
Obviously, Rosen's comments about stay-at-home moms are unfortunate and wrong...

Let's be clear - Rosen's comment wasn't about stay-at-home moms. It was about Mitten's wife pretending to be a stay-at-home mom. Shame on you for not recognizing the difference.

Although, to be fair, directing servants is hard work...
Yep, this will be important for the next 48 hours.

But the Democrats can use it if they want to.
Republicans value the choice that women make as long as that choice is to stay home and raise the kids.

If you want a different choice ... look at the legislation being passed by Republicans around the country.

And the core issue is that Mitt Romney is claiming that Ann Romney is an expert about women's choices. Is she?
stupid stupid Rosen
No, your career choice was to stay at home and manage the nannies, maids and cooks that raised your children for you. Pretty fucking different from the experience of the stay-at-home moms in my life.
@1 Right on. Mitt is the macro-economic brains in the family, and he shouldn't be using Ann as a shill. Mitt should know this stuff - it's part of the job.
This is much like the canard that a government budget is just like a household budget. Just because Ann is a mom doesn't mean she knows shit about how working moms in Peoria handle their families. Digging a hole in your backyard doesn't make you a geologist.
@ 1 is absolutely right, but Rosen still ought to have known better. She really handed them a great sound bite.

I think, instead of focusing ONLY on the way they don't respect choice (which is just as true of Republican women as it is men), we ought to keep pointing out how the Romneys and other wealthy families hire out the hard work of child care, house keeping, and cooking. They also send their kids to day camps, tennis lessons, and all kinds of other crap that keep them out of their hair for the maximum amount of time, allowing them to spend hours at the gym, spa, and "volunteering."

Rich housewives aren't hard workers at all.
It's hard work trying to decide what color her next Cadillac should be.
@4: It's not about domestic help, or whether or not Ann Romney changed diapers or mopped floors - she probably did though, and dealt with MS and breast cancer to boot, it about raising children well and loving them. Whether it's servants, nannies, day-care, all alone stay at home, or any combination - all good moms work hard. Kudos to Ms. Rosen for apologizing to our next First Lady.
This story demonstrates how stupid and corrupt our national political press has become. The Stranger can do better than this.
"No, your career choice was to stay at home and manage the nannies, maids and cooks that raised your children for you."

Technically correct.

And it illustrates a more important point.
The other "working moms" have TWO JOBS.
a. Raising the family (this one does not come with a paycheck).
b. Earning a paycheck.

All moms are "working" moms. But not every job is the same.
And some moms are FORTUNATE to only have ONE job while many have to find a SECOND job to help pay for the expenses of the family that they're raising.

Ann Romney may be an expert on juggling nannies and cooks.

But most of the "working moms" have a different set of concerns. Like whether to take a day off work because little Billy is sick but that means a smaller paycheck and little Timmy needs new shoes and you don't want to be fired for taking too many days off.

No, it's about whether Ann Romney has the slightest idea what it's like to be an average American woman in this country, as her husband implied. She doesn't. She is the stay-at-home wife of a quarter billionaire. She's as out of touch as her husband is, and, if they can't get a handle on that, Romney will be the next George H.W. Bush.

Congratulations on backing a loser.
Can we at least agree on one thing?

Ann Romney did a GREAT job of raising FIVE children on only a millionaire's income.
I don't see what the problem is.

Stay at home moms can always sell one of the extra mansions if they're short on cash, right?
Rosen stated a fact - she never freaking work a day in her life. Stay at home mom is a lot of work yes for average people but it's a fact that she never work to bring income.
my SIL has MS. but i've never seen it affect her non-income generating shadow work once. and she doesn't even have therapeutic horses to ride. so boo hoo, rich lady.

the whole story just goes to show: democrats have to be ghandi, republicans can say what the fuck ever they want (as long as it's not blatantly racist).
During my time as a mother I have worked part time, full time and have stayed at home. I have had great swings of income and have lived with my husband and apart from my husband. I have had support from him and have gone without support at times too.

So now that I’ve established my credentials, perhaps I can comment on this without offending.

