
If I thought I could get a table at Lark on a Friday night, I would totally go check this out.
The shabby treatment of French farm animals is the greatest crisis facing the world today.
I totally agree. It's the forest/tree/vision problem, except in duck form.

I personally prefer to consume meat from animals that are humanely raised on appropriate foods (e.g. cattle need grass, not corn) and humanely slaughtered whenever possible. It's not just a difference in terms of the animal's life, but also in the taste (and healthfulness) of the food. I was sold on this concept when I started trying pastured beef on sale at farmer's markets and milk from pastured cows. You can't go back once you taste the good stuff.
If feeding an animal in a way that makes them sick is so deplorable then beef should be the target. So why not protest at Dicks instead. Foie gras preparation definitely makes geese ill towards the end of their lives. I suppose their experience would be something like that of the guy in Super Size Me, since they are suffering from the same disorder: fatty liver. Still it seems like in the scheme of things a week or so of a goose forced to feel like your average american fast food eater doesn't seem like such an affront to interspecies justice.
I was born in the Dordogne--in the village of Domme, no less--and I've been back to the foie gras capitol several times since. I'll tell you this: When the geese see that farmer step out with the feeder in his hand, it's a damn mob scene. They can't wait to be force fed. They live in pastoral fields, they are fed well, and they are killed mercifully. As Bethany said, these protester asswipes should focus on the real problems of cruelty in most American poultry, pig and cow farms.
Here, here! I couldn't agree more.
So there are no foie gras farms that don't treat their ducks humanely? Are you kidding?

Nevertheless, if any of those protesters eat meat, and especially if they ever eat meat that's not free range and organic, they really need to shut up.

I guess Rick Steves didn't include this farm in his show.
oreilly and limbaugh have to defend the french now
I'm vegan so I don't support any kind of animal consumption, but picking on a tiny, locally owned restaurant seems like a complete waste of time. and bitchy.
I suppose the farm featured in this video is a complete anomaly, because Dominic says that foie gras geese are all so happy and carefree...…
Wow, The Stranger is against protesting something and pro foie gras. Shocking.
Seattle liberals are the stupidest liberals.
Bethany, you are so right on this issue. These animal right freaks need to get a grip. Foie gras is a humanely raised animal product, and if you don't believe me, just watch this.…
Dominic, is this the foie gras farm you visited?…

It looks beautiful and amazing.
So, can you clarify what side of the fence you are on?

looking grim
just waddled away
pulls the trigger to squirt the corn
happy geese
they glow in rich colors
calm, in no pain, and are designed to take in food this manner
people so upset with the foie gras process
eats three kinds of foie gras
Other animals are suffering; geese raised for foie gras, humanely treated, are not
Just look at the geese come running! It's a regular mob scene.…
Ducks an geese are amazing animals who fly, walk, and swim, making humans look tremendously inadequate. The thrive in a wide variety of climates. If you eat them, after seeing them migrate in formation, you are a heartless piece of crap. If you support their torture after seeing some propaganda, you are an evil stupid piece of crap.
@14 Bethany takes in all evidence before she makes an opinion.
I do think it's a bit dishonest to form your opinion on foie gras in general based on the fact that some farms exist where its humanely produce. Obviously, that's not going to be the case everywhere, and there are certainly plenty of farms where practices are inhumane... It'd be sort of like saying that because there are organic farms where cows are treated well and humanely slaughtered, that there's no argument against eating any beef at all.

Foie gras is not an issue I get all that worked up about, on one side or the other, but you have to recognize that the people protesting it have a point. Not sure protesting a restaurant is the best way to create change on the issue, but that's another story.
Bethany, why did you try to contact the chef from Lark for a comment and no one from NARN? Is it because you aren't interested in anything NARN has to say? If you were at the protest, you could've easily have spoken to them.

