Blogs Jun 24, 2009 at 3:37 pm


I started the afternoon feeling a little bit sorry for this guy...

Should have known he was really a douche.
Ah the sanctity of marriage. Another homophobe caught spitting in the wind.
Superfantastical-Douche!!! I love how he infers that gay rights don't matter because, "at the end of the day it is not core to most people's lives and most peoples life experience". so by all means screw the minority because it is not tied to an economic issue.
Then in practically the next breath blurts out there is a lot of "taxation without representation" going on right now.

I'm not the least bit surprised this hypocritical fool thought he could steal away to Argentina for a dirty weekend without anyone finding out.

The only true pressing question that MSNBC left out in this interview is, "Mark, what colour is the sky in your world?"

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
NEWS FLASH: Old white male (R) hates gays, cheats on wife, supports lowering taxes, loves Jesus. Story at 11.
See, the problem is, if had this stance the day before his affair started, it wouldn't have been any less wrong, just more hypocritical.

But I don't give a fuck if a Republican disproves his/her own stupid argument with their actions because it is a STUPID ARGUMENT. Of course gay marriage doesn't ruin traditional marriage - it's a STUPID ARGUMENT. This man isn't more proof of it because there is nothing to prove.

He is, however, proof of the argument "selfish assholes make bad husbands and dads".
5: it is a stupid argument, but it's also an image-based argument. Point out that they're not living up to their own image, and fewer (though still too many) people will be suckered by it.
Core to most people's lives? He's a typical mouthful of bullshit that the Republican's think plays well. It only plays well in the ignorant south. That's why they are cornered in places like South Carolina where people are dumb enough to believe them.
It's just so delicious when the GOPs hypocrisy becomes so visible. Yummmm!
Turns out she has two sons as well - so last count has 6 CHILDREN impacted by this.

For all the blather about straights and gays in these pages, the real problem in seattle is all the bisexual guys.

These dudes usually have wives and maybe children, but they come into the office and harass all the straight single dudes.

Places like Microsoft are rife with these cologne drenched, jeans wearing she-men who want it both ways.
Jeans-wearing? wtf?
Mark clearly has had his own stimulous package going for quite some time!
I have to admit that, when I first heard about Sanford's disappearence on the news, I immediately thought he was having an affair with a man. He's a conservative Republican, married with kids, and he disappeared (on Father's Day, no less!) without a trace. I guess I was only partially correct, although my mom pointed out that we still haven't seen a picture of this "woman" he's having an affair with, so who knows? If you look at the news, the majority of conservative Republicans on the news who get caught having an affair are doing so with another man.
when he started talking about moral absolutes and consequences i started to see his suffering. i hope that he learns from this. the lesson is: people who live in glass houses...
a mother and a father and a little mistress on the side....
A middle-aged, white, "good Christian" male Republican. The last of the entitled class in the old south. Entitled that is until your wife, mistress and SC voters hand you your balls on a plate.
Sanford, Ensign, Craig, Vitter, Swaggart, Haggard, Livingston....

Who's next on the repukelican douchebag hypocrite


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