
Does the author of such crap realize that Dan is no longer the editor of The Stranger?
Titties are good.
Really, why get so upset about the negative review in one alternative weekly (a badly written, stupid, irrelevant-to-the-movie review, written by a bad, stupid, hateful, spiteful little writer with 37 pieces of luggage stuck up her ass), when you've had so many positive ones from well-known critics?

A more dignified response (almost as dignified as no response at all) would have been to use the famous "I am sitting in the smallest room of my house. Your review is before me. In a moment it will be behind me" retort, attributed to various famous playwrights & composers.
Writing a letter to the editor always helps. Good call dude.
Maybe Lindy was just being nice to your publicist because she didn't want you projectile vomitting in her face.

If anything, Lindy's review kinda made me want to see the movie a little more than I did before I read it. I said a little because you can't really polish a turd and this movie sounds like quite the turd. Even then, I'm still not the slightest bit interested in seeing this movie and I am a HUGE fan of titties.
Hey, lay off Lindy, Mr. Tough Guy! She rocks!
It's a shame that Ireland's valid points (it was a terrible review, if you can call it that) are completely overshadowed by his personal, demeaning attacks.
Don't listen to him Lindy, I like your long teeth.
"Shoot zem. Shoot zem both."
Wow! Lindy's perspective and voice are always strongly identifiable in her reviews. I think that Mr. Ireland needs to stop reading her posts about his work as they clearly agree to disagree.
I do take issue with his point that gay men don't objectify women-- or fixate on breasts. This is a sad, grasping-at-straws tantrum and Mr. Ireland should be ashamed. Grow up. Grow a pair. You are putting your work out their to be seen. Some people won't like it. Some people won't understand it. Get over it.
wow! Lindy, you did it now.
Oh, yeah, because Armond White's opinion is to be trusted...
I was going to see this film until I read this letter. Now I don't want to support this asshole Dan Ireland in any way.

But I nominate him for a new weekly column: ReBUTTing Lindy West with Dan Ireland.
everyone kill yourselves right now!
ha. Dan Ireland was one big prima donna asshole when I worked with him back in the 80's. Some things never change.
Your review was "cowardly"? You review films, so you ripped into him in text. What, were you supposed to challenge him to a joust?
It's incredible to me how often people accuse female reviewers of "having issues" when they are known to be critical of movies. I've never seen this with male reviewers. Hey asshole, maybe it's a GOOD thing for someone (especially a FILM CRITIC) to be discerning about film and look a little deeper rather than just love all independent film unconditionally. That way when they actually LIKE a movie, you know it's probably pretty fucking amazing. I'm sorry she didn't like your movie but it sounds like a lot of people did so you've got that going for you.
@7 - not to mention his horrendous grammar.
Come on. All women know all gay men are really just full of sunshine and rainbows and cuddly kitten-feelings and sugary euphemisms for female genitalia like canned ham and axe wounds.

... wait ...

"You can't exploit/objectify someone you're not attracted to" is only a good argument if you expect to exploit or objectify someone you are attracted to.
Never argue with a critic, dumbass.
Sorry, D.I. but the only thing more offensive than the misogyny in Jolene was the mediocrity of your filmmaking skills. It was like you tried to remake Forrest Gump, but replaced Forrest with a sluty redhead. Jolene is nearly "Showgirls Bad" and the only reason to watch it is to laugh at it. I suggest watching this movie and taking a drink every time the ridiculous main character, Jolene, fucks some dude. This movie makes me angry just thinking about hands are shaking.
Dan or other slog editor, you left out a couple of sics. "Garnished" - pehaps he meant "garnered"? "Tact" - perhaps he meant "tack"?
This guy seems really, really invested in Lindy liking him.
Note to Mr. Ireland: When Lindy West REALLY doesn't like your movie, she says it looks like a bunch of gay men are playing with Barbies (see her review of Sex and the City 2).

Count your blessings.
My my, nice hissy fit, Mr. Ireland! I second commenter #17. Of course, Lindy is one of the main reasons I read the Stranger and Slog at all, she ALWAYS makes me laugh. And that is real talent.
Funny, I was reading West's review of the runaway train movie with Denzel Washington and was thinking that she is getting better all the time.
I used to hate her reviews, but in the last year I've really enjoyed them!
@22: The (sic) was in Ireland's original e-mail. Lindy didn't add that, she just cut-and-pasted the letter as-is. I know this because he sent it to all of us.

Lindy is our own Dorothy Parker. She's that good. I forwarded this review (just as I did the Sex and the City 2 review) all over the country because it was so spot on. I think 17 is right---just because she's a woman she owes it to you to like your film? Huh?