Nice biased reporting, but we know, the The Stranger doesn't really do "reporting" really, just opinions.
Better treatment than the turkeys got in that Sarah Palin interview:…
This foie gras farm looks great - I'm going to vacation there this summer!…
I'm glad I read @10 before I read @18, so I can remember that only *some* vegans are pretentious and sanctimonious twats.
Bethany, If you were force fed until you grow to ten times your normal size, perhaps you would consider this treatment inhumane.

Your argument, that animal rights activists are focusing on the wrong sorts of abuses, that there should be a greater emphasis on the environmental impact of Tyson and Hormel, proves that you just don't understand the aims of the animal rights movement. The environmental impact of these companies is a completely viable issue, but a completely separate issue from animal rights abuses. In the event that you might have missed it.. NARN is an acronym for Northwest Animal Rights Network, and being as such, I would imagine that NARN would concern itself with animal rights issues, not environmental issues.

So this leads me to a bit of confusion as to the purpose of your post in the first place...
It would seem to me that you just are a bit pissed of at animal rights activists and wanted to bitch about them...did they somehow make your dinner at the Lark unpleasant? Was it as unpleasant as being force fed till you are 10 times your intended size?

You have dismissed what is widely recognized as brutal treatment on the merits of the practices on one farm in a Rick Steves episode (did you bother to ask the restaurant if their Foie Gras comes from this, or a similiar farm, or could it have been sourced from one of the many factory foie gras farms?).

Bethany, all ducks raised for Foie Gras are treated inhumanely, regardless which farm they are raised on. Force feeding any animal is inhumane, regardless how good you might think it tastes. The Rick Steves piece you so enthusiastically site is the exception to the rule in regard to the treatment of the geese, and any journalist worth her salt would have provided a more accurate, less one-sided defence of her position.
@23 what a beautiful song! really.
Well said sankyo.
Lark should capitalize on this and offer a foie gras Happy Hour Fridays during the protest.
Other animals are suffering; geese raised for foie gras, humanely treated, are not.

The problem is, Bethany, most geese raised for foie gras are *not* humanely treated. That's the issue, see? Citing an example from a Rick Steves program as proof that foie gras is humanely produced, and not bothering to find out why NARN is protesting at Lark or what their anti-foie gras demos are all about, is just lazy and dishonest "journalism".

You also make the assumption that the anti-foie gras protesters are eating all kinds of other "comfy farm animals". Did you ask them? Did you talk with anyone from NARN? From your post, it's pretty obvious that you didn't, or if you did, for some reason you're withholding that information.

If you just wanted to bitch about the protesters, well, I guess you accomplished that. But you look a bit of a fool in doing so.

If you want Foie Gras, go to Green Lake and find a Goose. Show it your harmless tube and just wait for it to come running. Then stuff the tube down its throat and let the Corn flow.

Just make sure there are no cops around because that would make you a criminal. You're right, it makes way more sense to detach yourself completely and just let someone else do it.
Have any of these animal rights folks ever eaten foie gras? Try some, then get back to me. Pure heaven.

"Ducks an geese are amazing animals who fly, walk, and swim, making humans look tremendously inadequate. "

Speak for your own inadequacies. THanks.

Seriously, you people are FUCKING nazis. Don't tell me what I can and cannot eat. You are worse than Jerry Falwell's followers...why? Cuz you live near me.

Seriously touch my foie gras and I'll run one of you vegan fuckers over with my Subaru. The one with the Obama sticker.
And to the owners of Lark. Without these fuckers ruining people's right to enjoy a meal in peace and quiet, I would have never known you served foie gras. i'll be there tonight. Get a bottle of Chateau Neuf de Papes ready, one in one of those heavy f*cking bottles so I can throw it at these assholes outside your business.
Mmm. Please pass the fois gras! Love it love it love it.
Ballard Man: Animals Rights people don't partake in foie gras you idiot. It's not about taste, though if you like eating diseased fatty liver, I'm not sure I'd trust your taste in food.

And...crying Nazi is an automatic FAIL on your part for internet spewing.

