
Hear that gangs? Olympia's coming for you!
Frankly, I'm a little shocked there's nothing about the debates here, since it's pretty much unanimous in the media that Romney "won," as much as any candidate can win a debate. (Remember, Gore and Kerry both won debates against Bush.) Are you that scared of getting tied to Romney that even his name is poison?
So how did you all decide who got the various McKenna campaign roles/personas?

(sorry if this shows up twice - Safari doesn't like the McKenna photo and crashed)
@ 2, I thought Gore lost the debate when he came out from behind his podium and Bush gave him a quick nod. Just another awkward moment for Al.
Well fuck. As if the day isn't depressing enough (glorious weather not withstanding) I'm supposed to put up with this shit all day long?
Today's slog is so boring.
Reading in other comment threads that this is fake. If so, I have to agree with @40 in this thread:

If it is a joke then the joke is not funny enough.
And it is going on for way too long.
I'm as up for dogging McKenna for refusing to interact with SLOG as you are, but this isn't an especially effective or inventive way to go about it.
Odd he doesn't mention tmobile only exist due to government regulation of the 'free market'
Will this morning never end?
Shit. The entire rest of the national media has been handed over to Team Romney this morning. Why not give the Slog to our own local loser. Great satire.
Dear Stranger: Please don't tell KEXP about this tactic. If I had to listen to this blather during their fund drive I'd gladly empty my fucking wallet to make it stop. Love, Chim.

ONLY Miss Hathaway all day??!? Fuck this, I'm off to The Liberal Gun Club Forum or Firedoglake.
Hey McKenna keep your bigoted anti-gay marriage bullshit off of Slog. Go fuck yourself; I look forward to you losing.

Smoke weed every day.
These are all Seattle Times stories. No other news org - all ST. Does McKenna only read the ST and nothing else? How homogenous. How boring. How uninspiring. Get out of your comfort zone, Chuck.
This is a great way to break people of the habit of checking in on Slog.
If it's a joke, it's not funny. If it's real, then it's really annoying.
As a Hispanic, I have always disliked the "Tandering" that political candidates on both sides do on Hispanics, speaking broken Spanish as if they had any idea what they're saying.
I'm completely confused on how the T-Mobile deal can be because of less government regulation? If there was no regulation T-Mobile would already be a part of AT&T. If there was no regulation neither T-Mobile or MetroPCS would have the wireless spectrum in their possession that this deal is all about.
WTF is this shit?? Go away.
Also, what 14 said.
Anything you agree with is a states rights issue.

Anything you disagree with is a federal issue (gay rights, mj legalization).

Got it.
Come on, can we get another post? What are you doing up there? It's been over an hour since you last posted something. Is this what we should expect in Olympia if you win the election?
What O. Andrew said. If something is in line with Republican fascist doctrines, it may be a states rights matter. If not, ban it federally, preferably with a Constitutional amendment. Fuck you with a rabies-encrusted rusty rake.
John Koster, are you fucking kidding me?
You are dealing with a very cranky audience today, McKenna and staff. A bad day for these shenanigans. After Obama's too polite performance last night we come here hoping for some news and snark to make us feel better. Instead of the national news we expect, we get WA news (many of us aren't even from your state) posted by a republican (A republican! Do republicans offer up their news outlets to democrats? NO. No, they don't.) So I'd like to hate you, Rob, but I don't. Instead I am really exasperated with SLOG. Yes, liberals and democrats should take the high road, reach across the aisle, fight respectfully, etc. But we don't need to just hand free advertising platforms over on a platter, for chrissake.
this is not a state's rights issue. It's a federal issue.

Respectfully, Mr. McCray, this is bullshit.

The referendum is about the law of the State of Washington. Yes, should it pass, it will conflict with federal law....that is largely the point. If the feds wish to micromanage the drugs laws of the several states...let them do it themselves.

Otherwise, why should the State of Washington (or any state) bother to have a criminal code at all, if we are merely to be subservient to the federal criminal code? Let the feds enforce the laws, and let them pay for it.
Way to troll the Mariners fans with a link to Geoff 'I hate the Mariners almost as much as my life' Baker. If you're ginba talk baseball, how about them A's?
We want Big Bird!

Not the bird!
She has the weirdest mouth movements.
Rob, when I watch your videos I love the way you smile so naturally when the teleprompter says (smile). Gramciuous--gracias.

"As Rob has pointed out, this is not a state's rights issue. It's a federal issue."

It must be parody, right? this can't be real? but it seems so real, it's like really real, realer than real. Did someone put acid on my door handles again? Because I can't tell what's real anymore. What's going on? My head feels funny. Please make it stop.
When do we get a SLOG post about the Sounders on Sunday and the glorious playoff?
So, according to you:
Marriage equality is a states issue.
Reproductive rights is a states issue.
Marijuana legalization is a federal issue.

What? That is so ass backwards. Marriage equality and reproductive rights are civil rights issues--human rights issues--which makes them FEDERAL issues.

I think marijuana should be legalized, but it's a plant, not a person. So while I think it should be federally legal, I'm more concerned with the above HUMAN rights concerns.

So much logic fail.
@33: That last line is the unofficial slogan of the GOP.

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