
Oh man, I'm SO glad they brought back "Party Down." This shit is hilarious.
I'm not going to watch Romney pontificate for an hour.

I'll assume he comes across as an elitist, out-of-touch snob who only cares about: 1) Himself, and 2) himself.
Like Mr. UF @2 I won't use up an hour of my time here, but I won't be the first to say that, after seeing just a few minutes (particularly in Part 2), I LOVE seeing the wait staff and white-gloved help carefully moving around....
Ha ha ha ha! "President Romney." Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
highlights please, journalist.
If the video doesnt have Romney talking about slave labor market in China (describing prison like conditions and teenagers trying to break into the factory for work), then this isnt the full video.
Hey GDfR -- care to explain now why context DOESN'T matter?
The map shows the Welfare Red States that Mitt wants to win are where his 47% live.

Mitt hates you, like the French Radical Communist he is, living in his French Castle while you pay his bills.
When I listened to the audio snippets yesterday, I thought they were damning, but anticipated the response to be that the quotes were taken out of context or even faked. For there now to be full video evidence quashes any opportunity for denial. How can Romney respond to this?
An interesting take on this episode comes from The Guardian:
It was a terrible week for Romney and the Republican party – one that suggested his campaign had acquired the hard-to-shake odor of loserdom. When that sense takes hold, every mistake, even minor ones, are magnified [...]. A meme of smelly failure develops around a candidate and every story is fitted to that emerging narrative.
Meaning that just about every future article about Romney will be put in the light of these self-imposed obstacles. I doubt you'll see any story - even one covering the most benign of campaign stops - that doesn't reference his struggling campaign.

Blaming the media for this take, as the GOP certainly will, is like blaming sharks for being attracted to blood, or motorists for rubbernecking at a car wreck. Self-immolation is a fascinating thing to behold.

48 days until the election.
Let's see if I have this right...
If you're poor, and don't pay taxes. You're a freeloading leech/welfare queen.
If you're wealthy, and don't pay taxes. You're a job creating patriot.
They're serving carafe wine. What kind of cheap ass campaign is this?
I agree the white-gloved waiters are a good touch.
At 2:20 in the first video a guy talks about how the Iranian hostages were freed on Reagan's inauguration day and asks how Romney might "duplicate that scenario". Romney answers "I can't, how can YOU --?" but he "appreciates the idea". At 4:00 he gloats about Jimmy Carter having the hostage crisis, the helicopter crash and, at 4:20, goes on: "If something of that nature presents itself, I'll work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity." He's not a dick a douche or an asshole. He's a prick.
@14 don't fault the man for anything he said at 4:20. This is a party house, remember.
@15 point taken
#14, so he's a prick. You expected something else?

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