

this is a BIG story......

these guys each have tens of millions
in their campaign funds.
let us reminisce about a time when most Americans didn't know that homosexual "love" = feces.
I thought the same thing: "Did he just bet 10k?"

Bush was the best at feigning commoner authenticity. He also framed his campaign so voters would vote on his personal appeal, not his political positions: "You may not agree with me, but you know where I stand."

Newt's going to win... Yay for Obama!
we'll bet you a million dollars no one says a peep about this tomorrow- oh wait- what percentage of the Median American Household Income is a million bucks, Paul?
He might as well have said "They have no bread? Then let them eat cake."
Mitt was so into his interchange with Perry that he definitely forgot for a second that a sizable segment of the people watching the debate probably have a current net worth of less than that.

Speaking of Newt, though, I don't know how he polls so well with that high-pitched, whiny, droning voice of his. With the possible exception of Ron Paul, all the other candidates have better sounding voices. True, some of them aren't hooked up to fully operational brains, but neither are the Republican primary voters.
Mormons aren't supposed to gamble.
@7 That's what I was thinking! Next he'll be drinking coffee or not wearing his special underpants.
$10K is not a fifth of what Americans have been taught (by the Republicans) to believe that they CAN make if that nasty gummint just doesn't overtax them. It won't hurt him at all. If Newt's personal life doesn't hurt him, $10K isn't going to hurt Romney.
Money talks, bullshit walks.

Republicans are dreadful people. We already knew about their abnormal bowels and untrustworthy ways. Then Seattleblahs and the troll bravely let us know about their fecal fetish. Now we have to learn - from network TV, of all places - about their gambling issues?

I know my fellow sloggers will join me in praying for the souls of Republicans, and the unhealthy lifestyle choices they routinely make.
Did someone say "magic underpants"??
I'll pray Catalina, but it's been my experience that the goddamn Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't answer prayers for shit. Lousy-ass savior.

I gotta figure what he was probably aiming at was a technique I frequently employ when "betting" amongst co-workers, or other folks whom I know won't pay. Which is simply to propose some ridiculous amount in an effort to convey supreme and unwavering confidence in my position (though admittedly I usually opt for some utterly ridiculous figure like $8,000,000. I guess the crucial difference is that $10K isn't actually THAT ridiculous a sum to him.) That's how I'd expect him to spin it if pressed anyway.
Typically, these bet gestures are for a charity of course.
In all fairness, I make less than the median income in this country and I've casually bet a few people roughly that sum of money over the years in situations when I know I am absolutely 100% right. I think in Romney's head he was just trying to say 'that is absolutely incorrect'.

They're both still assholes, but this clip is not a game ender.
Like @13 said, $10k was supposed to be hyperbole or at least will be painted that way.

we learn more about Liberal PC everyday....

"oh no!
there are poooor people out there!
we dare not mention sums of money over $20
(the price of a vial of crack)
cause it will make them feel bad...."

oh Cat you rascal.

It's too late to walk away from Danny's Santorum obsession

(both of them- the one about frothy feces and the one about Rick's ass....)

We're Rubber, you're Glue-
all the SHIT you vomit up bounces off us and sticks to you.
This is EXCELLENT NEWS!!! FOR MITT!!! Mormons can't gamble, so Mitt offering to bet $10,000 proves that he's not a Mormon. Way to go Mitt!
I wish I could get a job betting $10K a pop against the truthfulness of statements by Rick Perry (or any of these GOP candidates).
I do mind that the presidential candidates are filthy rich and completely out of touch with the realities of the finances of the average American. I mind that very much. But the political system is designed in such a way that you have to have a few extra million laying around that you don't mind pissing all over to even consider running for president. This was not the intentions under which this country was founded.

@5 callled it--very Marie Antoinette-ish of him. Sadly, the continuing reign of the elite is not ending.
the correct response would have been, "Gee it must be great to have inherited all of daddys money."
Hey, Mike @ 13! Don't dis the FSM, he does at least as good a job of answering prayers as any of the other cosmic muffins and hairy thunderers.
Really, Troll dear, again with the poo talk? No wonder no one asks you to parties. You really should try to cultivate some other interests. How about Toastmasters or Kiwanis or something?

But in the meantime, you'd better check on David Vitter. He's acting fussy. I think his nappy may need changed.
This will be the main reason why Mitt Romney will not beat Obama, if he even becomes the nominee, which is not looking very likely at this point.

Mitt Romney has assets worth between $190 - 250 MILLION; he doesn't even know how much he's worth!

He's already stepped in it this year twice before, by 1) claiming that corporations are people and 2) saying he understands what a lot of Americans are going through because he himself is unemployed (though he doesn't seem to understand that being unemployed with $5000 in the bank is a lot different than being unemployed with assets of $200,000,000).

Why he can't beat Obama:

1) The election is ONLY going to be about the economy.
2) Most people blame Bush and not Obama for the Great Recession.
3) People are not going to vote in a multi millionaire who was born a millionaire and has never had to work a day in his life. (Willard's father was governor of Michigan and was very wealthy himself)

I'd even bet $10 on it!…
Perry really should have taken the bet. His campaign could use the money.

If Romney is able to weather Hurricane Newt and secure the nomination, Obama is going to have so much fun with this.
@26: It'll be GLORIOUS!
13: I gotta figure what he was probably aiming at was a technique I frequently employ when "betting" amongst co-workers, or other folks whom I know won't pay. Which is simply to propose some ridiculous amount in an effort to convey supreme and unwavering confidence in my position

15: I think in Romney's head he was just trying to say 'that is absolutely incorrect'.

That's exactly what he was trying to say. When you're absolutely confident you're right about something and you want to demonstrate that confidence by betting someone, you don't offer $25. Regardless, it wasn't a smart move.

I'm still positive that Romney, even with his Mormon handicap among a lot of Republicans, is going to end up being the nominee and that it's going to be a very close election, mainly due to the still-poor economy, but that Obama will edge out a win.

I don't think this is a game ender for Mitt. But Mitt's a game ender for Mitt. Even if he wins after so many blunders, he's just not that likable and no 50000 runs of "I am a Mormon" ads are going to make people like him more. This is has got to be one of the more piss poor elections--at least since 2000 or 2004.

now you know what it was like
when the DemoCraps ran Gore and Kerry.
which would have been a smart move-
if only Presidential politics were the Special Olympics......
I suppose the idea here is that Mitt Romney's request for a $10,000 bet reminded people that he has that much money to throw away and that's a problem. But the fact check sites seem to indicate Perry would have had to pay up. Politifact posted a PDF of the part of the book Perry seemed to have been referring to, and depending on your interpretation, it seems he was actually correct. Perry's screwing himself, so this won't hurt him either, but if people do their own research (which, most Republicans probably don't), they'll find that Romney's bet wasn't so much "look how much money I have," as "this is how confident I am that you're wrong."

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