
Six feet of snow at Paradise.
I wouldn't say cool, I'd say cold.

Looks like Seattle real estate is a great investment!
It's been in the 90s and 100s the past week I've been in Omaha. Looking forward to highs in the 60s and low 70s when I get home tonight.
86 in, we're burning up!

Seriously, you mossbacks need to take a plane trip once in a while.
I prefer this one:
We are America's wine cellar.
Remember kiddies, Global Warming is fake! LOL!!!! HAHAHAHA!!

Not really, it actually means humans won't be able to live on the planet in a hundred or so years without a great deal of protection and assistance. And the really bad's largely too late to prevent that little reality.

86 just means the aroma of street urine and rotting garbage isn't quite as overpowering as it could be in dear ole' NYC...
@ 2 I wouldn't even say cool once its in the 60s its kind of nice. The 70s are perfect and above 80 we got a heat wave.
and Charles its 65 right now

We'll still be able to live on the planet in another century, but just about everything between 50 degrees North Latitude and the Equator will be like Palm Desert this time of year.
it seems as though predictions from 10-20 yrs ago are correct...most things i heard about in climate classes in grad school - larger, more unpredictable storms, cool wetter NW weather, etc - are proving correct.

most of our food crops were developed to live in a fairly narrow band of weather/climate...major problems with crop failures due to extreme weather and unexpected pests infestations (due to milder winters) arent that far off.

happy 4th. ;(
Catherine from Bellingham! I am at a conference in Chicago for the week. I went outside today from 9:00-5:15. Ran 5 miles, walked for hours in the heat. I miss summer heat. Don't miss the rain one bit.
The heat just makes them even KKKrazier.
A sad graphic, indeed. I'm currently sitting in the only spot on that map between the Rockies and New England that is less than 84 degrees.
I'm feeling pretty smug about my decision to live in Portland right about now. Believe it or not, the weather was a big impetus (I don't care for direct sunlight).
I so, so, so, so hate it when people around here start moaning about the sky being cloudy or summer not being here or whatever similar crap they have in mind. I always see it on the rare occasions when I catch the local television weather reports. "Boo, it's rainy and cloudy! But don't worry! Lots of sunshine coming our way next week!" Every time. (But then again, I detest local television network affiliates.) Heat and sun are considered "good" by default and rain or clouds are "bad", regardless of anything else. Then it's hot and blindingly sunny and you can't go out. Geez. Move to Arizona if clouds and rain bother you so much. If Zeus or Gaea are sitting on a mountain somewhere listening to the chatter of their creatures: Don't change the classic Northwest weather! Most people here DON'T want to be Palm Springs or Atlanta! We don't want to be Topeka! "Hot" and "sunny" are negative descriptors! It's just that the hot-and-sunny types are also the loudest. Don't listen to them. Amen.

There. It's off my chest.
The colors, Duke! The colors!
True, the whole country is hot and we sure are not. But I'd like to point out that this snapshot is from temperatures valid at 12:15pm Pacific Time (which means they're hourly reports measured at ~11:55AM). So it's before the west coast has warmed up for the day, but after the rest of the country has heated up (plus: humid places heat up by about noon, but Seattle often won't top out until evening). A rule of thumb for a Seattle summer day is that it'll warm up 11 more degrees from 11am. But!: we're accelerating into summer finally: warmer and sunnier each day for the next week! And still nice after that!
I hear there is a cream that will clear that map up.
July 5th, people! Every damn year I gotta remind everyone but my Grandma. Summer here starts on July 5th. Got it?! J-U-L-Y F-I-F-T-H, every goddamn year. It's like geoduck chucking or Sasquatch wrestling, it's tradition. Betcha all only bathe in organic free range dogfish oil too. Dainty mossless guppies, the lot of ya.
So jealous of your weather right now! I'm in Colorado and shit's burning.

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