Funny how I didn't really remember the director's name---now that he's made an ass of himself I will never forget it.....
uh, publicists SHOULDN'T be asking critics their opinion pre-review.

If I had been Lindy, I would have smiled wanly and silently shuddered.
Wow, butthurt much?

Lindy is amusing sometimes, but I don't hang on her every word. I sometimes even make up my own mind and disagree with her about a movie. Adults can be like that.

But this letter is pitiful. This letter, more than Lindy's review, makes me not want to see the movie. Mr, Ireland, if you want people to take you seriously, try growing up first.
Dan Ireland's 'letter' is a riot -- thanks for running the whole of it, Lindy. It makes your point even better than you did.
I'm not sure he should have written it, but that is one entertaining letter.

And I don't think Rex Reed, for one, was all excited about the titties.
I don't mean to be trolling this thread but...

@30: It happens all the time, which is weird. I walk out of a movie and the first thing I walk into is a publicity person asking "What did you think?" I usually just kind of grunt or make an "umm" noise or something. Sometimes I lie. But it seems very weird to me that they ask that.

They're always very nice, otherwise, though.
If there has ever been anyone more butthurt than this clown, I'd be surprised. He also didn't actually raise a single cogent objection to the review.
D.I. doesn't seem to know what "in closing" means.
Artists really ought to never respond to critics.
"If there was an ounce of journalism in Ms. West's body, it might have stuck with people, or me even." Ew! Gross!
Poor Lindy. Sigh. I was just reviewing her review the way she reviewed my film. Now I'm feeling like I violated her like I violated poor Jolene. Poor sensitive soul, sorry Lind. That's just the sugary part of me coming out, you know, the Mrs Palfrey side. Guess I exploit titties as much as I do Grannies. Go on, girl, tell it like it is! xo
To Mr. Ireland, I wanted to say I am a 41 year old woman with a 17 year old son. I consider myself to be a "normal" woman who enjoys whatother normal women enjoy. And I saw Jolene.

What a great, fabulous movie! I mean it. It was great!! It actually made me cry and kept me glued to the movie from the beginning. This Jolene character was not only stunning in her own skin, but each time she evolved she took you on a journey. Her natural sex appeal shined through and if my guess is rightm she will win something for this performance. I also think she is going to be ahuge star. I have never seen her comer?

Having said that I must also say that Lindy does not speak for all us women. Honestly she sounds like somebody who was asaulted by an older man when she was younger and she never got treatment for it. So it had been festering all this time and now she hates Jolene because maybe Lindy sees herself in that caracter?? Maybe the director of this movie is the one who asaulted her and that's why she hates Jolene so much. I don't know. But it does sound very personal to me. I agree that Lindy did not review the movie like a professional. She sounds very angry at the director and she might need some help. Becase what she described is absolutely not the movie that me, my mother, my sister, and my niece all watched together and thoroughly enjoyed. Lindy may not want to accept this but at some point in our lives, as women, we are all Jolene.
@39: {I was just reviewing her review the way she reviewed my film.}

You did a good job with the random boldface type, but you need to replace that cloying, self-pitying tone with some really crisp, illustrative metaphors if you really want to hit it out of the park. Also: MORE PARENTHESES!

I do appreciate how meta it is that you're COMMENTING on YOUR review of HER review of YOUR movie -- that's totally Lindy!! It's too bad it all comes across as petty and vindictive instead of pointedly opinionated and entertaining, like a good Lindy West review is. I give you 2 out of 5 stars. YES I JUST REVIEWED YOUR REVIEW OF HER REVIEW! (It's possible Douglas Hofstader just had an aneurysm.)

Also, have you considered the possibility that maybe you're just a little too long in the tooth for this kind of endeavor?

This movie was as bad as (or maybe even worse than) Showgirls.
I wouldn't be surprised if @ 40 is either associated with or is actually the filmmaker. Yet another person accusing a woman of being a tortured victim of abuse because they didn't like a movie. You don't have to agree with a person's opinion of a movie, but IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM. I know movies make us feel shit and everything but in the end, it's just a movie. Furthermore, not everyone is going to identify with every movie ever made. Even if they are "normal". There's a wide range of normal, lady.
I love when people write out 1,000-word diatribes about how something does not bother them at all nuh uh not a bit because it's stupid and nobody else cares either because it's so so dumb. I'm convinced-- this guy totally showed Lindy how completely unimportant she is as a "reviewer"!

