
Fucking potheads
I thought pot heads didn't commit violent crimes like all those other drug users and alcoholics. I thought pot was a "harmless" drug compared to alcohol. People who smoke marijuana aren't ever violent...etc etc etc...

Bashers are always such cowards.
my first instinct is to blame pot but isnt the real culprit dominic holden for making everyone want to get high in the first place and teaching them its ok to get high?
If pot played a factor in the assault at all, it probably slowed down the assholes' reaction times enough to let the victim get some kicks in. It's not really a relevant detail.
You know, if I hear about one more attack being countered with a candlelight vigil, and an online community gathering, I'm going to vomit my faggy guts up. How about taking to the streets with some torches and pitchforks and flushing out the useless gay-bashing trash that brings this shit on? Wanna have a revolution? It isn't going to be on a website.
Thank you, tired fag, for saying what I was about to...
uh, I'm with tired fag, up to a point...instead of lameass vigils, or pitchforks, how about creating a group to patrol the Hill on the weekend?

I'm in.
Good thing they weren't attacking men wearing teal, like I was walking home last night.

@3 for the win, @6 for the insight. What ever happened to Q Patrol? they used to be everywhere.
Drive a paddy-wagon up and down Pike/Pike and kidnap anyone you see wearing a polyblend striped button-up. Drop them back off at 2nd and Bell.

Works for urban wildlife problems...
I totally saw him at the Bus Stop (he's a friend) and it just pisses me off that this shit happens when the cowards outnumber the victims.
Hmm, I should add: That is in addition to the fact that it pisses me off that it happens at all.
A hundred bucks says the two guys went back home afterwards and gave each other blow jobs.

How can two crackers afford to live on Cap Hill?

Hello sailor!

Join the Navy and Fell a man...and another and another.

Maybe they were Army?
Join the Navy and feel a man...and another and another.
@16: You still didn't get it right. It's "Join the Navy and fellate a man... and another and another."
That poor guy! The Central District has been pretty violent these days.
Eyes on the street.
I agree with previous posters. Please explain how a vigil is the appropriate response? Like te bashers will take notice and refrain from bashing the next guy.

We need to make sure the police take these incidents seriously, perhaps increase patrols, and/or the prosecution (assuming these guys are caught)throw the books at them.
@ 6, 7, 8 - I agree 100%, I'm sick of this candlelight vigil, "we are angry, gentle people, and we're singing for our lives" shit. STOP BEING VICTIMY!!!! It's not helpful to the cause of ending gay-bashing, and just perpetuates the stereotype of gay men as weak and helpless.

I am not helpless. If I wanted to, I can buy a .22 and get solid handgun training (maybe from the good folks at Pink Pistols, a GLBT gun owners group). No need for anything bigger, no need to splatter any brains, a .22 slug in the kneecap will immobilize most anyone, and will mess your knee up for a LONG TIME. And if I lived on the other side of the river in OR, I can get a concealed handgun permit.

I know, I know, invoking the spectre of guns gets the peace-and-flowers crowd (who are on our side, BTW) all freaked out. But we're not talking "Death Wish" here, just the legal right to defend oneself. You'd probably never have to fire the thing, anyway, just pull it out and point it at the first shout of "Faggot!" Even for a brain-dead gay basher, it's basic human instinct to walk the other way when someone's pointing a gun at you.

That's what I call self-empowerment.
I'm not sure lighting candles and singing kumbaya is going to be terribly effective in deterring the kind of brain-dead asshats that would commit this type of atrocity. Armed Q patrols on the other hand...
@ 21 - Can the police magically heal broken bones after you've been bashed?

Realistically, the legal system isn't able to create much of a disincentive for a potential basher to bash. It's just like with any other crime, really: increasing prosecution and penalties for, say, child molestation hasn't made it a less common crime, has it?

On the other hand, having a gun pointed at you is going to make you think twice when your bud calls up and says, "Hey, let's go down to Capitol Hill and beat up some fags!"
I've never been physically bashed, BTW. But I HAVE gotten the "Faggot!" part, when I happened to be frenching a guy on the sidewalk in a distinctly not-gay part of Portland a couple of years ago. My response? A defiant one-finger salute.
Three words: Concealed carry permit.

We enable our own victimization. How many dead and beaten faggots is enough?
To Chris Down in the Couv:

Seriously, a .22 is useless unless you're defending yourself against a rodent. If you shoot someone with something that small and they're all hopped up on anger and hate, they may not even notice. And forget about hitting someone in the kneecap. Even at close range, no one's aim is that good under stress.

