
Your fact is only a small part of why these ads are so aggravatingly out of touch and bewildering. They use the same sort of failed "I am sooooo pissed at this candidate right now" method that got Dino Rossi nowhere while pretending nothing good has happened in WA ever.

If their next ad is "disappointed woman talks over black and white headlines with swooshing red arrows indicating runaway spending" I think someone at the RGA should be slapped.

What can I say, though? McKenna's campaign is claiming he's offering a "new direction" when he's the same wonky AG with a big health law case under his belt that Gregoire was with the same promises to do things differently when compared to the last Gov. Hard to polish that kinda derivative turd.
At least it's clear that the GOP knows who their target audience is -- white guys, 65 and over.
Note to that scriptwriter: The expression is "out the wazoo", NOT "through the wazoo." Idiot.
Or "up the wazoo", but certainly not through it...
The Elwha Dam removal has been another boondoggle, or haven't you noticed?
Inslee should respond with a video of support from the High Fiving White Guys.

Hell, Inslee's practically one of them anyway.
Note to the non-scriptwriter 'NotYourStrawMan': Writing ad copy (or anything other than the scribbles you leave for your imaginary significant other) requires speaking in the language of your audience and sounding genuine. I've heard a number of older friends talk the way they do in the ad. If you ever gave our older people the respect they deserve and paid attention, you might have heard it, too.
@6: I highly approve.
I not only didn't identify with any of those guys, I didn't like them. I particularly didn't like the guy who gestured aggressively with a forkful of food and said "through the wazoo". They all seemed crabby and entitled. They seem to think that starting a small business is risky when the working poor face much more dire economic risks. I just can't identify with any group of adults who meet for breakfast like that. I have to get to work in the morning. Why don't they?
they're hitting inslee for voting for the stimulus THREE YEARS AGO? the one that stopped the economic freefall & consisted mostly of tax cuts?
Hey Eli, any chance you guys can fix Goldy's inaccurate "vacate" headline? Or is that not how you all roll? Thanks!
They keep harping on the 800 billion dollar spending bill TO REBUILD our delapidated infrastructure when they spent A TRILLION DOLLARS on Iraq. On Iraq!!! That worthless shit hole that now murders and tortures it's citizens.
Why do they have East Coast accents?

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