
Actually, ever since OWS I rarely encounter the old "class war" meme anymore. It's one of the ways that they changed the dialogue.
This is good in that it does more than smack down Mitt "My job is not to care about those people" Romney. It shows us the people that we don't see nearly enough of in the media. Normal, everyday, working people. The kinds of people who--more than all of the Mitt Romneys of the world combined--help our society function.

You go, Temo! Kick that entitled, self-important douchebag's ass. You're worth a hundred of him.
I love my union, AFSCME. It's not class warfare, it's self defense. We, the middle class, are the ones under attack.
Wonderful ad. It shows Rmoney at his smarmiest. Good luck Temo.
How will Mitt Romney's arrogance translate onto average people's lives? I love him chuckling about being unemployed, pretty funny stuff alright.
@7 You know? If he was living off of stock options, it wouldn't be so bad. Instead, he's living off of a bunch of elaborate schemes to exploit tax loopholes, while lecturing the rest of us that we're not carrying our weight and paying enough taxes.
I agree the message is effective. I forgot that quote about the lessons of Wisconsin. Choosing firemen and policemen as the symbols of a bloated government is pretty goddamn stupid.

Also, Mitt, policemen and firemen were exempted from Walker's union attacks, so it seems like the lesson you should have gleaned from Wisconsin was, "Don't fuck with policemen and firemen."

But are they running these spots on TV anywhere? Or, is the main-stream media running them for free as part of a news report? They won't be very effective if only the choir sees them.

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