Yes, it’s hard work raising kids whether or not you work out of the home, in the home, receive an income or not. Yes, it’s difficult. But you don’t have to specify that a working mom has two jobs, because it’s covered in the title “mom”. Some moms have little interaction with their kids day-to-day, but most moms are pretty involved, whether they work or not. Saying “non-working mother” does not mean a mother who doesn’t work doesn’t DO work or isn’t busy, it’s shorthand. Please, can we stop being so offended by saying stay-at-home-mom or saying that she doesn’t work? Yes, we get it, it’s a tough role. It’s difficult to be a working mom. It’s difficult being a stay-at-home mom. Working moms don’t necessarily work twice as hard as non-working moms. Now, can we stop trying to prove that we’re better moms than each other?

What’s not difficult is being a multi-millionaire mom. I don’t buy it. I will not accept that a millionaire mom has the same difficulties in parenting as other women. And any person who tries to say that Ann Romney is like any other mother is unbelievably dim.
Girls Rock! and roll.

"First Lady Michelle Obama--in what for her is an extraordinary move--jumped in to help with damage control on Thursday after a Democratic strategist said Ann Romney, the mother of five, "never worked a day in her life."
@17: You were doing beautifully and then your last paragraph torpedoed your very premise.
@ 20, you wish.
#17 is spot on. You ever have to choose between buying shoes because yours were falling apart or taking your kid to the dr..because the co-pay was high enough to make that the deal? I have!!!!! Ann Romney NEVER has. Ann Romney is a uber privielged lady and is in NO WAY a role modle for normal women.
Ms. Rosen shouldn't have apologized for her true comment. Mrs. Romney is married to a multimillionaire and is in no way comparable to the average working class American woman. Most women don't have the luxury of staying home with their children because they can live off their husband's inherited wealth.
@20 Thank you for proving my last paragraph.
It's sickening to think of all the wonderful gay men who made a difference in the world and who were take from us by the ugly disease of AIDS and here we are left with the ugly disease of self-loathing kapo filth like "gay dudes for romney" who, by their very existence, shit on those who worked so hard to make life a little better for today's gays and lesbians.
@25: For your information, my boyfried died of AIDS in '89 and since then I was a Chicken Soup volunteer and then took a care giving class and took in another man with AIDS in my own home, then more recently a teen-feed volunteer. Hardly the profile of someone self-loathing, huh buddy?
@25 Hear hear! It's like reading "Black Dude for George Wallace" -- except that would never have happened. Sad. Don't worry, we'll still be fighting for your rights too "Gay Dude for Romney" while you're stabbing us in the back. I suggest you change your username to "Gay Rich Dude for Romney" -- at least that would make a little more sense and be more transparent.
@17, that is right on. I would only add that a stay-at-home-mom no longer has that title once her kids are out of the house. The Romney's youngest son is 31.

On the Internet, anyone can make any claims that they want to about their past or current experiences.

So most people learn to disregard any such claims and base their evaluations of a person upon what that person posts. Just saying so that you won't be offended if no one believes your claims.
@20 I know, my mistake. I should have spent more time thinking about that last part before submitting.

I should have said that she doesn’t get my pity. She’s had problems, sure, but she’s had the money to throw at those problems to compensate that most people cannot. She cannot relate to most other women’s lives. This doesn’t make her work as a mom any less valuable than mine. But it does make her a shit for not speaking up to point out that she knows she’s had a privileged existence.
@27: Well, I'm rich in spirit I guess. I just went back to work after six months of unemployment after Obama stabbed America's prosperity in the back.
@ 31, We all know how the Republican plan, which Europe adopted, has worked out.

It's remarkable how someone can see indisputable proof and dispute it anyway.
@29: How could I possibly be offended? This is Slog!
Hey Matt f. Denver, @6, the only "mistake" Rosen made is expecting people to weigh her words on their own merit. As our current pro-Mitt poster demonstrates, conservatives are fully committed to reading in their own definitions, no matter what the words are. If Rosen had said something about the service was slow at her last visit to KFC, the conservative echo-chamber would be yelling at her for wanting to torture small animals, perpetuating stereotypes about blacks, or wanting to hurt successful American businesses. Probably all three.