Get a minimum of a .38 special in a revolver, or a 9mm or .40 cal in a semi-auto.
Thank you for the info, PatrickPatrick. I was thinking about weight, and the inconvenience of carrying a relatively heavy gun around all evening long. (Seriously.) Also, I think in the vast majority of cases, the scare factor of having a gun, any gun, pointed at you would be sufficient to scare the little shits off.
Also, I mentioned the kneecap just for effect. A solid hit anywhere in the legs would be fine by me.
@ 26 - Can you get a concealed carry permit in WA without being in law enforcement?
Hey, tired fag, get off your lazy ass and DO what you're criticizing others for doing. We need fewer self-righteous fags criticizing everyone else and more acting like leaders. If you're NOT full of shit, you should do more than simply bitch online anonymously... Hey, isn't that exactly what you're bitching ABOUT?

A vigil: 1) informs the community. Fact is, a lot of people still don't know about the gay bashings on our streets. Not everyone reads the papers. 2) creates an opportunity to discuss HOW we should organize to respond to these incidents, which is why the Seattle Commission for Sexual Minorities is speaking about what they're doing and they're work with the Seattle Police Department and Gay City to better know what's going on and where so we can develop a strategy to stop it before it happens. 3) After getting our asses kicked by Prop 8, we need to build confidence in our community that we CAN fight back and win against bigotry. 4) It allows people who DON'T JUST SIT AND BITCH ON THE SLOG TO BEGIN TO PLAY AN ACTIVE ROLE IN ENDING THEIR OWN OPPRESSION. Those who whine are invited to remain in front of their computers and continue to be irrelevant.
Every single person who came here to post a message simply to criticize: I challenge you. Come up with your own response and make it work.

Chris down in The Couv
tired fag

Make yourselves relevant. Seriously. Put down the bong and become a part of changing the world. No cynicism, no pathetic bitchiness, no self-loathsome attacks on the efforts of others when you're not doing anything yourselves. Yeah, I know it's really hard to act like a productive adult and work to build solutions to problems, but sometimes it's time to grow up and actually do something.

I also challenge you to stand on the sidewalks as we march past. Look around at the people beside you and ask them how they feel seeing people stand up for their rights. The bars have responded very positively. I guess only a very small irrelevant minority thinks otherwise.
Armchair, in my career, I have been out in a non-gay work environment (and sometimes in a downright hostile environment) for THE LAST 13 YEARS, a total of 5 jobs with 5 different sets of co-workers. Not preaching, just educating my straight male co-workers by example that gay people are just folks. It hasn't always been easy (almost got fired once), but it's been very rewarding.

So don't you DARE say I haven't been doing anything, bitch.

Fuck you and the rainbow you rode in on. I don't need it.
It's easy to march in a pride parade, Armchair, with everyone smiling and cheering you on.

It's a hell of a lot tougher trying to do your job and maintain your dignity with a half dozen straight guys looking at you funny for 8 hours a day.
A 60-year-old woman was also attacked in the CD, unprovoked, mid-day on 2/14. Don't know queer/straight/white/black/other. Just that she was 60, walking on Yesler, and minding her own business. WTF is wrong with people.…
@Lonnie: I'm going to respectfully disagree. Hold a vigil if it makes you feel better, but I sincerely doubt it will make any change in levels of violence.

I think this increase in violence is due to the steadily degenerating economic system. As the situation worsens, we will see more hate crimes directed at the more vulnerable members of society (gays, women, the elderly) as well as more muggings/assaults.

If we want to stop crime we need to improve society, increase the police presence, and protect ourselves -- whether that's Q Patrol, driving friends home, or (not my favorite option) packing heat.
This story makes me angry.
Gay bashing makes me feel sick and sad. This has become a real problem in society especialy in schools. I wish I could help do something about it. I'm bisexual and comming out to my friends and family was so hard. Some of my friends ignored me and some people i didn't even know very well verbaly and physicaly abused me. I'm only 14 and all i want to do right now is help people who are comming out and help prevent gay bashing. If someone could tell me how i'd really appreciate it. My e-mail is