The trolling of her blog gives it that extra special touch. Well played, sir!
hahahaha! What a baby! OMG a Stranger reviewer was blunt about my Indepedent movie? Um, way to miss the boat on turning the other cheek, Mr Ireland.

Lindy, if you were a gay man, didn't have a blocked colon, and weren't that scant 14 months older than me your opinion might count. As is, you lack a theatrical bond with ginger boobs and the natural drive to shove your nose up any SIFF staff's butthole. I too pity you.
And how dare you have the gall to pay someone face service about their mediocre film infront of their friends, family, coworkers, and actors instead of being honest in the safety of your own home? Don't you have the balls to tell a harelip baby it disgusts you to its parent's faces? What kind of top notch free weekly paper film critic do you think you are? way to make a living off cuteness and boobs.

I will never wipe my butt with the Stranger again, no matter how bad I need toilet paper at the Cuff!
Mr. Ireland @ 39, you need to read Roger Ebert more. Specifically you need to read his review of Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo. Yup, that's right: the one that's opens his compilation 'Your Movie Sucks.' The director of that movie went WAAAAY down the road you're traveling, and it was not pretty.

See, you don't want to go there. And honey, you're going there repeatedly. So turn off your computer, and get the people who love you to lock it so you don't send any more emails without their permission.
Hooooo boy!!!!

Anyone who's enjoying this little contretemps might enjoy going back to the original review and looking at the comments there again. Because our dear Mr. I weighs in at 25. Even better, 26, repeats 40 from this thread word for word.

Up until now, I thought 40 was a joke (" some point in our lives, as women, we are all Jolene." Really? Please!), but now I realize 40 and 26 are some sort of Ireland-bot.

Mr. Ireland, sir! Please stop. You are only making yourself more ridiculous. And unfortunately, you are underscoring Lindy's point. If your movie's theme is that Jolene in some way reflects my psyche, then I truly am insulted and do feel demeaned. I couldn't give a shit that the idea came from E.L. Doctorow, BTW.

Since you have now truly pissed me off (insulting Lindy, and insulting women) I followed your advice and looked at some other reviews of your alleged movie. imdb calls it "truly awful." Jeannette Catsoulis in the NY Times says
"Jolene's skin may smell like warm milk to Brad, but to the rest of us it has curdled long before she leaves his bed." Variety calls it a "queasy spectacle." The NY Post says "So bad it's almost (but not quite) good, Dan Ireland's Jolene is an unusually elaborate and excruciatingly long vanity production...."

Guess what, Mr. I? Looks like Lindy was actually being kinder than some others. And I never would have bothered to surf around to look at all these reviews if not for your bizarre attack on an writer whose work I admire. So stop, OK?

People who work on movies know that some are just turkeys. Yours sounds like it's truly a turkey. I'm sorry.
GARNERED. Not garnished.
Upon further review and reflection I have decided to rescind my comment @7. Mr. Ireland has no valid points. I watched the trailer for "Jolene" and felt like I pretty much saw the whole movie--and it was terrible.

I am usually a fan of West's reviews yet I initially did not like this one at all. Upon watching the trailer I have a feeling her every word is warranted. I certainly like smart movies that have some titillation and sexiness, in which case some degree of objectification is inevitable (film is a visual form, after all) but my god--characters should have agency even if to give it up in the bedroom. It seems Ireland's "protagonist" only exists to be looked and acted upon by others, which is just depressing no matter how sexy she looks.

Anyway, keep it up Lindy!
1) The accusation of your film being in Landmark because of connections was not made by Lindy, but by a commenter

2) Lindy's job includes blogging, as do the jobs of every other Stranger Author. You see, the Stranger has two blogs, and their writers write things for it. I'm not sure how you expected using the word blogger as an epithet would make your case anyhow convincing. It instead makes you seem childish and out of touch. Do you believe the staff of the Atlantic, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, and the Boston Globe (to name a few) should be derided for their blogging? Welcome to the internet age, Mr. Ireland.

3) Lindy said nothing about when the DVD comes out, so she couldn't have gotten that information wrong.

4) A film reviewer needn't read the source material to comment on a film. The job of a film reviewer is to review the movie in and of itself, as a piece of art. To say, "You need to have read the book to understand the movie" is an indictment of any film. It seems that even you recognize the inadequacy of your work.
I <3 you, Canadian Nurse! Let me second you on #4 in particular.
To #43 & 47: Im not a robot like you said I am (??) and I do not know the movie's director. So I don't understand any of you meanings.