The Conservative Media is a talking doll. No matter what you say, the string gets pulled and out comes "Evil hippie commie liberals hate everyone." What they're doing is making it a mistake to say anything at all. Rosen handed them no sound-bites that weren't already warm & in the over. She said simply what everyone (with any clues at all) already knows: The Romneys are rich, privileged family that have no connection to the vast majority of people they want to be in control of.

Other than that, I agree w/ everything you said.
@31 Right, because the Obama tanked the economy before he even got elected, and he had nothing to do with the improving economy. I see your point.
@32: Then what are you suggesting? Borrow more, print more? The United States dept is higher than all of the Eurozone combined. How do you then avoid inflation, declining currency values? Merkel and other European leaders, and the United States for that matter, have very limited options.
This not like fording a stream where you need to gun it to get to the other side, we're about to drive off a cliff.
I would guess that Mrs. Romney was a good mother to her boys. I bet she loved them very much. Still she does fail to acknowledge her privileged life though. Her wealth has provided a level of freedom as a mother that most women don't know. She has been fortunate to face her problems with a secure financial future and a staff to make sure all the bases are covered. Her stay-at-home mom experience is exceedingly different from her voting peers and it is disingenuous of her to not acknowledge the truth. Acknowledging the truth takes nothing from her experience as a mother or the validity of her choice, and her continued refusal to acknowledge her reality and to relinquish this false persona of being an average American indicates a character flaw. She comes across dishonest, entitled, and unrelatable. Just my $0.02.
@31: can you give us a precise number for how long it should have taken for an america not back-stabbed by obama to fully recover from the worst financial crisis since 1929? 3 months? 12? 39?

I would vote for Ann Romney Before I would vote for Her Idiot Hubby who must have made it hard to raise 5 kids? Money can teach you much but it wont make you a good president as per W Bush?
Girls rock! even Ann Romney displays more intelligence in a 60 sec interview than then entire GOP president hopefuls have done since the start.
Being a parent is not work, is not a job, it is your duty and you chose it. Becoming a parent is optional. You could have had an abortion or gave the child up for adoption. As soon as you chose to have the child as your own it became your responsibility and you don't deserve any credit or special treatment for living up to it.
@35: Obama exacerbated the economic uncertainty which only accelerated the lay offs. But the American economy is resilient no matter who occupies the White House.

I grant you that Obama's stimulus worked to a limited extent, but should have been larger with real "shovel-ready" jobs and not admin or research projects. However our debt to GDP ratio cannot not afford yet another stimulus and certainly not Obamacare.
@38: No, I can't.
@36 I'm suggesting that the Obama administration's policies improved the economy enough and presto chango, you have a job now -- but you must be too myopic to see that.

So you're not rich and you're gay and you support Romney. What exactly are his firm positions that you support? Tax breaks for the wealthy? Corporations are people? I'm just curious as to what makes someone a traitor to their own interests besides a muddled understanding of monetary policy.
@41 Fail. Obamacare reduces the deficit. Not implementing Obamacare raises it. Please don't quote the Republican study that says the opposite which has been debunked far and wide by non-partisans that says the opposite.

"You could have had an abortion or gave the child up for adoption."

I think you might have missed the various bits about making abortions more difficult.

And the bits about contraception.

And the how there are a lot more unadopted kids than there are people to adopt them.
@44 Oops. That last sentence should end at "partisans." A little trigger happy on the submit today.
@41 Also, "Obama exacerbated the economic uncertainty which only accelerated the lay offs."

What were the exact policies that the administration enacted that exacerbated economic uncertainty? Are the related causally or merely a correlation?

You already say the stimulus worked, so I'm wondering what are the other policies you have a problem with that we can connect to the layoffs of a tanking economy that he inherited?

