
Cleanup on aisle 12!
Add this to the long list of reasons why nobody in their right mind should be in favor of legalizing meth.
People of Wal-Mart missed their scoop.
That is the worst-written piece of journalism I've ever seen. It reads like a Framley Examiner article.
@2: I dunno. Would legalized meth let tweakers kill themselves quickly and not keep nearly blowing themselves up? Then I'm probably in favor.

(Goes without saying you don't anyone you care about using the stuff, but it's hard to see how it could get any more available than it is now, and the side-effects of home cooking of the stuff can be pretty lethal.)
Just because someone is willing to give you a quote, doesn't mean you have to use it in your story:

“People need to start thinking. If she has family she needs to think about her family. If you are broke. It’s just wrong."
@5 Couldn't we legalize something else, instead, to serve those seeking hard-core oblivion highs? Something with lower medical costs and fewer degenerative results? You know, like heroin? Junkies really aren't a lot of trouble when they're high. You just walk around them while they're nodding, swaying in the breeze like droopy street sculptures. It's only when they're needing their next fix that they're veritable crime waves. If they could have cheap, legal smack, maybe they'd stay away from meth, leave everyone else alone, and not burn down houses..
I didn't know Walmart carried sulphuric acid, or did she make from other things in th store? I admit that "meth cook" is not in my c.v. Her execution was flawed but it is really rather cunning. It shows the lengths to which addicts will go for a dose.
@5, maybe it would be a lot simpler to just set them up at the nearest Soylent Green factory. Guarantee them one hell of a blow-out high and be done with it.

I agree with @7, by the way.
im interested in walmart in-store chemistry experiments. i hope this is a new fad, not just for meth.

but yeah, agreeing with 5, they should just have wildlife preserves for methheads, offering free meth and treatment options. sort of like east hastings, but with fences and more oversight.
Yeah, don't get me wrong: meth is by far the drug I have the most qualms about legalizing. (Cocaine is a close second: Los Angeles and parts of New York City might well undergo douchebag gravitational collapse and become douchularities, beyond the event horizon of which no human emotion can escape.) But it's honestly hard for me to imagine how it could be much worse than the status quo.

100% in favor of nature reserves for tweakers.
@11: Mexico.

But like Lois said, "Meth is a hellofa drug."
“When firefighters were on the scene she made statements to them that is what she was doing, she was attempting to obtain these chemicals and was in the process of trying to manufacture meth. However, she said she was not very good at it,” says Shelby.
@12: dude, what did mexico ever do to you?
@2 A lot of the problems with Meth stem from it's illegality.

Manufacturing- and health-wise, think of the difference between "bathtub gin" and gin.

Good point. Meth being illegal would have stopped this from happening.

It's a family store.
@6 actually, they printed the quotation incorrectly. you can hear it if you watch the newcast, but the realy one is much worse in context. the printed version truncates a sentence, which was originally, "If you are broke you should get a job." it ALSO included, (paraphrased) "This is a family store," "My kids were in there," and lots of crying.

the prices in walmart were too high? you'd like chinese imported meth ingredients would be reasonably priced.
Dicking around with dangerous reagents isn't normal. But on meth it is.
@8 It certainly wasn't laboratory-grade reagent. Most likely industrial liquid drain cleaner, or muriatic acid for cleaning tile after grouting.

Re the drain cleaner: I spotted some large jugs of it in a 99-cent-and-up store in the crappy part of my neighborhood. It looked seriously out of place. I warned the owner that that stuff wasn't suitable for home use, and he should warn people that they need to wear gloves and goggles, etc. He said, "Oh, they know. They've used it before." I was thinking, repeat customers? Huh, okay, I guess maybe it's the building supers for the apartment houses... Hey, wait a minute, why would maintenance people shop here for this stuff? They'd get their stuff from one of the regular hardware stores.

This story now has me thinking that maybe it's not being used for drains at all!
Good grief. Is Wal-Mart the Greyhound station of the new millennium?
@19: You can tell the repeat customers by their severe chemical burns.
@2: Would you care to explain how the numerous still explosions and poisionings under prohibition were a good argument against repeal?

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