
silly. you'd find humans had taken over all over building forts, ships, gunpowder, doing math, engaging in science and philosophy with unlimited potential, rocketing upwards in just 50K years from cavemanlike troops of gatherers and hunters, to people who'd conquered 13 breeds of animals creating wealth in the fomr of livestock, taming massive rivers like the nile and the ganges, building weird things called pyramids catapults and roads, and inveting writing and art, stories, myths, sagas of exploration and development, and oh btw you'd have learned that just recently a bunch of semi literates from a northern peninsual got in little boats and went into the unkknown sea to find and settle in fucking greenland. of course one day this race of humans would conquest space, have you no sense of projection from past trends?
@1 beautifully put.
wow. yeah @1, well-said.
but mudede has a point too. you both win.
It's amazing, I think, when you get one of these mind-shifting epiphanies later in life, when you've come to think that all your assumptions are fixed in stone.

In April, I read the article, "Alien Earth 'Goldilocks Planet' May Be Discovered by 2014, Astronomers Say." It sent chills of awe through me and blew my mind away like a dandelion puff--we might be that close to technology being able to identify artificial light on a distant plant? I guess, despite all the sci-fi I've grown up with, I never *really* believed I might be alive to experience that....…
yep; it's a race to spread monkey spore before the long winter.
I love it when scientists kluge up a giant Rube Goldberg, and it works!
"I should shut up about what the future holds for space travel and other forms of transportation."
thank you.

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