@ 10: The fact that Larks says that they are ethical, humane, organic and sustainable is the reason NARN is "picking" on them. They are deceiving their customers into thinking that a process that inherently uses cruelty to justify the endproduct is somehow ethical and humane. While Lark's use of organic local produce is commendable, foie gras is not local, nor is it organic, sustainable, humane or ethical.
I'll hold Ballard Girl down if someone wants to shove a pipe down his throat and stuff some corn into his gullet.
Vachement dit!
I am so tired of people always complaining that animal rights people should go protest KFC/Dicks/Hormel/anyone except who they are protesting at the moment. Lemme tell you, every time I've been protesting Dicks, people yell at me to protest KFC or McDonald's or anyone else. Then when I'm over in front of KFC, people yell "why don't you protest the war", "get a life", "why don't you do something about puppy mills?" "why don't you bla, bla, bla". Here is the thing people - why don't you put up or shut up? Get your ass off the couch and go fight for something you believe in instead of criticizing other people for speaking their minds.
So if a business is small they should get a pass on doing unethical things? I suppose you folks would defend fur ranchers too? After all, they are just trying to feed their families by electrocuting small animals.
Ballard Man: wow, what a man you must feel like. You must feel inadequate about your manhood. Seriously, you get laid with that attitude?

I wouldn't recommend even touching those folks. There is a lawyer in their mix to make sure no-one gets away with anything against them. They have a right to be where they are and do what they do. And you have a right to be a complete asshole, which you are certainly showing in full glory. But don't even try to harm them.
Too bad Guantanamo is closing. Now that there's nothing of importance to protest, we get stuck with self-righteous twats like NARN.

Seriously, GTFO of my city.
i bet if a tiny local restaurant discriminated against gays the stranger would see things differently
Humane myth. An idea being propagated by the animal-using industry and some animal protection organizations that it is possible to use and kill animals in a manner that can be fairly described as respectful or compassionate or humane.
I think it's just awesome that NARN targets Lark when QFC sells the stuff right down the street. It's obviously good publicity for Lark, or else they probably would have worked out the differences. I actually saw the protest while driving down 12th and thought "Interesting - what's that all about. Oh hmm - Lark. When was the last time I was there. Note to self - gotta go soon. Maybe try me some of that Faux Graw..."

But hey - these NARN people obviously don't have lives, so it's giving them an outlet for their friday night. I say have fun you wacky Animal-rights people - I mean, what's better than disrupting a few diners and having to stand out in the bitter cold? (Oh - wait, I know - how about filling Lark entirely with NARN people and then NOT ORDERING the 'gras' and maybe leaving literature on the table as you go? Ooooh burn!!)
The production of foie gras has been banned in more than a dozen other countries and as of 2012, both the production and sale of foie gras will be illegal in the state of California. Other states are on their way to adopting similar legislation. Why? Because when geese are force fed up to 7 pounds of food every day for 3 weeks until their livers swell up up to ten times their normal size and they're so fat they can barely move, it is considered ANIMAL CRUELTY. Supersize Me?'s more like eating 16 pounds of spaghetti a day. Sick.

Sure, there are a million things to protest but foie gras is relatively new to the US and since there is no "humane" way to produce it, I want a foie gras free Seattle. Other protests have been successful in getting restaurants to remove it from their menu, including most recently, The Chop House chain in Michigan. Lark touts itself for being "organic" and "sustainable." Is foie gras organic? I don't think so! Is foie gras sustainable? I don't think so! Therefore, I protest. It's one less hour a week I get to waste on the internet.
Ah, the pastoral, stress-free life of geese on a foie gras farm. How charming!…
I don't particularly like fois gras, but I almost want to go out and buy some on general principles.

Perhaps I'll have some veal instead....
Force feed the geese. I love foie gras.
I actually think Bethany sincerely believes that geese raised for foie gras are treated humanely, just like a lot of Limbaugh/O'Reilly fans sincerely believe that "enhanced interrogation techniques" do not constitute torture. She believes--they believe--because they want to believe.

