
And what about the millions Washington United for Marriage has raised? What are they going to do with it or have they pissed it all away. Part of the reason No on 8 lost in California is because they failed to respond effectively to the lies the other side put out in its ads. Playing nice doesn't win elections. If that's the strategy, then you've already lost. When will you all stop acting like chicken-littles and fight back without fear?!
@1: because if you aren't afraid you are complacent. Nothing wins ballot measures like screaming "don't hurt us, please". Frankly, if Ed Murray and Slog think a 15 point lead and a record number of donors and volunteers a month out is inadequate then we should probably take their word for it.

Don't hurt us, NOM.
This ad makes me so sad. She comes home and her mom fills her head with hate. Sadly, this sort of thing will lead to more religious nutjob homeschooling.
"Under California law, public schools instruct kinds about marriage. Teaching children about gay marriage will happen here..."

Yes, God forbid that kids learn something in a public school, right?
Riiiiight. ::rolls eyes::

And that little girl will now think of only marrying a princess ... because princes ... er ... boys are dirty and bossy and just yucky. Yep, that's exactly how it'll all go down.
I just drove past one of the fundie churches on the outskirts of Port Townsend. The board out from said "Marriage is between a man and a woman." And someone was taking a flash photograph of it.

We know where this is headed, yeah?
If only I'd been told I had the option of marrying a princess.... I I would have jumped right on it.

Shoving heterosexual fairy tales down children's throats and brainwashing them into thinking that's their only option. That's abusive.
The donor's the Catholic Church, who else?
why do christians hate gays so much?
The fundies are OK with telling children that Jesus had two fathers, but it's different when the daddies are, say, Dan and Terry? Does not compute.

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