Blogs Oct 2, 2012 at 4:06 pm


Cue pleased vegan right abouuuuuuut... Now.
In Soviet Oregon, bacon eats YOU!!
“Be Wary of any man who owns a pig farm”
-Brick Top
That's why I can't be a vegetarian... we've gotta eat them before they eat us!
Ummm, this is tasteless?
Isn't this common farm knowledge lo, these thousands of years, alongside how to grow beans and tomatoes and whatnot?
@6 nope. Pork chops are delicious.
"Soylent Pink is people!"
@6, yes. Yes, it is.
Flashbacks of Deadwood.
@4 And gypsy boxers.

This is why last week's "bacon shortage" hoax was so funny. Pig feed is becoming more expensive, ergo, pork prices will rise.
Um, maybe pig farmers can find something else for their herd to eat, like .... ANYTHING!
Reminds me of this great scene from the movie Snatch.…
Those pigs will soon get theirs...
Pigs serve no purpose but to be eaten? You're such a dumbass, Goldy. Pigs are the best land clearers in the animal kingdom, and they have been used for that purpose since they were first domesticated.
"Pigs are also believed to be the most intelligent farm animal, and the only one that occasionally kills and eats its master."

Correction: There appears to be no evidence that the pigs killed him. They may have just eaten him. A retraction may be in order here. Don't want you to get suuuuu-eeeeed.
His poor family. Hoe do you have a funeral for a pair of dentures? If he has grandkids, they'd better get used to being tormented by their peers. (Cue lunchroom bullies):
"These hushpuppies are gross!"
"Yeah, I think they made 'em from Garner's grandpa. Hey Garner, wanna bite?"
@7. Yes. Yes it is. We kids and teenagers were never allowed in my grandma's pig's pen, because, as she described the pig, it was, "a kid-killer." I don't know about actual killing, but the damn thing would try to take a bite out of you like you were food, which is scary enough.

I know pigs will eat any kind of table scraps, but they're still expensive to fee. They also need a high-calorie diet in order to put on weight. Grains at a minimum. That's why their commercial chow is a kind of rich oatmeal containing corn and meat. Free-range pigs mostly eat high-calorie nuts, like chestnuts and acorns, yet they still need their diet supplemented by the farmer. Compare that to cattle, who can prosper on the cheapest of feed: grass.
doh! feed.
Love the quote from the district attorney. Well-phrased...
"For all we know, it was a horrific accident, but it’s so doggone weird that we have to look at all possibilities."
port coquitlam trumps this horror
Humans are part of the food chain just like every other animal and plant on earth, and all of nature is red of tooth and claw, besides you really don’t want to know what I learned about cod back in my commercial fishing days
During the Civil War when people lived in hunger because the war disrupted planting and destroyed crops in the field, many people refused to eat pork because it was well known that feral pigs feasted upon the corpses of falle soldiers. There may well be very graphic reasons why early semitic people chose to include a ban on pork eating while creating their theology.
@15: "Pigs are the best land clearers in the animal kingdom"
Some elephants would like to have a word with you.
Oh, you're a sly one, @21.
#22, I want to know. And tell me, are black cod as badass as I suspect?
In so far as pigs have "no purpose" beyond meat. In old school farming methods they're used to turn over and mix soil. They become an integral part of proper land management. More over their self reliance makes them one of the best animals to raise from a subsistence point of view. If your options are work all day to make cows, sheep, or goats produce less food than you need; or grab a couple pigs and leave them to their own devices. You're going to go with pigs. Pork was one of the two things that kept my own family alive during the Irish famines.
"I know I shouldn't laugh at something so tragic and horrific ..." So don't.
As #28 said, next time try a little harder to "resist the irony." This stuff just makes you look bad.
At least we've found a solution to the bacon shortage.
Troy: nature, one creature invariably
eats another creature to survive.
[Images of various wild carnivores attacking and eating
others appear.]
Don't kid yourself Jimmy. If a pig ever got the chance,
he'd eat you and everyone you care about!
@6, 28, 29 FTW. Goldy, STFU. A man died, asshole. Let's start (and end) there.
I'm surprised no pointed this out. Since when did China become the west? They eat a shit ton of pork and have been doing before the West was thing. You know like 5,000 years ago.
Wasn't pig eats man in one of those Hannibal movies? Creepy.
@32 While Goldy's post did make me cringe and yeah it was a in bad taste, I suppose, I'd feel remiss in not admitting that I was trying to bank a joke off of his bad taste hence the question mark after "tasteless". Because y'know pigs taste good and apparently they feel the same way about us and I was anticipating the disapproval of...oh never mind. I apologize.

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