
You learn something new every day. I always thought DTMFA meant Dump The Mother-Fucking Asshole.
Glad to know Terry's virginity is in such good hands. Keep up the good (hard?) work.
So what is your point?

You advocate condomless anal sex to kids as FOOLPROOF™ birth control (never mentioning that it is guaranteed to spread disease)

The study shows anal sex is up.

And you bitch and whine?

What, did Terri forget to pick up the Midol and liquor this week?
When did Dan ever advocate condomless sex for any sex act?I must have missed that column. All the ones I have seen have preached the value and necessity of condoms for any and all sex acts.

you must have.

just a few days ago.

kids write in bitching about not wanting to use a condom.

Uncle Danny is all "don't worry! Hell, there's LOTS you can do without a condom and never get pregnant! Anal sex! Oral Sex! GAY SEX!!! blah blah blah...FOOLPROOF!!! .....eeehhaww!!!"

It is, of course, CRIMINALLY irresponsible to advocate any form of sexual behavior without protection to kids.

Were there any justice in the world Danny would be meeting his 30 new polyandrous husbands in cellblock D even as we type.....
@4: He hasn't advocated it this time. If you mean the part about how anal is safe because otherwise they would warn you about it in sex ed, he is opposed to this line of reasoning.
Shush, anonymous troll, it's okay. Dan's not gonna get you. Let's put your straw arguments back in the toybox now.
@4 Dan never advocated condom-free anal sex to kids or anyone else. He pointed out that "mutual masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, outercourse, sex toys, cybersex, and gay sex" were all acts that did not lead to pregnancy, in direct response to the argument that abstinence is the only foolproof way to prevent pregnancy. (Presumably unless your name happens to be Virgin Mary, The.) This comment was directed, by name, towards one Miss Bristol Palin, and no one else.

Pointless to argue, since obvious troll is obvious, but still.
Saddlebacking may be part of what's driving the rise of anal, but I think it's mostly because of porn. Straight boys, even Christian ones, have typically beheld enough anal sex that it becomes quite familiar long before they actually get intimate with a real girl. It really is amazing just how naive these "educators" are, but the mistaken belief that young teens are pure-minded, virginal children as opposed to the dirty-minded, horny near-adults they actually are is a big part of what drives people to think abstinence-only is a good idea in the first place.

We really, really need to change our sex ed curricula to account for the existence of porn. We need to teach kids - especially boys - that not everything they see in porn is realistic or safe, and that actual women require more care and respect in bed than porn actresses require when they're on the job. We need to stop assuming that our kids are naive, because they're not. Porn fucking exists, it's fucking ubiquitous and the percentage of boys who reach their 15th birthdays without seeing large quantities of hardcore internet porn is miniscule. And it's not just boys, either - plenty of girls watch porn and a lot read pornographic fanfiction, plenty of which is just as unrealistic as the male-oriented video fare. I don't think porn is a problem, but I do think kids need to be made aware that it exists to arouse, not to educate.


all very true.


You are a BullShit Liar.

The letter to Danny said:
"I'm a 17-year-old girl. My 16-year-old boyfriend doesn't like condoms, and I don't like what birth control pills do to my emotions and my skin.
Now what?"

Did you catch it?

"My boyfriend doesn't like condoms"

"Now what?"

(are we going too fast?)

Danny repeats advice he has given before:

"Here are a few other 100 percent foolproof ways to prevent pregnancy, Bristol, right off the top of my head: mutual masturbation, oral sex, anal sex (aka "saddlebacking" when practiced by Christian teens), outercourse, sex toys, cybersex, GAY SEX. There are actually lots of "foolproof" ways for teenagers (and adults) to be intimate without risking an unplanned pregnancy."

Still with us?

Danny is advocating condomless anal and oral and GAY SEX! as birth control
(not familiar with the term 'saddlebacking'? see below....)

Danny reminds us who he is giving advice to.... "When you explain to nervous, inexperienced teenagers..."

Oh, that Danny- he even cracks a joke: "And just imagine....if Levi had limited himself to inseminating your tonsils."

Get it?

An 'oral sex without a condom' joke.