I'm just commenting that me and my family (the female members) enjoyed this movie very very much and we are real normal normal. So I do not understand all these attacks on the director, except to say that I uderstand this is "The Lindy Show" and you are all of Lindy's fans. So if the director attacks Lindy becaus Lindt attacked the director, then for sure you all would attack the director like piranhas in the water that smell blood.
@52: Mmm, I wanna be attacked by Lindt! The 72% please!
Not true, @52. I would feel the same about critics I disagreed with. It's the nature of a movie review. Even though the person is getting paid, it's still just one person's opinion so it's really nothing to get bent out of shape about. In fact, I don't always agree with Lindy's reviews either. But I never feel compelled to write her an angry letter about it and I certainly wouldn't insult her personally.
I don't buy it, Miss Peachy @ 52. Not one bit.

You've never commented here before 8:32 last night, when you signed up on Stranger Face. You commented on the review, and then felt compelled to repeat that same comment on this thread shortly after Dan Ireland. And we're supposed to believe you have no connection? Uh-huh.

All your bizarre faux-English-is-not-my-first-language locutions, and then in 40 you close with that ridiculous last line with its complicated sentence structure? Nope, not buying it.

I didn't want to get into this, but I've read the Doctorow story. Jolene the character is a truly sad case who, starting in her teens, leads a career of schtupping her way through life, more exploited than exploiting. She winds up dreaming of being a movie star so she can get back the child she lost. (!!) And to this movie you took your mother and your niece? Not my first choice of movies to take a young woman to. Nor my mother, even though my mother is fairly enlightened. And this is the character you think accurately represents all womankind, including your "normal normal" family?


Yo D.I., see if you can complete this sentence: Give 'em enough rope...
To #54: Okay, thank you, I think I understand now. But also too I was thinking about this a few minutes ago. (And seriously thinking about this)

[And to the person who called me a robot before, all I did was copy and paste from what I wrote on the review page. It's not that hard really. Some people may call it lazy but I call it practical and it does not make me a robot.]

And so I was thinking that, after reading everything that people wrote, it really is for the most part "Lindy Fans" jumping to Lindy's defense because they love her. And I get that.

But I think that if people were to divorce their thoughts and their feelings from everything that has transpired so far. Forget about Lindy. Forget about Dan Ireland. And just watch the movie. That's it! Watch the movie!

I feel that actually more people would actually really like the movie. But then from that point, they would want to keep it a secret that they liked it, because they don't want to be considered a "traitor". And if that were to happen, I would understand that too. So my opinion? Just see the movie! It really is a good movie. Me & my family actually loved it.
Hint: The correct answer is not "...was the totally sophomore-slump-avoiding second album by The Clash."
I have really enjoyed watching all this play out, in the review and its comments and now here.

I hadn't even watched the trailer or knew anything about the film except from West's review and then the Ireland's letter and thread trolling.

I just watched the trailer. This one:…

Wow. West was funny AND right. Talk about skeevy. Why would I, a woman who's 26, liberal, progressive, democrat, feminist, want to watch YET ANOTHER movie about a hot too-young thang who is not only sexually assaulted from childhood onward, but then, only takes from that experience the hackneyed "damaged goods" journey to stripperdom and prostitution. All I can glean from all that is: sweet, pretty Jessica Chastain and her character Jolene, along with myself and every other young woman, are only worth our fuckability and how DUDES see us.

@40. Her sexuality? What? She's exuding male-gazitude. For fuck's sake.

My review?: What a wankfest.
Oh, attitude devant, you make me smile.

@57: Honestly, the trailer makes my skin crawl. I know nothing of Dan Ireland, I'm capable of disagreeing with Lindy, and I'm completely unwilling to watch a 120 minute film when the 2 minute trailer made my stomach roll.
I had -no idea- Rex Reed was infatuated by “titties, titties, titties, titties, titties, and more titties”. Hunh. You learn sumthin ever day.
This is one of the best Slog battles I've seen in a long time.
OK, 59, I watched the trailer. Indeed, I watched the trailer in the spirit of "Trailers are not the movie, they're the commercial for the movie." After all, a good trailer can make a mediocre movie look great, and a bad movie seem passable.

But this looks execrable. Am I the only one who gets a whiff of Forrest Gump, that this girl bounces around with no ghost of an understanding of what's happening all around her (e.g., she doesn't get that she's being kept by a mobster)? How very charming! Gee, thanks Dan Ireland for delivering this oh-so-spot-on fable on the soul of womanhood!

