
So, ECB picks the fight, and then when her facts are wrong, complains that "it seems a little silly to be nitpicking" over this. I think the Stranger made a good trade up getting Claudia Rowe.
Wait, wait -- a REPORTER says "the mayor's office is not in the habit of saying things that are [verifiably] not true"? Oops. Rowe 1, Barnett 0.
Slog has for almost a week been regurgitating the Eagle's owner's assertion that patrons were 'illegally searched'.
Has Slog independently verified that fact?
Why should the Mayor attend the funerals?
Is 'Mayor going to the funeral' the magic cure to youth violence?
Can we bottle it and sell it?
Claudia's original piece was pretty bad but it's always funny to see ECB pwn herself like this nonetheless.
I don't think you guys should get into a "who checks facts better" war. That's like Michael Jackson and Gary Jewel getting into a "who can touch less boys" competition. Too soon?
No wonder Erica quit. You're an asshole.
They were black kids.

The news doesn't care about them - we've had major riots involving hundreds of black kids in this city that the daily newspapers never reported on and that weren't shown on TV, so why would the Mayor show up?

Seriously, if you actually think the "news" you get has anything to do with what goes on in this city, you're obviously a juggalo high on MJ.
What the fuck are you talking about, Will?
@9: Meds! Take them! Now!
@9 I'm impressed. You didn't once make providence of your godlike sexual prowess even once in that comment.
So he didn't attend their funerals? And now the mayor's office is upset because a news site reported exactly what the mayor's employees confirmed as truth? Okaaay.
if this is the best you can do maybe we don't need an 'alternative press'
This is weirdest thing I have ever read.
@13/15: The claim that he hadn't attended the funerals was only one aspect of Claudia's story, and it was the mayor's office and a former employee that chose to make an issue of it, not The Stranger. I think that more than justifies Chris posting a blog entry defending the veracity of the earlier story.

I mean, it's like someone calls you a liar, and then you defend yourself, and then I go "Pfft. It's not important anyway." That would make me a fuckhead, if I did that. Wouldn't it?
And, uh, doesn't one of Publicola's staffers (and maybe co-owners) work for the mayor?

Isn't that a little problematic?
Take a peek at Nickels wardrope, see if he's been wearing any 'RIP Tyrone' t-shirts at the all-white west seattle farmers market.
"The news doesn't care about them"

Actually there's one group of people who care less about black kids: black parents.

Chris Rock said it best, it ain't the media he's looking for at the ATM machine:

@10 - a case in point, we have had multiple 100+ person riots in areas of the city that have black kids where the cops used excessive force - with eyewitness accounts and pictures - and they were NEVER reported on by the local news.

Unless some white kid gets hurt, it's not news.

I don't make the rules, but it's been going on in this city for a long time. Maybe you should get off Capitol Hill once in a while.
I have it on good authority that hundreds of black kids are rioting inside Will's head right this minute. Sadly, he can't call 911 because his phone doesn't have an "eleven" key.

Journalistic cat-fights are FUN!

to be followed by journalistic dick measuring...which Frizzelle will undoubtedly win...unless Jim Foreman is in the ring.
HOLY SHIT, I agree (partly) with will for once...I've been living south of 90 for near 8 years now and while most of this town has changed (become a hellalot more expensive mostly) let me say there are tons of large fights that never make it anywhere in the bigger media. Another great thing about the neighborhoods blogs that are everywhere now--they cover this stuff in ways the tele and papers do not, or more accurately will not.

As far as the stranger, the SLOG is expanding the paper's coverage mostly thanks to its semi-observant readers..although its still primarily an arts and restaurant review operation. Aside from making the jokes and cracks about all the new condos and their monied owners (the new target audience) the Stranger has for the most part been a local Mad Magazine. But not as good.
"have had multiple 100+ person riots in areas of the city that have black kids where the cops used excessive force"

that's not a riot, it was probably a family get-together.
The whole story is rather silly, but really illustrates the youth and immaturity of an operation like Publicola...Sandeep and ECB are a perfect fit in my eyes. The Stranger needs to get away from CH a little more and really focus on those areas which needs it eyes--not just the Glitterati of this town and how things are going wrong there.
"let me say there are tons of large fights that never make it anywhere in the bigger media"

The media caters to those who buy it. If more black people chose to listen to KUOW maybe they'd be more shows on bitches and hos and fewer on how to plant spring crockus.
@24 and @21. links to local blogs that are reporting on 100+ person riots?
@28: Or at least links to the public records of police reports based on Will's witnessing of said 100+ person riots.
So here's the $64,000 question: Who in the Mayor's office 'verified' to ECB that the Mayor went to these funerals or sent someone on their behalf? And, if that indeed wasn't true and the truth was out there, then why?
Will witnessed the 100+ person riots up inside one of his 100+ story apartment towers.
Erica v. Claudia reminds me of the fight between the snarling gypsy women in opening scenes of movie "From Russia with Love," with Christopher Frizzelle put in the role of a a gay James Bond.
@9 Actually that was almost kinda funny.
Claudia seems like a promising addition to the news department. She's smart, has tons of experience outside of the alt-news world, and so far hasn't displayed the kind of annoying personality traits and hangups that were the staple of Erica's career at The Stranger.

