
Go to Vino Volo!
@1 - Are you referring to Vino Volo Ale House that "aims to revolutionize how people experience wine and beer"? I almost did but their logo was too rich for my blood!
@2: Hah! Yes. That. I promise, it's the best place to get a drink there. (Full disclosure: I work at the one in Seattle)
Haha, if they plan to "revolutionize" your beer drinking experience by putting considerably less alcohol in it then I suppose they're onto something. Also, I refuse to believe you encountered a child in Utah not named "Connor."
Hummus is Lebanese, Greeks get mad when you ask for it...
@4 Connor is on the way out. Logan, Payson, Hyrum, Jackson, and Brigham are all more popular than Connor nowadays. Still waiting for Nephi and Moroni to get popular....

SLC Airport was better before the mass eviction of the more local establishments in favor of the national crapola. For entertainment, find the nearest Deseret Books and ask them about buying Fawn Brodie's No Man Knows My History.
The Slog equivalent of writing a negative Yelp review of a restaurant you're still sitting in.

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