It's been said that humans are not so much rational animals as rationalizing animals, and boy, animal welfare/rights is just one of those hot-button issues where you see that truth.

Nicholas Kristof from The New York Times is the consummate open-minded individual, and yet even he has a hard time dealing with this issue. From his column A Farm Boy Reflects:
Once a month or so, we would slaughter the geese.....

The 150 geese knew that something dreadful was happening and would cower in a far corner of the barn, and run away in terror as I approached. Then I would grab one and carry it away as it screeched and struggled in my arms.

Very often, one goose would bravely step away from the panicked flock and walk tremulously toward me. It would be the mate of the one I had caught, male or female, and it would step right up to me, protesting pitifully. It would be frightened out of its wits, but still determined to stand with and comfort its lover.

We eventually grew so impressed with our geese — they had virtually become family friends — that we gave the remaining ones to a local park.

And yet:
So, yes, I eat meat (even, hesitantly, goose).

Although he goes on: But I draw the line at animals being raised in cruel conditions.

At least Kristof didn't make such a sad attempt to selectively find evidence that rationalizes his choices.
Nope, nothing wrong with foie gras production, especially because Dominic says there isn't!…
Considering how much shit the geese leave around the UW fountain every year I am all for rounding them up and feeding them to the poor. The ducks on the other hand are so cute, I like to feed them (they like Corn Flakes).
I vote for goose freedom ... and I love my steak, lean, home grown and RARE.

Or, most often, on sale at QFC.

I grew up on a small farm and the geese were the hit of the place. We had about a dozen in a field with a little pond.

Ganders are terrifying when you are a small child. Goslings are adorable. Roasted, at holidays, sublime food.
Have you ever noticed that animal rights protestors are almost always white, middle class and college educated? Too much free time on their hands.
#46, that is a bit like saying "well, I like gays, but maybe I'll go beat up a couple of homos just 'cause I don't like Dan Savage". Real mature.
to all the people posting the youtube videos:

If you are have been around the farm these videos will elicit a shrug. Compare them to a pig being slaughtered, for example (not even on an industrial farm):…

The point is foie gras is no more wrong than any meat (which you probably think is all wrong but still- why go after this tiny niche product?)
I should just add to my comment @48 that I don't mean to equate slaughtering geese with raising geese for foie gras and then slaughtering them.

Oh, and for the record...

Big Sven @24: I'm glad I read @10 before I read @18, so I can remember that only *some* vegans are pretentious and sanctimonious twats.

joykiller @40: Too bad Guantanamo is closing. Now that there's nothing of importance to protest, we get stuck with self-righteous twats like NARN.

twat (from Wikipedia):
The word twat has various functions, its primary meaning being a vulgar synonym for the human vulva, vagina, or clitoris.[1] It is also widely used as a derogatory epithet, especially in British English. The word is usually considered vulgar in all contexts.

Big Sven and joykiller, you're real big boys, aren't you? Please tell me you don't have children of your own you have to be role models for.
oh man - all this talk about dead animals has me drooling! You know what I like to eat? Puppy feet. Yeah, those are delicious, especially when they are from a nice domesticated dog. My favorite thing to do is drive around town and take dogs out of someone's yard, then slaughter them at home. So tender! But hey - at least I have the balls to kill it myself unlike you pansies paying someone else to butcher your chickens and pigs. Kitten eyeballs are pretty tasty too. Pop them out while they are still alive. It doesn't hurt them.
You're right Matt, I think all meat is fucked, but why not go after this "tiny niche product"?
You're right "I do my own dirty work", that is dirty work.
Meat is tasty. And for God's sake, animals don't have equivalent human rights. Even right wing nutcases will tell you so. Their bible says they're here to serve (and be eaten. Yum.)