Indeed, if, as Love Lee Peach has told me (twice!), "at some point in our lives, as women, we are all Jolene," I may just need to turn in my doctorate, get some (higher) heels and find myself a pole, or a lesbian prison guard to hoodwink, or a rich guy to beat me. I finally see the light. I will accept my feminine destiny. Dan Ireland, the scales have fallen from my eyes and I owe it all to you.
Attitude devant: exactly!

It'd be one thing to be sold this as a movie about the horrors of womanhood if we buy into the cultural preconceptions of a patriarchal society. I'd still say it's too filled with the male gaze, but if it was sold as a tragedy, perhaps I'd let that go. But a movie about the deep truths of womanhood? I want to throw up, and then stab myself. And then perhaps find someone who liked the film and stab them as well.
@63 & @64: isn't great when guys try to make art/films/write about "the depths of womanhood"? All you ever get is shallow, celluloid objectification and lots of having-a-vagina=cumdumpstertude. SO BORING.

For some reason, I give 'em the benefit of the doubt and usually end up unsurprised, yet again.
Well, yeah, 64 and 65! Can you imagine the shitstorm that would occur if a WOMAN made art about the essence of manhood?

One of the big New York reviewers said the poor female lead is only going to escape being associated with this turkey for life because 1) the film died in the theatres and 2) she's just wrapped one with Terence Malick. Lucky things those....

Baci to you both, and to Lindy most of all. Linds, never stop, OK? We are cravenly grateful to your mind and your wit.
@66. Haha, isn't every film that's not purposely trying NOT to be about the essence of manhood pretty much every film ever made? & to the rest of your post: Fuck yeah!
@66: Haha, isn't every film that's not purposely trying NOT to be about the essence of manhood every film ever made? And to the rest of your post: hells yeah!
(effin' hell--stupid SLOG was updating and didn't show my 67 post so I had to reword--please ignore 68. And SLOG--you should make it possible for members to delete posts; sheesh, awkward!) Sorry y'all, ^_^)
I just watched the trailer, and have come to the conclusion that this movie is simply a "classy" version of SHOWGIRLS. Except 'Showgirls' is so spectacularly bad it's great, and 'Jolene' could almost get that endorsement but it is earnest enough in its shameful, pre-feminism portrayal of the main character to make this 31 year old woman feel quite literally queasy.
Increasing the readership of scathing reviews of your work: UR DOIN IT RITE!
So this is the promised Showgirls sequel, yes?
Dan Ireland is an asshole. I'm gay. I love Lindy. And I especially love what @50 said. Mostly because I'm a journalist who works online and I'm sick as fuck of out-of-touch people trying to demean online journalists by calling us "bloggers." Um, to help educate you, D.I., media consists of many different ways of delivering information ... getting that information to you via print, television and online. It's all the same. The only difference is the delivery mechanism. People get their information when and where they want it. And these days, the tide is moving online. So, fuck off.
Just realized I should have said "broadcast" instead of "television." Apologies, radio peers. I worked in television news for a few years, so I went there first.
OMG! I've seen trailers that make bad movies look good - I mean, c'mon - there has to be 2 interesting minutes out of 120, doesn't there? But I have never seen a trailer that made a movie look this bad. I was bored by it - I couldn't finish it. This thing could be the Mona Lisa of movies and I wouldn't watch it if you paid me a million dollars per minute.

And then there is the premise, which I find revolting. Gee, I left home early, too, and I was sexually abused as a child - but I put myself through college and became an engineer. I see no connect in my life - or the lives of any women I know - with this slutty cumbucket, Jolene. Jolene is supposed to tell me what it is like to be a woman? Sorry, as a woman I already know what it is like.

I have to agree that Dan Ireland is an ass.
I'm not going to read all that or comment on any of this "controversy," I just want to say that I love you, Lindy West.
@40- Nice try, Mr. Ireland.
@30, @34
I apologize for that, really. Our bosses make us do it. The strangest thing is the large proportion of reviewers who answer the question honestly and review the film in a way that corresponds accurately with what they said to me. Old people are so weird.
hee hee! i watched this movie, hated it, and THEN read this review.

If all I have to look forward to as a "normal" woman is that kind of lifestyle, i'm doing something REALLY wrong! I'm young, liberal, successful, and un-abused!
When do I find my "prince charming" to strip me of my dignity and happiness so that I may become normal like Jolene?
Well, 79, Love Lee Peach (40) assures us that at some point it our lives we are all Jolene. I guess some of us just have to wait longer to reach that blessedly abused level of babe-iliciousness.
Bad form, Lindy.
Bad form, The Stranger.
Inspiring pissing matches online is not journalism, and posting a review of a film on the eve of it leaving theaters makes me wonder why this reviewer is still employed.

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