And just in case "My boyfriend doesn't like condoms" girl doesn't get it Danny repeats it:
"So, PILL, here's what you do: Enjoy outercourse, oral,...blah blah blah....until you and your boyfriend find the condoms and lube that work for you."

And, since you didn't get it, let us repeat:


from The Washington CityPaper:
"The Stranger's Dan Savage didn't like that Barack Obama asked Rick Warren to speak at his Inauguration, so, in the same subversive tradition that gave us Santorum, Savage commissioned readers of his column in Washington City Paper and other outlets to assign "Saddlebacking" (coined after Warren's Saddleback Church) to a sex act. Here's what Savage's readers came up with to describe Saddlebacking: "the phenomenon of Christian teens engaging in unprotected anal sex in order to preserve their virginities.""
I like the troll. It's kinda endearing to watch him try.
How is "mitigat(ing) east/west mobility in Sodo" a "transportation improvement"?

we give up.

@Troll: Here's Dan's quote, verbatim:

"I'll be with you in a minute, PILL. But first...

More stupidity and opportunism: Bristol Palin is now a spokesperson for an organization that encourages teenagers to abstain from having sex. "Regardless of what I did personally," Bristol advised America's youth last week, "abstinence is the only... 100 percent foolproof way you can prevent pregnancy."

Here are a few other 100 percent foolproof ways to prevent pregnancy, Bristol, right off the top of my head: mutual masturbation, oral sex, anal sex (aka "saddlebacking" when practiced by Christian teens), outercourse, sex toys, cybersex, GAY SEX. There are actually lots of "foolproof" ways for teenagers (and adults) to be intimate without risking an unplanned pregnancy."

As you can see, he WASN'T EVEN RESPONDING TO THE LETTER WRITER, who went by the acronym "PILL". You can tell that he wasn't responding to her, because he told her that he would get back to her and her issue "in a minute" after a brief digression.

I am not a bullshit liar. You are a poorly-educated fool with no reading comprehension. (Or, more likely, you don't believe a single word you say, you just want to Start Shit on the Internet (TM).) Why you would pick this particular article for your attempt, I have no idea. There are others, which would support your argument more aptly. By choosing to pick on THIS article and lie (misconstruing the article by scrambling quotes from various points within and providing them without context is, in fact, LYING) about the content you've done nothing but point out what a complete dipshit you are.
@13: When making a nitpicky comment, it's a good idea to make sure it's in the right thread...
ok, off topic - but Dan, any chance you were recently in Mariposa, CA while on your sabbatical? We saw someone in the local diner that reminded us of you...
Does anyone really think these kids think they aren't having sex and are therefore virgins? I don't think that's the case really. I think the girls are preserving their hymens for the day when they'll have to lie to their future also lying husband when they both tell each other all they've ever done before is kiss. And the boys don't complain about having lost their virginity because why the hell would they. They cannot possibly think they are still virgins. I could see how the girls could think that, if virginity = intact hymen. And of course they don't use protection - how the hell could they get it without significant risk of outing themselves? Plus, if everyone swears they've never had sex before all the way to the altar, how could anyone get STDs? God only sends STDs to punish sluts and gays and Democrats. God people are clean people.

Oh, and also it's a form of birth control in a place where you can't get condoms, like in Saudi Arabia.
I love Dan but whenever he talks about how awful and miserable the vaginal sex he had as a teen was, I always just hope and hope that the owner of that vagina never reads his columns.

You said @8: "Dan never advocated condom-free anal sex to kids or anyone else."

His diatribe against Bristol
(who was all of 18 years old when Danny singled her out for his creepy stalking)
is part of the answer to PILL
(or is poor Danny so addled and ADD that he randomly digresses in his columns to irrelevant tantrums?)
and advocates condomless anal sex for kids as a method of birth control.

That advice is rhetorically directed to Bristol;
it is Danny's answer to PILL and to every other kid in America.

( "I'll be with you in a minute, PILL. But first..." is a also rhetorical writers device.
Perhaps you are not a BullShit Liar.
Perhaps you are a Tedious Fucking Moron.
If so I apologize.

Please share the other articles that support the point more fully.
@19: I believe that the vagina and vagina-haver that Dan first had sex with were both lovely, and I'm sure he believes that too, but sex with someone that you are inherently incapable of being attracted too? It has to be pretty fucking miserable sex...