Enlighten us.
@43/44: I got a job again because of relentless networking, fortunate timing, and yes, a little uptick in economic projections. But we deserve so much better, you deserve so much better, the American people deserve so much better.
In regard to your last question, let's boil it down to the very essence of political philosophy. I believe the individual is more important than the state, and you?
"In regard to your last question, let's boil it down to the very essence of political philosophy. I believe the individual is more important than the state, and you?"

"Corporations are people, my friend."
@40 Perhaps I left out adoption, but that's most obviously a choice of them all. The others are not really related to what I was speaking about, which is that there are choices, and if you choose to become a parent, or even choose not to by giving one up for adoption or have an abortion, you have to deal with the consequences and handle the responsibilities. You aren't a saint for raising your kids, you're holding up your end, as you should. Just as you aren't a demon for having an abortion or giving up a child to adoption. You might be able to make a case for not being terribly responsible in the latter two cases, but I'm not making those judgements here.

The abortion and contraception access issues are separate from what I was talking about, and I do think they should all be easy to get, though in the case of abortion I would hope rare in its use. Abortion is not a form of birth control and really ought to be a last resort.
@ 48, liberals believe the individual is more important than the state, too.

Huh. How about that.
@48 ummm, nice try at avoiding answering the question. Do you have a policy position of Romney's that galvanizes you to betray the interests of your class -- both the non-wealthy and teh gays? Because for the life of me, you haven't named one thing so far, except muddling some monetary policy nonsense and broad strokes of political philosophy that elucidates absolutely nothing with regards to your support of our dear quarter billionaire, Mitt.
You're an interesting character, Gay Dude for Romney. Welcome to Slog.

However, it sounds like you should really call yourself "Gay Dude Against Obama," since that's all you seem to talk about. But which specific policies of Romney's do you support? Pick one or all:

* Getting rid of Planned Parenthood
* Taking basic healthcare away from 30 million people, while increasing the deficit in the process (ending ACA)
* Adding a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage
* Allowing any employer of any religion to deny any healthcare whatsoever based on moral convictions; e.g., maternity care for unwed mothers (Blunt amendment)
* Copying the austerity budgets of Spain and Greece
* Shifting the cost of health care from Medicare to seniors (Ryan budget)
* Huge cuts in taxes of the extremely wealthy, vs. tiny-to-no tax cuts for everyone else (percentage-wise, not merely dollar-value wise)

It's fair enough to say that you are voting for Romney because you hate Obama that much. You wouldn't be alone. But still, I'm intrigued by your handle. What is it that you find so attractive about Romney in particular?
We control all the oil in the world and have death grips on all the major drug producing nations?
Shhhhhhit we ready to move out of Afghanistan and into Syria? Its the Republican economy that W and Dick wanted. I dont know a soldier or a republican who is looking for a job?
@52: I am for Mitt Romney because he offers a better vision for the role of Government that I can agree with as opposed to Obama. No candidate is perfect, and there are some positions of Romney's that I will disagree with and a few that I will be having to sacrifice a couple of convictions over.
Sorry sweetie, but I will not enumerate them in detail for you here, nor should you expect me to. They'll come out as various topics are discussed on Slog.
A lot of of people are conservatives - even against their own self-interest - because they really do agree with and believe in the conservative core principles: The free market is best, people are (or should be) personally responsible for what happens to them, everyone is equal and has completely equal opportunities, etc.

I know plenty of people who are poor, and will always be poor, and KNOW they will always be poor, but believe that the wealthy worked hard and should deserve to keep everything they have and don't have any obligation to help anyone if they don't want to.

I don't feel that way, but I know lots of people who do.
@55 I never actually expected you to enumerate something that does not actually exist.
@53: Thank you! Stay tuned. As I said to pffter, I'll be touching on them as we go forward. But I'll quickly take one from your list:
- Adding a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

Will never happen. It will never pass Congress let along 3/4 of the States. Although Romney may have implied that he supports it at one point, he really doesn't and was just throwing a bone to the nuts on the far right for political expediency.

"Sorry sweetie, but I will not enumerate them in detail for you here, nor should you expect me to. They'll come out as various topics are discussed on Slog."