I am definately w/ Tired Fag on this comment. It is about time we start looking out for OUR selves.
OUTRAGED. I grew up in the deep south, outraged at voilence against blacks, Latinos, and now, up in the Pac NW, there is violence against gays. Unbelievable. I confess; I am white, and I am straight. I have also taught sociology and I just became a lawyer. I'm afraid that some of the other comments are true -- as the economy gets worse, expect more hate violence, against all minorities. If there is someone to blame for making gays one of the targeted minorities, look to the so-called "religious" groups, where the self-loathing pedophile preachers have objectified homosexuality as a symbol of all they hate. The congregations blindly and thoughtlessly say a-men. They did the same to the blacks, and that discrimination has only subsided after a couple generations of increasingly progressive laws. (Cognitive Dissonance notion). That's what we have to fight in the long term -- you cannot argue people out of their hate, because it is irrational -- it is not logical, it is psycho-logical. In the short term, I would support and be a part of a Q-patrol. Being armed could invite an escalation of violence, but I know for me personally, I would want to pack heat if I were gay and alone downtown at night.
Perhaps we should ask Sloggers In Charge why we've hardly heard a peep about this vigil (flyers have been up for weeks) when back when the Big Marriage March was being planned they gave it quite a lot of coverage and support...
Okay everyone. There is no easy answer to any of this. Cruel people that have been that way all there lives and raised that prejudice and bigotry are an acceptable form of behavior will be around for a long time to come. The most powerful people in this country that control most of the decision making and have most of the wealth are heavily populated with the "Good Ole Boys Club" so we won't see much help there. And it's definitely not the pot issue, that was just a coincidence, and may have not even been a true fact, but if you've ever known a pot smoker they are predominantly not violent.

Violence is not the answer, though in theory it sounds good. If you have to lower yourself to their violent level and start "packing", well, then you've lost as well. A vigil is not really to force change as well, as we all know the only people that pay attention to these are the people that don't need to change. This is really for those that need support and need to heal, and this is very necessary for a lot of folks to move on after something this horrible, so don't demean this process as it is helping in it's own way.

The answer is actually fairly easy. END THE VIOLENCE. It has to become humanly unacceptable for another human being to act violently toward another. Now, getting my head out of my "PollyAnna" world, I realize we're far from ever having that. That being said I will make an even more outrageous proposition that if we could ever pull this off would make life a hell of a lot more enjoyable for those in the LGBT community and friends and family thereof.

LET'S MAKE QUEER STRIKE A REALITY!!! And not just for a day, but for good. It's not just LGBT community members but thousands of good hard working people that are fed up with all the violence and living their lives in constant fear. This would take extreme organization but I for one am willing to start it if I felt enough support would make it happen. If this country full of hateful ignorant people feel they can do without us, then fine, let's leave them. Can you imagine if thousands of us got together and organized our own community or town (kind of like PTown already is). We had our own little businesses and entertainment and housing, and the community was developed with security to keep non members out. I know there are plenty of wealthy people in Hollywood circles and Technology and Medical circles that if they became part of this movement and take a risk it would seriously work.

Imagine that, a great place to live where members that have proved themselves can live in peace! I know it's a bit out there, and the obvious better option would be for the rest of the world to just stop hating so we can all live in peace together, but I don't see that as much more of a reality than this idea. Rosie O'Donnell has basically figured this one out, have you seen her compound? Keeping everyone together in numbers and just accepting that you don't have to be able to live every single place to actually have freedom. I for one would give up having the entire US as a place to live if I could pick just one that I knew was filled with non violent tolerant people all trying to just build a better life. (Europeans figured this out centuries ago and it's still working today, go visit any of their thousands of tiny villages and see how they all stay local and work together, and seem very happy and peaceful). Imagine not having to spend 75% of your day entering passwords, security codes, keys and every other security measure we perform every day, simply because we can't trust each other.

Let the hate mongers live without us. Soon they will have no movies, no theatre, no airlines, no nurses, no designers, no Bravo, No HGTV, no Dynasty Rerun Parties, and no major theme parks. Eventually their world will turn to crap or they will realize how valuable we all are and change their attitudes. In the meantime it would sure be nice to live and work in peace, and actually have to time to truly care about each other.

I know a lot of people will look at this as total fluff, but until an idea like this is taken seriously I just don't see the change happening that is needed. Until there are actual severe consequences people like this won't change. Violence is never the answer as a sever consequence, but denying them our presence and valuableness is a great answer.
i'm sick of this world being ran by cowardly men, men whom are afraid of their own sexuality, this is a disgrace what has happened again and again to the gay community, i don't see any gay person going out and kicking someone's ass based on their sexuality, just leave us alone, i am a lesbian, i have been targeted, oddly enough what sounds to be the same kind of guys whom did this terrible thing to one of our own. grow up you cowardly children and stay in your own bars and leave us the hell alone.
Please, this is not a case for everyone to grab a gun and run around with their scared finger on the trigger. How about we don't have everyone running around with guns just because we are all afraid of each other?
man, i feel so bad for victims of gay-bashing. i fucking hate this shit. homophobes are fucking cowards and i'd like to see them on the recieving end. BUT that doesnt make it any more right so meh.
i do agree that something needs to be done about it, but guns are a bit too far.

i'd rather not join an argument between angry adults but i thought i should have my say too. >

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