And again, at no point did Dan ever ADVOCATE condomless anal. He stated the fact that it (among a long list of similarly non penis-in-vagina sex acts) does not generally cause pregnancy. This is true. Stating a fact is not the same thing as condoning a behavior. Dan said in the very sentence where he rattled off that list of sex acts that said list was nothing more or less than a series of things that immediately sprung to his mind as acts that do not result in pregnancy. At no point does he say that they don't cause gonorrhea. In his actual reply to PILL he "condones" a list of alternative sexual acts, and anal (with condom or otherwise) is not on the list, anywhere.

"So, PILL, here's what you do: Enjoy outercourse, oral, masturbation, and sex toys—and tell your boyfriend that these aren't consolation prizes for teenagers, but honest-to-God sex acts that adults enjoy—until you and your boyfriend find the condoms and lube that work for you."

Being eighteen made Bristol Palin a legal adult, and absolutely deserving of pushback, both from Dan and the rest of the world, considering that she was and is spreading misinformation and causing harm to young adults. Dan doesn't have ADD, Dan uses digressions within his text (as you will find in almost every column) as a method of diverting the column to some topical issue he wants to discuss. The Agony Aunt "Question - Answer - Rinse - Repeat" format is generally an incredibly boring one, these diversions are one of the many things that make Dan's columns worth reading.

And, really? "Every other kid in America?" Dan isn't in charge of sex ed in public schools* and as such, the number of kids who are going to see this is quite small. The few who do read Dan's column or blog posts are likely intelligent enough to figure out how to navigate the archives, and will likely read more than a single post.

If they DON'T read more than a single post, if a fifteen year-old kid reads that blog post and only that post, the main takeaway from everything Dan said (to anyone with, again, READING COMPREHENSION, i.e. "Not you, nitwit.") is "Hey, kids! You don't actually have to have penetrative sex in order to have orgasms!"

I have no idea what "point" you are referring to.

P.S. As much fun as I've been having feeding the troll, I'm unwilling to continue unless you can fix your formatting issues. You don't insert a line break after each sentence, or after each semicolon, or before and after a parenthetical. The internet is text based, and if you make your posts tedious to read, no one is going to come out and play with you. I am, again, very sorry that both your schools and your parents failed you so considerably.

*Which is a pity. But public school Sex Ed (the comprehensive kind, not the abstinence-only kind) is a two day course held for maybe one hour per day, in middle school. (And for girls, one of those hours is devoted to "So... Periods!" presumably while the boys are off putting condoms on bananas. Which girls are never taught, because why would they need to know how to do that?) I'm not sure even Dan could make two lone hours worthwhile.

"I've been preserving the shit out of my boyfriend's virginity for 14 years now ... I'm going to keep preserving the living shit out of his virginity."

Jesus Christ, Dan. Just give us some wicked visuals, why don't you.

(Can we like maybe, er, um, ... watch? Just like, um ... once in a while?)

@9 - Any evidence to suggest that porn is to blame? If anything, porn follows sexual culture - not the other way around. If there is more porn with anal sex out there, it's likely because more people are into anal sex.

As far as demystifying porn - that's probably where parents need to step in and get over the awkwardness and have a real conversation with their kids about sex. I really don;t need a stranger telling my kids what they think about a porn scene's realism.

@11 - he recommends condomless anal sex in place of condomless vaginal sex. In committed relationships, girls frequently use the pill once they get comfortable with the sexual safety of their partner. If you want to ditch condoms and the pill isn't an option, then anal certainly is.

PS - you're an idiot.


but not enough of an idiot (or malkicious enough...) to recommend that inexperienced teens have unprotected anal.....


One of your most Ardent FanBoys

(Bob. In Baltimore....)

claims to have found a secret recording of you from 2006

in which you endorse legalizing Polygamy.

He has even posted a transcript
(on Slog, for crying out loud.
Punked on your on blog!
damn- the internets are a jungle....)

"I have the same reaction to legalizing marriage for gays as I do for polygamists. What’s the big deal? Legalize it. It’s kind of like arguing against giving women the vote because then women will want to enter the work force. (Horrors!)"-Dan Savage

Please clarify.....

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