Sounds more like you're planning some long term trolling.
It cannot be that difficult to post something substantive.
Unless you're a troll. In which case it would be impossible.
@55 - So there's not a single policy of Romney's that you are willing to divulge your support for now, aside from this intentionally vague "Role of Government" talking point. Why so shy about your convictions? You need check in with the national office for a script?

But, hey - fair enough. I look forward to your defense of any of the positions listed above (or others that I might have missed) in future Slog threads.

I imagine soon there will be a new commenter called "Feminist for Romney." Seems like the kind of desperate strategy the GOP might employ.
"Seems like the kind of desperate strategy the GOP might employ."

Hey! He probably has a family to feed and if trolling is the best work he can find then who are YOU to tell him that he's wrong?

Just in case your employer is going to follow up on your posts I would like to take this moment to point out that my rates are very competitive AND I am able to correctly articulate Romney's various positions on the issues of the day. There's no need to pay for third-rate trolling when you can go with a winner.
I support Romney 'cause individualism and stuff.
@55, the role of government in people's lives will almost certainly be higher under a Romney administration than an Obama one. Republicans ALWAYS increase government more than Democrats do. You've been sold a bill of goods.

It'll be interesting to see if the animal-lover vote comes out strongly against Mitt, not only because of the infamous dog-strapped-to-car-roof incident, but the recent news that one of his top money men once cooked and ate a dog in a public park:…
Filthy self-loathing kapo "gay dude for romney":
If your background really is what you say (regarding your dead from AIDs boyfriend), then that makes you even more despicable. Based on your comments so far you've clearly become a selfish asshole since your "past"--know wonder you're so into an antigay sociopath like romney. I feel sorry for the idiot that would be duped into having any kind of a personal relationship with you.
@63 - Dogs Against Romney has a super pac? I love the idea of dogs running a super pac. (But then, I love that old painting of dogs playing poker.)

Great to hear about how Democrats support the all free choices of know, unless their choice is to stay home and raise kids.
I support Romney because I support his vision of an America where individuals can individuate individually, without having to pay taxes or obey environmental or financial regulations and also because I don't think he'll really follow through on his "kill and eat all dogs" promises, which he is just making to please his base.
If Ann Romney never had a job with work hours and a paycheck, then Rosen's statement is true. I think "work" implies a paying job, something most people start having as early as high school. Ann Romney has chosen her "career" to be a mom, which is noble and harder work than most paying careers I imagine, as being on-call 24/7 as a cook, nurse, tutor, role model, etc. can't be easy. But, this career didn't start until she started having kids, which was after the age range most people start getting their first paid job as a cashier, lackey, etc. I see nothing wrong with Rosen's statement except that the English language is evolving to mean "work" as not just a thing that results in a paycheck. Ann Romney twisted those words to make a grand, feminist statement. There's too much ambiguity in the English language at this point in time, and it's still in transition, not solidified, so things get quite muddled sometimes. In politics, that means a lot.
@67: this was A democrat. a single person. who's poorly-chosen words are being distorted.

cite another who'll say that stay-at-home moms aren't the greatest thing since American Exceptionalism. then you can use the plural.
@70 Thanks. That was a derivative, shoddy cheap shot from SRotU. I mean, please, try harder, like Gay Dude.

And Gay Dude @55, you can't think of any. Ha! Nah-nah-nana, nah-nah-nana, heyhey, goodbye!
Just so women know: When your husband tells you, a stay-at-home mom, you have a harder job than he does, he doesn't believe it. He also thinks your job is so much easier than the female co-worker who has to work and raise children. He is just trying to get laid.
And lets face it, Ann Romney's life as a "stay at home mom" wasn't the typical homemaker experience. She lived a life of overseeing servants and nannies, while she enjoyed, sailing, horseback riding, exclusive country club luncheons & dinners, etc. Real stay at home mothers should be insulted.
To add to my post at 73: Real stay at home mothers should be insulted that Ann Romney is comparing herself to them.

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