If we didn't need animal proteins from outside sources, we'd be able to produce our own.
Bethany, I'd like to protest your protestation of the protest at lark. Too bored to find a worthy subject?
@MeatTroll: That's why they call them "animal rights", not "human rights".

We don't need animal protein. I'm sorry.

And the Bible isn't real either. Sorry again.
I lost a lot of respect for NARN when I read a post on a blog by one of their leaders. This man actually compared the suffering of chickens to the suffering of prisoners in nazi death camps. To me it seemed a huge insult to the human beings who died in those camps. With that sort of twisted thinking that little grouplet will get nowhere.

Where are you going to get that protein, then? Your multivitamin? Good luck with that. I'll have a burge and sing at your funeral.
yeah eat burgers and you'll look so healthy
Can someone explain to me how foie gras is any worse than eating a battery chicken? Or worse, a turkey? The ones that can't stand up because they're modified to have an enormous breast? Because I don't get the difference.

At 43, I'm probably 20 pounds under the recommended weight for my age and size and WAY under the recommended body fat index. So yeah, I'll stick to my meat habit. 'Cause it's TASTY.

One cocaine and champagne spangled night in Las Vegas -- sometime around 1994 I think -- I dined on seared foie gras with a dark wine and berry reduction. The succulence was astounding, the champagne a perfectly dry vintage Veuve Cliquot. Later, I enjoyed the depraved charms of a handsome prostitute until a desert sunrise streaked the Nevada sky.
You know, every time these cracks pots get some press it only moves people towards the right wing. You a**holes feed them with this stupidity, you embarrass those on the left who try to live in moderation but respect people's right to choose and live free lives.

And btw, since this blog is filled with false analogies: I believe in a womans' right to a late term abortion and the right to eat fois gras. But how can you be against fois gras and pro-late term abortion? I can guarantee these a**holes think like this.

Seriously, these people are f*cking demented. Look out next week when I drop my Chateau Neuf des Papes on your heads.
Foie gras from inhumanely treated ducks DOES NOT TASTE GOOD. If the geese get upset and stressed out, there livers taste foul.

Every farmer knows that. Bad tasting food doesn't sell. so it is in the farmers economic interest to treat the geese in a manner that doesn't stress them.

Protesters are a great advertisement for Lark. I went straight to Google to find out how to get there.
hey wench, foie gras isn't worse than battery hens, no one said it was. NARN isn't saying it is, they are just asking a restaurant that claims to care about where it's food comes from to take this one little bitty item off of their menu.
You want to start a campaign against battery hens? NARN will support you. I say go for it!
homegirl do you support my right to torture dogs? In the same of consistency, you should. You know - cause I torture them in moderation and all....
"this one little bitty item off of their menu."

Where do you live? Let me come over to your house and see how you live and then make up a list of things I want you to stop doing and eating. Come on, man up, name and address, I'll be over with a notebook in an hour to violate your privacy.
"homegirl do you support my right to torture dogs?"

I don't think its torture, so how can I answer your loaded question?

FYI, I've eaten dog in Korea and China.

Too gamey.

I had mink whale meat in Shibuya, Tokyo.

Too greasy.

And I've fois gras at Lark. Yummy.
"selfish people suck "

Well, we're a hell of lot more fun to be around than the anal retentive, do-it-my-way, we're morally superior crowd of left wing and right wing a**holes all over the US who always want to tell you how to live. You guys are no different than the rightwing nuts telling us how to live our lives.
and by the way, I lived in France for many years, love the people, speak the language and 99% of them think you're f*cking nuts too.
Aside from the anti-vegan crowd with chips on shoulders, there are some good questions here regarding journalistic standards. How many comments do there need to be before Bethany feels obligated to weigh in?
sorry MeatTroll i didn't catch what you said
"with chips on shoulders"

Sorry, we're not the ones telling you how to live. If you want to be a vegan, be my guest. I want to eat fois gras? Suddenly you want to invade my privacy.

None of you wackjobs has answered my question: how can you protest fois gras but not late term abortions?

