
I like how all the questions he answered started with a bunch of massive ass kissing of the mayor
Excellent move.
@1 Bro, do you even read?
Where the hell did all those gun nuts come from?
#4: The worst website on the Internet (reddit).

It's sad that McGinn is pandering to the libertarian sociopaths over there. But, it makes me feel better about my write-in vote for "Not a white dude".
If Reddit had a dick, Constant would suck it.
If I lived in Seattle, the mere fact that Comcast was heavily backing one candidate would severely prejudice me against him.

I'm speaking as a former Comcast employee too. During my time there, I acquainted myself with the telecommunications industry as a matter of professional interest. What I learned was that my employer (among others interested in the duopoly situation found around the US) was actively holding the US back. I became a strong supporter of municipal fiber initiatives as a result.

The crap they pull with cable TV (not wholly their fault as an MSO, "content providers", of which Comcast is increasingly one of the largest, are also to blame) is just the icing on the cake of Comcast's evil.

(And no, all the "Xfinity" rebranding in the world won't help change my opinion)
5, lol. If Slog got the kind of traffic reddit did, then they would be "the worst website on the net." It attracts everyone, which means a large portion of them are going to be raging assholes. It also attracts the paid shills, the folks who earn some pennies by posting pro-this or anti-that on the internet.
@4 raku, you're so proficient at succinctly demonstrating why you should rarely be taken seriously. Absolutes aren't all that healthy but they sure taste great!
Errr... I meant @5... clearly *I* should not be taken seriously all too often either.
Is $700 "a big pile of money" now ? For most of us in Seattle, that's about half a year worth of Comcast bills (don't even get me started on their cable modem rental fees).

Coincidentally, that's the same dollar amount McGinn has received from Lincoln Towing, the SPOG, and Muckleshoot tribes.
@5, 4: Reddit gets a worse rap than it deserves - the community varies a LOT by subreddit. Many of the defaults are awful, a few are good, but some of the smaller subs are really quite nice and contain far more worthwhile grownups than a casual glance at the default front page would lead you to believe.

That said, the Seattle subreddit sucks for some reason. I have no idea how, but it managed to develop a small, vociferous, and very down-votey core of conservative assholes who ruin it. They're still a minority but they make it unpleasant and cause people like me to unsubscribe, therefore skewing the population worse.
8- "Reddit attracts everyone" -- yeah, white guys who like computers, white guys who like cars, white guys who like guns, white guys who like other white guys,white guys who like making fun of non-white non-guys, white guys who like memes -- you know, everyone!

Reddit is literally the least diverse big social site except Pinterest. Reddit has a diverse community of free speech subforums just like Pinterest has a diverse community of dream wedding pinboards.
If McGinn doesn't win (and it seems he will not), it proves to me that Seattle's community IQ has gotten a lot lower over the last 4 years. As such, Seattle will deserve Murray.
While, to be fair, most the people I know who use reddit are in fact computer-savvy (if not -fixated) white guys, stereotyping of individual users' political beliefs or general attitudes based on the worst of the bunch is unfair here as well as elsewhere, and fosters ignorance.

I'm not a reddit user (redditor?). Too many other distractions in life, and I am not a fan of what the site can sometimes foster, but I stand by the good people I know who use it.

I thought (a couple errant gun-and-tax-neurotic libertarian comments notwithstanding) the AMA went really well!
@11: Don't forget that they've given the Broadband Communications Association of WA PAC almost $29k, who have given $700 to Murray and $5k to one of the Murray PACs. Comcast also gave $5k to Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy, which has put $62,500 into various pro-Murray PACs and $600 to Murray directly.
Funny how McGinn leased our dark fiber to Comcast in the Pioneer Square district and now they provide up to 10gbs service, only to promote Gigabit Seattle by attacking Comcast for failing to provide gigabit service (which they now do).

Better hope Gigabit Seattle does provide true gigabit service, its mostly going to be wireless, which will some apartments in Beltown already have and it works great. But thats done by Condonet, which has been doing gigabit for a few years now. Gigabit Seattle has zero experience in building such a network, so lets hope its not a comedy of errors.

A big pile of money to McGinn could be wads of single dollar bills, for when he visits strip clubs on the bike path home.
@17... Comcast 10gb... I'm too lazy to look it up, but no way that's true.

Yeah, that took me so much time to confirm. Google is your friend.…
Only on Reddit can a pro-concealed-carry opinion win over an anti-gun opinion. On a page focused on Seattle.
@19 your (broken) link says nothing of the sort. Learn the difference between 100 and 1000.

From comcast's website I see they offer 100/20 for $200/month. Gigabit Seattle will be offering 100/100 for $45/month.
@17. Its true, but its not residential service, but a commercial based one. Please do google it as Comcast is indeed offering that service. McGinn complains that Comcast isnt offering any form of gigabit service and I suppose he's too lazy to look it up too.
@21. Gigabit Seattle will mostly be wireless and not as secure, Comcast will offer hardwired service, fiber all the way and much more secure.
Washington Post on the Mayor's true claim, the money involved is $50K+ from just Comcast.

I like populist McGinn again over corporate shill Ed Murray.

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