScienceNerd points out, identical twins have a tendency towards doing everything together anyway. Your experience of being a wholly unique individual is where your sense of individuality comes from. For Abby and Brittany, none of this would be strange at all. Just imagine the kind of cooperation required to ride a bike, starting somewhere around the age of 6 or 7, and then extrapolate from there. I doubt they've really *ever* considered *your* point of view and your individuality. There's just no room for anything but cooperation in their lives.

As for the privacy thing and people not wanting to talk about their most intimate moments, also consider the fact that when you're really weird - like one in a million weird - there's also the desire to *not* be the star in a freak show. Just ask any transgendered person about the kind of people that like having sex with them.
@5 Good point. Thanks.

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