I support the right to enjoy both.
I agree that there are more pressing animal rights issues, but trusting that one video is representative of all or even most foie gras farms is pretty lame.

And "humanely raised meat" is a total fucking sham.
Homegirl, I don't see anyone invading your privacy. And I've never met anyone who has "enjoyed" late-term abortions. This is a first.
To 78:

Please, vegans are harassed about being vegan all the damn time. And what you eat is no longer just your business when it's needlessly cruel or environmentally destructive.

I am sure none of us wackjobs have answered your question because it doesn't make any sense. Who said that protesting foie gras means that you support late term abortions?
People are trying to outlaw vegans choices to eat? Where?when? Name one city?

Being laughed at is not the same as outlawing unless you're a 3 yr old.
And abnie when was the last time people protested at a vegan restaurant? Can u give one example?
Chip. Poor, angry Ballard Guy.
Well if you're against torturing French farm animals why are you not against aborting 8 month human fetuses? Why is one morally repugnant to you the other not? That's all homegirl wants to know.
Angry? I'm not the one screaming at diners outside a restaurant on freezing Friday night. These clowns are as crazie as the pro life nuts.
Nobody said they weren't. But, since you ask, these two things would be comparable only if people went out to have late-term abortions for the sheer joy of it.
calm down, Ballard Guy
I have no 'chip on my shoulder" about vegans. If that is the diet you choose I respect your choice. Where some individual vegans have lost me is when they insist it is anything more than a dietary choice. The vegans I have known realize it is nothing more than that and they respect my right to my choice as much as I respect theirs.
I know plenty of people who've tried fois gras and didn't enjoy it. So it's ok to eat fois gras if you don't enjoy it?
you can eat foi gras in cases of rape or where it would save the the life of the mother

Where are you going to get that protein, then? Your multivitamin?

You are really fucking stupid. Please don't breed.
Foie gras production is usually a cottage industry. Traditionally it was a means for a farm wife to provide some income for herself. Geese were cheap and they turned a good profit. I am curious as to why they protest an industry that is pretty small compared to the cattle or chicken industry in the United States. Yes the slaughter of animals is going to be considered uncivilized, but until someone can find a way to club a cow to death with pixie dust and rainbows, we are going to have to stick to our current methods. There are better ways to raise livestock and slaughter them so that the stress/pain is at a minimum. There are some farmers who subscribe to this method (and bless them for it) and I think it would be a wiser way to spend time fighting the chicken/cattle industry. You want to talk about inhumane go into a chicken battery farm. That is some sad tragic stuff.
I suggest watching the Anthony Bourdain Christmas episode where they visit a foie gras/goose farm, talk to a vet (about the anatomy of a goose or duck) and show exactly what goes on.
Farm life isn't tidy and pretty and some people have a problem with that.
It is fine if a person doesn't want to eat meat but I find it highly uncivilized for someone to tell me what I can and can not eat. I might come and bite you.
@92 He's a 20 pounds underweight middle-aged guy who spends all day on the internet. Nobody will breed with him.
@93, watch 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 23. Did Anthony Bourdain visit those farms?
Angry? I'm not the one screaming at commenters on the Slog on a freezing Saturday night. These clowns are as crazie as the pro life nuts.
I hate these fucking puritanical assholes in the US. Telling us how to eat, how to fuck. Get on with your own joyless lives, the rest of us want some joie de vivre. I want to fuck how I like and eat how I like. You and the Moral Majority don't like? Well, don't do it.
I hate these fucking whackjob wingnuts on Slog. Telling us how to comment on Slog, how to fuck. Get on with your own joyless lives, the rest of us want some joie de vivre. I want to fuck how I like and comment how I like. You and Ballard Guy don't like? Well, don't do it.
Awww, somebody made homegirl pout. Let her have her foi gras. She needs her joy.
Pout? I'd say Homegirl's in a full-blown snit. Poor thing, to get that aggro and wound up over some comments on the Internet.

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