Glad to see all the hubbub about this article was bs.
Haven't read the Publicola story but the quote you presented, "the mayorโ€™s office complains that the story contained factual inaccuracies," is NOT THE SAME as Erica Barnett herself saying the story had inaccuracies. If that's the only thing she said, then you're putting words in her mouth.

But I'm flailing here. I'll have to go read Erica's piece now.

Anyway, I don't think anyone wins a Stranger vs. Publicola fight. If that's what this is. People who like sadness, maybe.

Welcome Claudia, they need you. Really need you. Dom has promise, edit his stuff with an axe, he needs to learn to report.

Eli is doing fuzzy, what happened? His advice to Dow was hangover blah.


Publicola: "Fryer says Nickels attended several funerals (sending deputy mayor Tim Ceis to one in his stead) and met privately with the families of several of the murdered young men."

The Stranger: "Alex Fryer, spokesperson for the mayor, just confirmed by phone that the mayor did not attend any of those funerals. "You're correct in stating he did not attend the funerals of those five people you mention," he said."

Someone is fibbing/wrong here and it might even not be a journalist.

Odd comment from Erica about editorializing though. I've always liked the Stranger's ranty opining, whether it's Dan Savage, Erica C. Barnett or A. Birch Steen.
Christopher, you have known about ECB's sloppiness and lack of integrity for a long time. For you to complain about it today, when The Stranger is the victim, is a little late.
Where were you when she was pulling this kind of shit at the stranger?

When ever someone called her on it, she cried sexism and misogyny. Good riddance.
Seems like there is a lot of egg on both faces.
Rotten666, is that directed at me? I don't live in Seattle and don't work in the Stranger's offices and don't know any of the staff so I have no idea what they're like at work.

And I I haven't read everything Erica wrote while she was working for The Stranger but I had the sense she was good for it. And I'd hope the Stranger was good for her.

But maybe you know more than I do.

I just don't like to see fighting after a break-up.
@41: No, @39 was directed at Frizzelle. And it's a legitimate question.

It will be interesting now that the Stranger has a real journalist in the mix.
@41: see @42
waiting for 100+ black kid riot links.
"It seems a little silly to be nitpicking over this"

What, you mean FACTUAL ACCURACY? Yeah, real silly for a news reporter to "nitpick" over something like that.
For the Record: The DEPUTY mayor did at least attend one funeral, DeChe Morrison's. But that appears to be it.…
I think the Stranger enabled her behavior. The worst example of this was when the QFC incident came to light...some SLOGers kept on posting about it (granted, they were being trolls), and whoever moderated SLOG kept on deleting the posts.

This was astonishing to me... the Stranger has a proud muckraking tradition and here they were, censoring the SLOG in order to protect ECB's reputation.


She had a bad reputation well before that event.
I still don't get why the mayor has to go to funerals of stupid black (redundant, I know) gang-bangers.
@23 - it's a shame Bill Prasad was chased out of town... he'd be my horse in that race. Though I'm sure Parkaboy* steals kids trikes and then 15 minutes later reports on the thefts, you know?

@28 & 29 : perfectly reasonable request: I'd be interested in getting more facts about those incidents, Will. A single link here would be a wee slice of heaven.

@34: send her some swag wine. (You know, so doesn't have to... ... I don't even need to say it, do i?)

@49 your racism has about as many IQ points as your show size or age. And I'm betting on/hoping the larger of the two being the shoe size. He should attend funerals because they died on his watch. After his promises that they wouldn't. It's like he's, I dunno, in the exec branch and 'responsible' and shit. Hell, if I were in charge of an amusement park, and some guest died on a ride, even after I promised 'to clean it up' and promised 'it's safer now', I'd probably go that funeral too. And not just offer condolences but apologies. It's a decent respectable thing to do. Above your pay grade / class, clearly, @49, but humane & decent. But Greg, he's a dropout frat boy failure from chicago and we all knew it, so it shouldn't be a surprise, right?

*That there's Bathroom Butt, aka John Keister, humor. Look it up, junior.
@47: That's a pretty gross misrepresentation of what happened. The Weekly reported it on their blog, and the unregistered masses immediately started spamming every single Slog thread about it, demanding commentary that was not going to be forthcoming, for reasons that should be obvious.

By the time posts were actually deleted, most people were tired of having every single comment thread derailed by the people obsessed over ECB's arrest. Calling this censorship is quite a stretch.

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