
The departing aides of Newt Gringrich are trying to save Newt Gingrich's reputation by blaming his wife, following their own mass exit? Why would the departing aides be trying to save his rep? Their own reps, perhaps, following a blown start to the campaign, but I don't think they are trying to save Newt Gingrich by GETTING THE HECK OUTTA THERE.
Blaming his wife does nothing to save Newt's reputation. It makes him look like a classic example of that insidious 1950's sexist stereotype: the henpecked husband.
Sounds to me like the Newtster is shopping for some new arm candy
"He's arrogant, uncharismatic, too fond of the sound of his own voice, and he's got none of the poise or polish of a successful presidential candidate." - Exactly how I felt (feel) about Obama...
Can't we blame them both? And not just the two of them, but the aides too, who picked Newt and then publicly embarrassed him when they didn't get their way.

I bet other campaigns are falling all over themselves to hire people who'd do that to you.
He's a cad and she's a floozy. They're perfect for each other. Just wrong for our country. I think his staff finally figured that out.
@4: but obama wasn't MORBIDLY OBESE.
No.... But Bubba was!
@ 2 - I came here to say the same thing. I mean, if you can't stand your ground with your wife, can you really run a country?
If one woman had the power to force her husband's staff to quit (not to mention get her husband to side with her for each and every decision), she should run for office herself.
She did. She's Secretary of State now...

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